See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio

2024/05/1010:38:33 hotcomm 1552
See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

News See you at 8 o'clock for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world.

The situation in Afghanistan has been changing rapidly, and the world's attention is paying attention to how this war-torn country will return to the world stage. The current situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. 63 days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situation?

According to foreign media reports on the 17th, the streets of Kabul were a bit empty. There were very few pedestrians and vehicles on the road, and most people stayed at home. People can buy necessities from some stores that remain open, but some large shopping malls and supermarkets are closed. However, in the past few days, prices in Afghanistan, which mainly relies on imports, have increased significantly due to the rise in the US dollar. Kabul has not announced any travel or speech restrictions, and people can even still go to the movies. There are some Taliban armed personnel on the street, allegedly to ensure security and order in Kabul.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

After the Taliban gradually took over Afghanistan, the outside world was particularly worried about the future living conditions of Afghan women. When the Taliban first came to power in 1996, they implemented strict Sharia law and stripped women of almost all their rights.

On social media, many Afghan women also expressed concerns about the future. An Afghan female photographer said in an interview with Beijing News reporter earlier this year that if the Taliban takes power, the biggest concern will be the situation of women, and she wonders whether some of the rights gained in the past 20 years will be revoked. For example, it is unknown whether she will be able to continue to work in public in the future.

However, the Taliban has repeatedly emphasized in recent times that it will ensure women's safety and related rights. The Taliban's main spokesman Mujahid said on the 15th that the lives of Afghan women and opposition figures would be ensured.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

Director of the Afghanistan Research Center of Lanzhou University Zhu Yongbiao said in an interview with a reporter from the Beijing News that the current situation in Afghanistan still requires close attention. First, we must pay attention to whether the Taliban will fulfill its commitments and make changes; second, we must pay attention to whether Afghanistan will A massive humanitarian disaster. It is hoped that Afghanistan can achieve internal integration and form a stable regime. Read the full text

On the evening of August 17, local time, the Taliban held its first press conference since taking over Afghanistan. At this high-profile press conference, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid responded to many issues of concern to the Afghan people and the international community, including women's rights and the formation process of the new government, and made a series of statements. promise.

Commitment 1: Women will be very active and there will be no discrimination. According to the BBC, regarding the issue of women's rights that has attracted much attention, Mujahid said that women will be allowed to work and study under a new framework in the future. "In our society and our system, women will be very active."

Commitment 2: An Islamic government will be formed with the participation of all parties. When talking about the issue of forming a government, Mujahid said, "We are seriously forming a government and will announce it to the outside world after the formation is completed." He said the Taliban would "form an 'Islamic government' with the participation of all parties."

Commitment 3: No one will be retaliated or interrogated. When asked how he would deal with people who have worked for foreign powers - such as contractors, translators, etc., Mujahid responded that no one would suffer retaliation.

Commitment 4: Private media can continue to work freely. Mujahid promised the media that day that private media can continue to work independently and freely within the cultural framework of the Taliban.

Commitment 5: Afghanistan will not be used against anyone. When asked by the media whether there is the possibility of Afghanistan hosting al-Qaida, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said, "The land of Afghanistan will not be used against anyone, and we can guarantee this to the international community. ". Read the full text

Today (18th) Beijing officially announced specific measures for "double reductions" in compulsory education.Beijing will focus on the work requirements of "controlling chaos, reducing burdens, and preventing risks" and make two-way efforts inside and outside schools to ensure that students' excessive homework burdens and off-campus training burdens, family education expenditures, and parents' corresponding energy burdens are effectively reduced by the end of 2021. The results were remarkable during the year, and people’s satisfaction with education increased significantly.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

According to the measures, the school should formulate homework management methods, establish an in-school homework disclosure system, disclose the homework of each subject in the class, and strengthen quality supervision. Assignments must be arranged in class, and all assignments must be corrected and given timely feedback. Face-to-face explanations must be strengthened. The difficulty of assignments must not exceed national curriculum standards. Mechanical repetitive and punitive work shall not be arranged. It is strictly prohibited to assign homework to parents or ask parents to check and correct homework.

The first and second grade students in primary schools are not assigned written homework at home, but can arrange appropriate consolidation exercises in school. The average completion time for written homework for grades three to six in primary school should not exceed 60 minutes. The average completion time for written homework for junior middle school students should not exceed 90 minutes. Individual students who cannot complete their written assignments despite their efforts should also go to bed on time to ensure adequate sleep.

strictly controls the excessive influx of capital into training institutions. Financing and fees charged by training institutions are mainly used for training business operations. It is resolutely prohibited to engage in unfair competition through fictitious original prices, false discounts, false publicity, etc. for the purpose of promoting business, and resolutely investigate and deal with industry monopolies in accordance with laws and regulations. Behavior. Read more

How does Beijing’s “double reduction” plan reduce students’ excessive homework burden? How to comprehensively regulate off-campus training behavior? Read all in one article to understand Beijing’s “double reduction” work measures. Read full text

With the effective implementation of recent epidemic prevention and control measures, the momentum of the domestic epidemic has been effectively curbed. How is Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, affected by this round of epidemic, doing now?

Before the delta strain appeared in China, Zhangjiajie was gradually returning to its former order.

"Everyone in Zhangjiajie is looking forward to August." said Luo Xiang, vice president of the B&B and Inn Branch of Zhangjiajie Tourism Association. Although most people are unwilling to expand their business after the epidemic, he still chose to take out a loan to transform his house into a B&B last winter. The whole family invested in the operation of this B&B.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

On July 27, the emergence of new coronavirus pneumonia confirmed patients broke this situation. According to the circulation report, the confirmed patient watched a performance at the Zhangjiajie "Eternal Love" Theater on the evening of July 20. On the day

learned that traffic control was implemented in Zhangjiajie, Luo Xiang saw a female tour guide sitting on the roadside near her home, crying very sadly. He has also worked as a tour guide and feels the same way. "A tour guide can only do business for a few months a year. The biggest hope for the whole year is summer vacation, Golden Week, and Spring Festival." But the epidemic has completely disrupted this situation.

Some media released a set of Zhangjiajie "farewell" posters. The posters read, "The epidemic has dispersed, and sometimes we meet again." "Actually, I want to say 'Don't leave,' but I can only say 'Don't come.'" . One netizen replied, "I feel sorry for Zhangjiajie, it's hard to usher in the peak season." It received more than 4,000 likes.

On August 16, the number of confirmed cases in Zhangjiajie became 0. Luo Xiang was so excited that he posted a message on WeChat Moments, "Zhangjiajie ate 'zero eggs' today, and I look forward to the lockdown being lifted soon." Read full text

Under the weight loss craze, various weight loss training Yingzheng is quietly becoming popular. Although the various "quickly dumping" promotions are full of gimmicks, behind these training camp advertisements, it is not as glamorous as it seems on the surface.

html Zhang Meihui, a 120-year-old girl, plans to undergo a 21-day intensive weight loss program at the Harbin 360 Weight Loss Training Camp and enter the camp on July 15. "On the morning of July 30, the person in charge of the training camp, Ms. Du, called me and said that her child had fainted," I heard. According to the news, Zhang Meihui's parents set out from home, but received bad news on the way. The child was sent to the hospital with no signs of life.

reporters combed through public reports and found that this is not the first time that the death of a student at weight loss training camp has been exposed.

In 2014, Zhang Wanting, a 17-year-old girl from Shenyang who had just completed the college entrance examination, participated in a weight loss summer camp organized by Shenyang Greenhausen Impasi Fitness Club. Suddenly fell down after swimming training , and was taken to the hospital and never woke up. Although

is very risky, many people still choose various "weight loss training camps" in order to lose weight and get in shape.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

Qishun (pseudonym), who weighs 220 pounds, also signed up for the Peak Weight Loss Training Camp this year. Because he found it difficult to lose weight by himself, he planned to train in Jiangsu for two months at a cost of 11,580 yuan. He said that he chose this place mainly because he saw a relatively high ranking when searching on the Internet. However, after entering the camp, he found that the actual situation was different from the "healthy weight loss" advertised, and it was about dieting and weight loss.

reporter combed through black cat complaints and saw that some students said that the courses promoted by peak weight loss before entering the camp were very rich in content, including outdoor hiking, spinning, swimming, basketball and other activities. After I went there, I walked on the treadmill all day, and everyone around me was walking on the treadmill.

"Many fat people hope to have a state of military management and complete isolation, so that they can exercise and train according to orders." Xiao Yao, who has been engaged in the fitness coach industry for more than 5 years, was once a national second-level athlete . He said that closed weight loss training camps will be very strict about eating, exercise, rest, etc., but this is the pursuit of short-term results. In the long term, the fat relapse rate in fat loss training camps is very high. Read more

Fund self-purchase has reached a small climax. Since 2021, many public fund companies have supported the development of their own funds with real money. As of August 17, 72 fund companies have subscribed for their own funds 224 times, and the scale of self-purchases is about to exceed 3 billion yuan. Both the amount and the number of self-purchases are higher than the same period last year. Why are self-purchases by fund companies increasing? Can the income generated support the real money paid by the fund company? For Christians, can they copy the "work" of fund companies?

Fund self-purchase scale is close to 3 billion yuan, and equity funds are favored. Specifically, this year, active equity funds, mainly stock and hybrid funds, are favored by fund companies for self-purchase. Among them, the net subscription amount of stock funds is 750 million yuan, and the net subscription amount of hybrid funds is 898 million yuan. The net subscription amount of bond funds was 865 million yuan.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

Self-purchase of funds is mostly based on new funds. Can investors "copy the homework"? Caitong Fund research found that market conditions have no direct relationship with the scale of fund self-purchase, and fund self-purchases have limited impact on market conditions and fund performance.

Industry insiders said that self-purchase by fund companies is more of a marketing tool. Some fund companies even mobilize their managers, fund managers and employees to subscribe for their own new fund products.

Wu Xuan, managing director and chief market analyst of Debon Fund , believes that for ordinary investors, it still depends on the past investment style of the fund manager to see whether he prefers balance or seizes opportunities for sector rotation. "Regardless of the investment research level of fund companies, fund managers basically have more than 70% of the say in the entire fund product investment, so the fund manager's investment research experience and past style are critical to future performance development." Read the full text

just passed Tokyo Olympics , due to high temperature weather, many participating athletes, especially those in outdoor events, suffered heatstroke and chose to withdraw from the competition. Is it possible that the 2024 Paris Olympics will be rescheduled due to high temperatures? International Olympic Committee exclusive response is here!

Why are you considering adjusting the date of the Olympic Games? At the Tokyo Olympics, archery player Svetlana Gomboyeva of the Russian Olympic Committee team fainted due to high temperatures after completing the qualifying round; Spanish tennis player Paola Badosa withdrew from the competition midway due to heatstroke; also due to high temperatures , Russian Olympic Committee tennis player Medvedev had to apply for two medical timeouts and a coach's entry.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. The situation in Afghanistan is still simmering. Three days after the Taliban took over Kabul, what are the new changes in the local situatio - DayDayNews

How do the Olympics deal with climate change? As far as hosting the Olympic Games is concerned, from 2030 onwards, all countries hosting the Olympic Games must aim to be "climate-friendly", which means that the host country must proactively reduce carbon emissions and offset the carbon produced by itself through afforestation and other forms. emissions, and use their influence to deliver a zero-carbon solution for the Olympics.

Will the Paris Olympics be rescheduled? The International Olympic Committee responded clearly that the date for the 2024 Paris Olympics has been determined, and Paris has released plans to host the first "climate-friendly" Olympics.

"Both Paris (2024) and Los Angeles (2028), where the Olympics will be held, have experienced heat waves, so we really need to be prepared for the potential threat to athletes, staff and spectators." Andrew Grunstein said the professor. Read the full text

Editing by Xue Chang'e Wei Mian Proofreading by Liu Jun

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