Zhuge Liang was a tomb-proof person, and his last plan to "burial when the rope is broken" has deceived the world for more than 2,000 years.

"The coffin is carried south, and the rope is broken and buried."

According to legend, this is the last big move of Zhugeliang. , Bury in situ, The purpose is to prevent tomb robbers.

However, it turns out that Zhuge Liang's strategy is indeed advanced, and his last strategy during his lifetime has prevented his tomb from being found.

Zhuge Liang is famous for his "sacred calculations". He not only knows astronomy and geography, but also dedicated his life to the kingdom of Shu, and dedicated his life to helping the Liu family unify the country.

However, it is a pity that can fully control the world situation in his hands, but still cannot control his own destiny, and even gods like Zhuge Liang have to work hard to arrange their own affairs.

Regarding where Zhuge Liang's "God" is, in addition to his " grass boat borrowed arrow ", "Chibi Battle", etc., also has a famous legend about " seven star lamp ".

It is said that Zhuge Liang anticipated that his time would be approaching, so he continued his life. He lit the seven-star lamp, and as long as it could burn for a night, he could successfully continue his life.

But this method did not succeed, reckless Wei Yan accidentally extinguished the Seven Star Lamp when he came in to report on the military situation,Zhuge Liang sighed and said that this was God's will, so he stopped doing it.

In 234 AD, Zhuge Liang was already overworked and sick . He led the army for the fifth Northern Expedition. At this time, he had confronted and Sima Yi for more than 100 days. Deteriorating.

Sima Yi took advantage of Zhuge Liang's inability to raise troops, so he led his army to raid the Shu army. This raid was successful. The Shu army suffered thousands of casualties and suffered heavy losses.

Zhuge Liang's condition aggravated urgently, and in Chengdu, Liu Chan, after learning about this, hurriedly sent people to condole his condition. This condolences had two purposes:

strong1 to discuss the ; The second is to ask Zhuge Liang's successor a hundred years later.

Before Zhuge Liang died, he made arrangements for the army. He asked Wei Yan, , Jiang Wei, and to explain how to make Sima Yi retreat. At the same time, he asked himself to keep secret after his death.

Sure enough, when Zhuge Liang died, Sima Yifang's morale skyrocketed and vowed to flatten the Shu Han army. They launched a fierce attack on the Shu army, and all this did not come as Zhuge Liang expected.

However, when Sima Yi's army confronted Shuhan's army, they were all dumbfounded.

I saw a majestic and majestic flag on the opposite side, with a person sitting in the front. The man was shaking his feather fan, calm and relaxed, who was it if it wasn't Zhuge Liang?

Sima Yi was shocked when he saw Zhuge Liang from afar. He knew that Zhuge Liang's strategy was unexpected. After analysis, he determined that Zhuge Liang had died by fraud, so he hurriedly withdrew his troops.

At this time, the Shuhan army was also relieved after seeing Sima Yi withdraw his troops.Then retreat calmly.

The person in the front sitting on the chair and shaking the fan is certainly not Zhuge Liang. Before Zhuge Liang died, asked to carve himself into wood . Sima Yi would definitely retreat after seeing him. The final result proved him. Strategy.

This is also the source of the famous proverb "dead Zhuge scares away life " in history.

Zhuge Liang is so countless, but he is a mortal after all. He has never realized the dream of helping Liu Bei to unify the world, and he has not been able to support Liu Chan, so he can only do his best. can.

Before Zhuge Liang died, he knew that the aura of Shu Han was close to . Although Liu Chan could not support him in life or death, Zhuge Liang could only "do what he could to do", and he did what he could, and then Enron I closed my eyes.

In August of the same year, Zhuge Liang died of illness in Wuzhangyuan . According to official history, Zhuge Liang confessed before his death that buried himself in Dingjun Mountain in Hanzhong. The tomb should be built on the hillside.

You need to be able to put a coffin in the tomb. You don’t need any burial objects. You only need to wear ordinary clothes when entering the grave. The Wuhou tomb recorded in the official history is at the foot of Dingjun Mountain .

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", also said that Zhuge Liang was carried to Chengdu for burial after the death of Wuzhang original disease.

Of course,Everyone knows that the tomb of Wuhou is not really Zhuge Liang's tomb . Where Zhuge Liang was buried is still a mystery, and there is also a legend about Zhuge Liang after his death.

This legend is also true and false. Not only did the three generations of the Sima family fail to solve the mystery, but after more than 2,000 years, the later generations failed to find the answer.

According to legend, when Zhuge Liang was dying, he left a suicide note to the successor Liu Chan. The suicide note was his last plan: "The coffin was carried south, and the rope was broken and buried."

That is to say, he asked four soldiers to carry his coffin and go south without stopping. When the rope broke, he was buried on the spot.

