Among the famous weapons of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd is the first, and the second and third ranked weapons seem to be Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear. Of these three famous weapons, only Guan Y

2024/06/2915:06:32 history 1113

The most famous weapons of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms are Lu Bu 's Fang Tian Painted Halberd. The second and third ranked ones seem to be Guan Yu 's Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhang Fei 's Zhangba Snake Spear .

Of these three famous weapons, only Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword has its weight indicated: "Xuande said goodbye to his two guests (Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping) and ordered a good craftsman to make a double-pronged sword . Yunchang made it The Qinglong Yanyue Sword weighs eighty-two kilograms. Zhang Fei made an eight-point steel spear. "

There is no need to argue whether Zhang Fei's spear was one foot and eight feet long. It lived until Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty. Jian'an. Liu Xi, a classics scholar, exegesis expert, and Jiaozhi governor during the 19th century, made it very clear in "Shi Ming·Shi Bing": "The spear is eight feet long and is called Jian (槊), and it can be used immediately."

Among the famous weapons of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd is the first, and the second and third ranked weapons seem to be Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear. Of these three famous weapons, only Guan Y - DayDayNews

One foot long Eight feet is equivalent to today's four meters and a quarter, and some of the spears unearthed from the Qin Dynasty are six or seven meters long. This shows that Zhang Fei's four-meter-long lance was not considered a super long weapon at the time.

Zhang Fei’s Zhangba Changshang was rumored by calligraphers orally, and became “Zhangba long snake” and “Zhangba snake spear”, and the tip of the spear also turned into an open snake mouth - this kind of When encountering plate armor or chain armor , fish scale armor , the penetrating power will be discounted by 22%. Zhang Fei will never make such a common sense mistake when facing a ten thousand enemy.

Liu Bei 's double-pronged sword should be the Han army's standard horse-cutting sword , while Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword is a bit weird: during the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, there were indeed Mingguang Armor and Mo Dao and Dragon Scales. The knife is , but its weight seems to be only a fraction of that of the Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

Consulting the "Conversion Table of Weights and Measures in Ancient and Modern Times" we can see that: In the Eastern Han Dynasty one foot was about twenty-three centimeters, and one pound was about two hundred and twenty-four grams, which is less than four and a half taels.

Among the famous weapons of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd is the first, and the second and third ranked weapons seem to be Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear. Of these three famous weapons, only Guan Y - DayDayNews

Calculating it this way, Guan Yu's 82-pound Qinglong Yanyue Sword is now only 36-7 pounds. As long as he is not too weak to eat a peach and a cool piece of fresh meat, he can basically swing it.

But being able to swing it does not mean that it is easy to use. In ancient times, wars were often fought day and night. If a weapon weighing thirty or forty pounds was swung thirty or fifty times, it would be time for the back to be sore and the hands to be weak.

In " The Legend of the Three Kingdoms ", Wu Anguo, whose wrist was cut off by Lu Bu's Fangtian Huaji, only had a sledgehammer of fifty kilograms. When converted to the current weight, it is more than twenty kilograms. Compared with the knife Hammer weight, this is obviously impossible.

According to the latest archaeological discoveries, rock paintings and pottery figurines from the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period prove that soft stirrups were already in use at that time, and generals on horseback could hold spears with both hands and stab people or swing large swords to kill people.

Although stirrups freed the soldiers' hands, the long-handled broadsword in the shape of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword seemed to have only become popular in the Tang and Song Dynasties, so some people said that the one used by Guan Yu to assassinate Yan Liang should be more than four meters long Ma 槊, rather than the more cumbersome long-handled broadsword.

Among the famous weapons of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd is the first, and the second and third ranked weapons seem to be Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear. Of these three famous weapons, only Guan Y - DayDayNews

It is said that Guan Yu used a spear instead of a knife, and there is no clear historical data to prove it. Moreover, after Guan Yu stabbed Yan Liang, he "beheaded him and returned it". This is not what Chang Zhang can do: in the chaotic battlefield, every second can Deciding life and death, he immediately succeeded in thrusting, gave up his long sword, jumped off his horse, pulled out his short sword and beheaded him, then climbed on horseback with the head in hand to fight his way out of the encirclement. This was unreasonable - in the few seconds when Guan Yu dismounted and changed his sword, Yan Liang's guards had already So he was cut into seven or eight pieces.

Whether Guan Yu stabbed Yan Liang with a spear or a knife is not clearly recorded in the history books, so it is not impossible to say that he stabbed Yan Liang with a knife. He charged into the battle and defeated Yuan's army. It seemed that he could only sweep through thousands of troops with a broadsword: the ancient lancers were not as good as pawns crossing the river - the pawns crossing the river could still walk sideways, while the lancers could only When you line up in formation and charge forward with a spear, you can't swing it sideways at all. The spear will hit you a little, and the knife will sweep away. It's basically impossible to look left and right.

Generals in ancient times liked to make their own weapons, which seemed to be easier to use. Cao Pi has a clear record in "Classics": "I am good at fencing, and I am good at using shortcomings to make good use of longitudes, so I chose this good gold. I ordered the craftsmen of that country to refine it to the point of hundreds of pieces, and then it was completed. The five colors circled the furnace, and the giant cudgel was drummed. The spiritual objects were like flying birds, and they were named after their postures. , It's a pity that I didn't meet Xue Zhuqingping. One of the three swords is called Feijing, which is four feet and two inches long; the second is called Liucai, which is four feet and two inches long; Three swords, one is called Lingbao, four feet and two inches long, and the text is like a spirit turtle; the second is called Hanzhang, which is like Danxia, ​​and is four feet and four inches long; the third is called Sutra, which is four feet and three inches long. The collection of historical materials "Taiping Yulan" compiled by us for Song Taizong Zhao Guangyi marked the weight of these knives (the basis is also Cao Pi's "Dian Lun", but unfortunately we cannot see the original text of "Dian Lun"): The Lingbao sword weighs three kilograms and six taels, and the quality knife weighs two kilograms and nine taels. "We also made a Baipilulumo knife, which is three feet and two inches long and weighs two kilograms and two taels. It looks like a dragon and is called the dragon scale knife."

Seeing this, we will find that the storytellers did not make it up. At least Cao Pi can testify: During the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, there was already a weapon like the Qinglong Yanyue Sword - a dragon-scaled sword that resembled a dragon. Isn't the wooden handle the Qinglong Yanyue Sword?

Readers all know what the Mo Dao looks like. It was one of the great weapons of the Tang army. However, the Mo Dao, like the Mingguang Armor, was not invented in the Tang Dynasty. In the late Sui Dynasty, there was a fierce general named Kan Leng who used The one is the ten-foot-long Mo Dao.

The Mo Dao of the late Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period did not have a long handle, but it could be forged with dragon scales. It is not impossible for Guan Yu to use the method of making long spears to attach a long handle to the dragon scale Mo Dao.

Among the famous weapons of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd is the first, and the second and third ranked weapons seem to be Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear. Of these three famous weapons, only Guan Y - DayDayNews

Among the four ancient civilizations, only the Chinese civilization has been passed on endlessly. However, in the process of inheritance, a large amount of historical materials will inevitably be lost. The historical materials of the Three Kingdoms we see today may not even have one percent. If there were no "" "Taiping Yulan" contains part of Cao Pi's "Dianlue". It is impossible for us to know that the Mo Dao and the Dragon Scale Dao existed during the Three Kingdoms period.

The most direct consequence of the loss of historical materials is that people in the Song Dynasty know more allusions to the Three Kingdoms than we do. Qing Dynasty Qianlong compiled the "Sikuquanshu" and banned many ancient classics. Therefore, in which dynasty the long-handled broadsword appeared? a hotly debated topic.

Half a pot of old wine is relatively dull. When I was a child and didn’t watch TV series and novels, I also knew that wooden sword was tied with a stick. It was very advantageous during "war". A famous general like Guan Yu was beheading with a saber and beheading him with a sword. It should be normal to add a long handle to a horse sword.

If Guan Yu really used a long-handled dragon scale sword, the records in " Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms" would be much more pleasing to the eye: "Shao sent General Yan Liang to attack Dongjun Prefect Liu Yan Yu Baima, Cao Minister Zhang Liao and Yu were the vanguard to attack him. When Yu saw Liang's command, he spurred Liang into the crowd and beheaded him. None of the other generals were able to defeat him, so he broke the siege of Baima. "

Among the famous weapons of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu's Fangtian Painted Halberd is the first, and the second and third ranked weapons seem to be Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword and Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear. Of these three famous weapons, only Guan Y - DayDayNews

It has a sharp edge and can be used for stabbing or slashing. Guan Yu stabbed Yan Liang with the tip of his sword. The blade swept across his neck. He picked up the head and then swung the long sword out to kill. This would make it difficult for Yan Liang's soldiers to stop him - if he used To grow, you have to keep thrusting forward and pulling back, which is not that powerful at all.

Based on the above analysis of historical data, we seem to be able to draw such a conclusion: Cao Pi can prove that Luo Guanzhong was not wrong. Guan Yu used the Dragon Scale Mo knife to take Yan Liang's head. In Luo Guanzhong's time, Qianlong had not yet destroyed the book. He is fully qualified to see the complete version of "Taiping Yulan" in "Dianlun", but we can only find the historical prototype of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword from the few words in the only remaining historical materials.

As for the weight of the Qinglong Yanyue Sword, if we compare ancient and modern weights and measures, we will find that it is not too heavy. Readers who are well-informed must have seen many ordinary people with astonishing strength: some people carried hundreds of kilograms of cement prefabricated panels and walked as fast as flying, while others carried hundreds of kilograms of charcoal on their backs and walked for tens of miles without stopping. , the ancient generals were strong and strong, and used a sword weighing thirty to forty pounds. