"This was arrested on the order of Prince Baili himself. If we can't find you, you, and your heads, we'll all have to move." The county magistrate cursed the arresters who failed to find anyone. Looking at the motionless people, he scolded, "Why are you still standing there, go o

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"Prince Baili ordered us to arrest this person personally. If we can't find you, you, and your heads will all have to be moved." The county magistrate cursed the arresters who failed to find the person.

looked at the motionless crowd and scolded, "Why are you still standing there, go out and look for it~" All the government officials fled quickly.

A young catcher asked the catcher in confusion, "Boss, Master Feng is a good man, why do we still want to arrest him!" The catcher looked at the young catcher who was not experienced in the world, and said seriously: "Because he offended him. It’s someone who shouldn’t be offended.”

The police officers and the government officials were searching the streets one by one, and the police chief led a group of people to Feng’s house. More than a dozen people searched carefully three times but could not find it. The head catcher was in a state of confusion. This was definitely not going to work and he had to show off to the county magistrate.

"Come on, come on, get me a torch and burn the Feng's house." The catcher ordered people to get hay and set the entire Feng's house on fire.

The raging fire instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and Feng Mansion was completely swallowed up in a matter of seconds. The old locust tree in the courtyard is particularly magical. The tree body is crystal clear and glowing with green light. The wood in all the rooms was burning, and black smoke shot into the sky. People dozens of miles away can see clearly.

Fengdu looked at the smoke billowing in his direction and secretly thought that something bad was going on. The next moment, he appeared in the sky above his home. Looking at the fire, he also saw the magic of the locust tree. Fengdu waved his hand to call for wind and rain, and heavy rain poured down. The fire was quickly put out.

Fengdu was very angry and wanted to kill them all. Originally Fengdu didn't want to be so radical, but once the fire burned, Fengdu became angry.

When the head catcher saw Fengdu in the sky, he was extremely frightened. This is the trick of the Immortal family, and there are actually immortals in the Feng family. The catcher collapsed on the ground, and now his face is pale. I thought to myself: I am finished, the immortal will not let me go.

Fengdu slowly fell to the ground, filled with murderous aura. He looked at the person who set the fire coldly and said indifferently: "Who asked you to burn it?" Everyone was terrified and pointed at the head catcher.

Fengdu was like a tiger that was about to eat people at any time. He asked the head catcher, "You want to burn down my house."

The head catcher was trembling and stammered, "I am not the immortal; it is the county magistrate. It was the county magistrate who asked me to do so." "Come on."

Fengdu's anger has turned into the fuel of the three real fires. Fengdu said lightly: Death penalty can be avoided, but living penalty cannot be escaped.

The head catcher was so frightened that he fainted. Fengdu didn't want to care about him. He hit the catcher's arm with his real energy. Fengdu came to the county magistrate's home, and his voice was like a loud bell: "My lord, county magistrate, I am Fengdu coming to visit." Every word was like thunder, and the county magistrate who was waiting anxiously was really shocked.

"Who is shouting, bring me in." The county magistrate sat in the lobby and ordered Fengdu to be brought in. There is a plaque hanging in the lobby with four shining characters - Integrity and Integrity.

Fengdu knew who was harming his family the moment he saw the county magistrate. Yes, it was Baili Wenmao who gave the order secretly, but why did he know that Fengdu's home was in Anzhong County. He had no way of knowing.

After Fengdu understood the cause and effect, he didn't want to get entangled here and disappeared in an instant. A group of people were left who didn't know what to do.

Fengdu soared into the clouds and mist, making bursts of wind and thunder. This was Fengdu's anger rubbing the air. He went directly to the border military camp, stood in the air and shouted to the people below: "Baili Wenmao, come out."

Baili Wenmao heard the sound and rushed out, and Yan Feichen came out with him. Fengdu understood why Baili Wenmao knew where his home was.

Fengdu didn't say anything and just started fighting. The golden light was overwhelming and the sound of Buddha filled the sky. Fengdu punched Baili Wenmao. Poor Baili Wenmao felt the fear just come over him. His body was out of control and he couldn't move, as if Zhong Yue was pressed against him, with an extremely terrifying aura and super terrifying energy.

The next moment, Baili Wenmao turned into gold powder and flew away with the wind. His soul was also sucked into the Buddhist kingdom by Fengdu and became a believer in Fengdu.

This may be the most cruel killing method.

Looking at the mighty Fengdu, Yan Feichen turned around and thought, Fenfeng's long voice sounded, "I will take you to the Pure Land of Paradise."Fengdu recited the "Sutra of Delivering People" and transformed Yan Feichen into the Buddhist kingdom of Fengdu.

Fengdu turned around to leave, but Master Kuangsha arrived. When Baili Wenmao felt the threat of death , sent a signal for help.

looked at Fengdu and shouted angrily: "You idiot, stop it." "Seeing the death of his beloved disciple, he was heartbroken.

came up and started fighting with Fengdu. The two were evenly matched. Fengdu had great powers such as clairvoyance and wishful thinking, but he had too little experience. Crazy Although the Sha Dao people do not have as many magical powers as Fengdu, they only have the Kuangsha Magical Power. The yellow sand in the sky is constantly bombarding Fengdu, and Fengdu relies on continuous evasion across the void.

Although Ruyi Tong is very powerful, Fengdu is underdeveloped.

Taoist Kuangsha saw that he could not attack for a long time, so he used his sword. Fengdu had no choice but to find a way to break the deadlock.

The first thing he thought of was his palm. In the Buddhist Kingdom, a world breaks through the sky, and the boundless power of a world fights against Kuangsha Taoist. Even if this world is weak, it is not something that a fairy can resist.

The Buddha Kingdom tears the sky, the sun and the moon shatter, and the invincible power is raging. , the place where Taoist Kuangsha was located cracked rocks and collapsed, and everything was annihilated.

In the end, Taoist Kuangsha was directly sucked into the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, and became a member of it, like Baili Wenmao, and became a believer in Fengdu, a heavenly immortal. The faith contributed by the level is huge.

The aftermath of the battle just now will inevitably hurt innocent people, so those who were accidentally injured also entered the Buddha Kingdom. Standing in the sky, Fengdu saw the souls of countless soldiers on the battlefield with nowhere to go. , Fengdu sat cross-legged in the sky and recited the mantra of rebirth. Countless souls poured into the Buddha Kingdom crazily, and the world behind Fengdu's head shone brightly for one hour...

for two hours. ··

It took Fengdu a whole day to convert all the souls. These souls were the souls of people who had died for millions of years, and Fengdu brought them into the light. The future.

The current Buddhist kingdom is like a toilet, with countless Buddhists chanting Buddhist scriptures day and night. Infinite faith has given back to Fengdu.

Fengdu's strength has increased again, and he decided to start practicing the golden body. The unique body-refining magic skill of Buddhism, Fengdu carved an indestructible body magic skill on seventy-two giant tablets. Based on this skill, Fengdu further evolved into the Buddhist golden body.

The golden body realm is divided into three. The three realms of Zhang Jin Shen, Liu Zhang Jin Shen and Jiu Zhang Jin Shen were all scattered. Feng Du didn't want to care about them. He found that his state of mind was still not stable enough after this incident. He decided to practice

for a while.

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