Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F

2024/07/0216:37:33 hotcomm 1215

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

Author | Niu Danqin

Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive.

This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States.

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

The first thing

On December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air Force Release, published a picture and a very literary line of text: "On the weekend, share a very meaningful photo!"

It's very willful, I just want everyone to see a photo, but I also don't forget to remind everyone: This is a very meaningful photo.

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

Soon, some netizens revealed the answer: This is a Chinese Air Force H-6K strategic bomber. The two adjacent peaks in the distance, judging from their shape, are Taiwan’s tallest Yushan Mountain, 50 kilometers away from the coastline.

Judging from the relationship between the north and south peaks, the H-6K bomber is flying from north to south. This should be the photo taken by the People's Liberation Army Air Force formation during a flight training around Taiwan on November 25.

The photo is partially enlarged, showing the outline of the main peak of Taiwan's Yushan Mountain ↓

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

In fact, regarding this high-profile flyby, the Chinese Air Force has previously released a number of photos, all of which are accompanied by Yushan. However, there is no hint from @Air Force, so everyone may not know this. Subtle meaning.

Multiple military aircraft are flying around Taiwan, overlooking the highest peak in Taiwan. You should be able to clearly understand the signal to be sent.

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

The second thing

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

The security in the South China Sea is indeed not good, and the Americans have lost something again.

In the past, Chinese fishermen were greedy for petty gains. They always liked to salvage American sonar when they had nothing to do. It was said that they could sell the cables for money, so that the US military finally marked the Chinese description "Sonar has no copper, and it is useless to pick it off."

Now, even Chinese warships are lawless.

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

The U.S. Department of Defense complained on Friday that when a U.S. oceanographic survey ship recovered an unmanned submarine in the South China Sea, the Chinese Navy's Type 922-III "ASR-510" salvage lifeboat suddenly released a small boat next to it. , right under the eyes of the Americans, this unmanned submarine was snatched away.

In broad daylight, there is simply no law.

The Americans quickly negotiated through loudspeakers and radios, emphasizing that the United States was operating in international waters and that the submarine was the property of the U.S. government.

But the Chinese warships have remained silent. After a long time, the Chinese warship answered on the radio: "May I help you?" (Need help?)

Trump got up together on Saturday and joined in the fun, and tweeted another complaint: China's "unprecedented" actions , "stole" the U.S. Navy's scientific research submarine in international waters.

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

It seems that the tweet was indeed sent by Trump himself. When he was excited, he even wrote a typo, unprecedented, instead of unpresidented.

caused Trump to quickly send out a revised draft. This is a draft that has room for improvement after all!

In addition, how can we say that what the Chinese do is stealing? President Trump! Wouldn’t China agree to pay it back immediately?

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

The third thing

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

The U.S. Treasury Department announced that in October China significantly reduced its holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds, and has now ceded the throne of the United States' largest creditor country to Japan.

In the past six months, China has been selling and selling. After six consecutive months of reducing its holdings, China currently holds US$1.12 trillion in US Treasury bonds, which is already less than Japan’s US$1.13 trillion.

According to the estimates of some Western economists, if China's holdings of U.S. Treasury bonds through other channels are included, the reduction in holdings in October reached nearly 70 billion US dollars.

Although many people believe that China's reduction of U.S. Treasury holdings is mainly to stabilize the RMB exchange rate, and the RMB will break through 7, it will be a blink of an eye.

But at the same time, don’t forget that in the past few years, China and the United States have reached a certain tacit agreement: China purchases U.S. Treasury bonds to finance Americans; the United States imports Chinese goods to provide China with external demand.

But now, the tide has changed.

Prasad, the former head of the IMF's China Department, said: "The days when China purchased U.S. Treasury bonds to provide sufficient and cheap financing for the U.S. budget and current account deficit may have come to an end."

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

Three things, see There seems to be no connection, some of them were quietly carried out before, but they just happened to be announced this weekend.

But the connotation is quite rich, especially considering that Trump just had a phone call with Tsai Ing-wen, and Trump is still eloquent, why can't he challenge the "One China" principle?

China continues to choose to swallow its anger? It seems that this is not necessarily the case. The actions of the Chinese Air Force and Navy actually explain everything. Moreover, @Air Force Release did not forget to remind everyone that the photo of flying around Taiwan Island is "very meaningful." And, it will continue. The masters of

are competing, Trump is testing China, and China is also sending signals to the United States.

Taiwan wants to play tricks, our air force fighter planes fly around the island of Taiwan;

The United States comes to give gifts from the South China Sea, but China will take them without mercy;

Americans are used to borrowing money from China, and now, creditors are coming...

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

Finally, two more words A short story I once told:

On May 4, 2014, President Xi went to Peking University for an inspection, and had such a chat with the chess champion Hou Yifan who was studying here:

He told Hou Yifan that chess, like life, is a process of continuous gaming. , he then invited Hou Yifan to "turn around and teach the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs a good lesson" so that they can also learn the principles and methods of game play from the chess game.

The comrades in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must have been shocked into a cold sweat.

This is not over yet.

In July 2014, during President Xi’s “point-and-shoot” state visit to South Korea, at the Blue House state banquet, Park Geun-hye specially invited Go master Lee Chang-ho to accompany her.

Xi said to Park Geun-hye and Lee Chang-ho: Go contains the philosophy of life and world strategy.

Park Geun-hye, who did not understand the situation, was eventually impeached.

Trump has come to power, this is an unfinished game!

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

In response to the strong request of some friends, we will set up a "Niu Youhui" discussion platform. Friends who want to join can join in the WeChat (Niu Tanqin) menu bar, click "Lao Niu Home" and select "Niu Youhui" for free.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that at the 2016 China Enterprise New Media Annual Conference held on December 15, Niu Tanqin won the title of "The Most Attracted Self-Media Account by Chinese Enterprises". A little encouragement requires more effort!

Author|Niu Tanqin Things are changing. The seemingly casual details actually reveal an ulterior motive. This weekend, three meaningful things happened between China and the United States. The first thing is that on December 16, the official Weibo of the Chinese Air Force, @ Air F - DayDayNews

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