Today, the editor of QuHistory brings you the story of Kangxi and Yongzheng. Interested readers can follow the editor of QuHistory to take a look. Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live a long life? In China, the age of seventy is called "the age of seventy." To put it simply, in ancie

Today, the editor of Fun History brings you the stories of Kangxi and Yongzheng . Interested readers can follow the editor of Fun History to take a look. Why did Kangxi and Qianlong live a long life?

In China, the age of seventy is called "the age of seventy." To put it simply, in ancient China, there were very few people who lived to reach the age of seventy. Except for those who died unexpectedly during wars or other circumstances, even normal and healthy people rarely live to such an old age.

Of course, although there are very few ancient people who have lived beyond the age of seventy, it does not mean that there are none. Some ancient Chinese people not only lived past the age of seventy, but even reached the age of one hundred. These two ancient people who are more than a hundred years old are Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty and his grandson Emperor Qianlong.

Many people are curious about why there were so many famous emperors and generals in ancient times, why only Kangxi and Qianlong, the ancestors and grandsons, were more than 100 years old. This is because these two people got rid of the common disease common to all emperors during their lifetime.

Chinese people who have a little knowledge of ancient Chinese history should have heard about the story of "Qin Shihuang's desire for immortality". In fact, this incident is not just a folk rumor, it also existed in real ancient Chinese history. Qin Shihuang indeed sent many people to refine the "elixir" for him in order to live forever.

Among them, the most famous ones are Xu Fu and Chen Chuan. Xu FuAs the most favored eunuch around Qin Shihuang, he has been responsible for Qin Shihuang's alchemy matters. Chen Chuan even served as an envoy to go to sea to seek the elixir for Qin Shihuang. These events recorded in history are actually a big joke today.

Of course, not only Qin Shihuang, many emperors and even great figures in history have a great desire for immortality. In ancient times, many people claimed to be "immortals from this world" and helped these powerful people who longed for immortality to refine so-called "miraculous elixirs". These alchemists claimed that "if you eat the elixir, you can live forever."

People today will definitely sneer at those people who sought immortality through alchemy in ancient times. This is because today’s technology has progressed and developed, and medical methods are also changing with each passing day. It's a pity that the ancient emperors lived in an era when medical treatment and technology were very backward.

As the saying goes, "Learning from the past is a guide for those behind you." As emperors of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi and Qianlong, their ancestors and grandsons, learned very well from the experiences and lessons of emperors such as Qin Shihuang in alchemy. Both Kangxi and Qianlong believed that alchemy could not achieve immortality. They believe that eating well, seeking medical attention promptly when sick, and doing regular physical exercise can keep the body healthy and live a long life.

The ideas and practices of Kangxi and Qianlong still have certain merits today. After all, healthy diet and exercise are very important in a scientific and healthy life. Moreover, the ancient medical skill, also known as traditional Chinese medicine, actually has a lot of scientific basis. To this day, Chinese medicine is an integral part of the medical community.

The above article has finished talking about the health secrets of Kangxi and Qianlong’s ancestors from a health perspective. So, from a scientific perspective, what do today's medical scientists think of the alchemy regimen favored by ancient emperors? Scientific research has proven that the so-called "miracle medicine" refined by ancient people was actually just a pile of metals.

As we all know, there is no magic bullet in the world that can achieve longevity. Alchemists tried to fuse some metal substances at high temperatures. The fused metal mixture will appear radiant at normal or lower temperatures.This magical phenomenon successfully deceived the emperors who wanted to live forever.

In fact, in the eyes of ancient people, the miracle of elixir was just the luster of a metallic substance. For example, substances such as gold and silver have a strong metallic luster. When ancient people made alchemy, in order to highlight this glittering effect, they often added a large amount of gold and silver.

In addition to precious metals such as gold and silver, ancient elixirs also contain large amounts of lead and mercury. The cost of lead and mercury is relatively low compared to gold and silver. Therefore, the content of lead and mercury in the so-called elixir is slightly higher than that of gold and silver. This is also the reason why many ancient elixirs appear gray and black.

Whether it is the glittering golden elixir or the gray-black and whitish silver elixir, from today's perspective, it is just a mixture rich in heavy metals. Scientific research has proven that people's bodies only need trace amounts of metal elements such as calcium, iron, and zinc, and have no health requirements for other metal elements. To put it simply, other metals cannot bring health to people's bodies.

Especially the main elements contained in elixirs such as gold, silver, lead, mercury, etc., not only cannot bring any benefits to people's health, but also cause great danger to people's health. Scientists have proven through experiments that the four substances gold, silver, lead, and mercury are all toxic to humans.

As can be seen from the above, the "elixir of immortality" often consumed by ancient emperors was actually a metal substance and a veritable poison. In Chinese history, eight emperors mistakenly consumed this medicine and died because of their desire for immortality. Among them, there is also Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty.

In order to live as long as his father, Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Yongzheng did not hesitate to refine a large amount of golden elixirs to extend his life. However, this approach allowed him to pass away before he was even half a century old. His existence is not only the connection between Kangxi and Qianlong, two emperors with excellent politics, but also a good proof that not taking elixirs is the secret to the longevity of Kangxi and Yongzheng's ancestors.

In today’s society, people all know how harmful lead and mercury poisoning are to the body. Of course, the consequences of excessive consumption of gold and silver are inevitably the fate of poisoning. Therefore, contemporary people not only do not eat these substances with excess metals, but they even resist the use of substances with excessive metal content.

Scientific research shows that excessive metal content will cause great damage to people’s immune function. People's immune function is a barrier to protect people's health. After this barrier is destroyed, any small bacteria and viruses may bring serious diseases to people's bodies, which can be said to be endless troubles.

To sum up, the reason why the two emperors Qianlong and Kangxi were able to live a long life was because they got rid of the common problem of ancient emperors who loved to eat elixirs. The main ingredients of this elixir are heavy metal substances, which are very harmful to people's health.