Liu Chan respected Zhuge Liang. After seeing the military commander's suicide note, he quickly found the soldiers, and according to Zhuge Liang's intention, he carried the coffin and walked south.

You should know that the ancient coffins were all built of solid wood, not to mention the prime minister like Zhuge Liang. The coffins are naturally made of fine solid wood, and their weight is extraordinary.

The four people carried the coffin and walked for three days and three nights. They were very tired and weak, but at this time the rope showed no signs of breaking.

The four of them discussed it and thought that they didn't know when they were going to be heads, so they hit it off. After cutting the rope, they buried Zhuge Liang on the spot, and then returned with the broken rope.

Liu Chan was a little puzzled after hearing the report of the four. How could the rope break so quickly? He therefore called his subordinates. After analyzing the rope for half a day, the subordinates of believed that the rope did not break naturally.

If it breaks naturally, there must be abrasion at the break of the rope.But this rope has neatly cut cuts, and these four people must have problems.

Liu Chan hurriedly interrogated the four people after hearing this. In the end, they couldn't stand the torture, and told the truth truthfully, Liu Chan directly gave them to death.

From now on, no one knows where Zhuge Liang is buried.

In addition to this version, there is another version of the story about carrying the coffin.

It is said that the soldiers carried the coffin and walked all the way from Wuzhangyuan to Dingjun Mountain, but at this time the rope was still motionless. Several people walked to the foot of Dingjun Mountain and put down the coffin to take a rest.

At this moment, the rope broke without warning, and a hole suddenly exploded at the foot of Dingjun Mountain, The coffin fell unbiasedly in the middle, just buried underneath.

And the four soldiers were buried underground and lost their lives. From then on, no one knows where Zhuge Liang was buried.

Now two thousand years have passed since Zhuge Liang's death. Many stories have been polished by later generations, adding a lot of mysterious mythology.

Neither of these two statements can stand scrutiny.

Many people said that the actions of the 4 soldiers, including Liu Chan, were in Zhuge Liang’s expectations, , because he knew that the kingdom of Shu was about to fall shortly after his death, , so he "directed and acted" this play. , The purpose is to prevent the Sima family from finding their cemetery, so as not to be retaliated.

Everyone likes to compare Zhuge Liang with Cao Cao , because Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang are secretive after death ,Then use unique strategies to confuse the world to prevent his tomb from being stolen.

The reason why they are so exhausted about their own affairs, is actually the biggest reason is that was extremely rampant during the Eastern Han Dynasty tomb robbers , even Xiao Xiong Cao Cao did not do less tomb robbers.

Everyone knows that once the tomb is stolen, it is still a trivial matter that the burial objects are lost. At that time, it is hard to say whether your body is still intact. It is indeed a headache for you to be unable to sleep.

As brilliant as Zhuge Liang, he naturally prevents his tomb from being stolen. requires no burial objects. Secondly, a mystery is specially set up to confuse the world.

However, the legend belongs to the legend. Although the allusion of "the rope is broken and buried" has been circulated for 2,000 years, a careful analysis reveals that there are many loopholes in it.

First of all, the four soldiers carrying the coffin on the road will definitely attract attention. If it is to prevent the Sima family from retaliation, this method is obviously not very effective. The opponent of can know his whereabouts as long as he inquires a little.

Secondly, if the purpose of this is to prevent someone from robbing the tomb, it actually does not play a big role. Take a step back, even if Zhuge Liang really wants to confuse the world with , use Cao Cao’s " suspicious mound_" Isn’t the span6span way better?

Furthermore, Zhuge Liang died in August, and the weather at this time was still hot. If the soldiers carrying the coffin walked for three to five months, wouldn't he really be unable to rest in peace?

even if it is really to increase mystery,So letting people bury themselves secretly is much safer than using four people to carry the coffin around with great fanfare.

So in summary, the authenticity of this allusion is indeed open to question.

Many people think that the so-called "four people carrying a coffin" is a blind trick. or this story is also fabricated by later generations. After all, in the hearts of the world, Zhuge Liang has long been "shenzhen".

People are unwilling to accept the fact that Zhuge Liang just died, and this has created a "mythical" legend to alleviate the world's heartache and regret.

However, the only thing that is certain is that even the tomb of Dingjun Mountain recorded in the history books is just a tomb , that is to say, this is not the true location of Zhuge Liang's tomb.

Later, Sima Yan and proclaimed the emperor. The Sima family did not find his burial place for three generations, and all generations admired Zhuge Liang's strategy.

It is worth mentioning that in today’s "Zhuge Liang’s Tomb", many tourists have found a yellow fruit tree growing on his grave. She shelters her husband from wind and rain day and night.

We don’t know where Zhuge Liang was buried today. If Zhuge Liang’s tomb is actually unearthed one day, it may be of great help for the world to study Chinese history.
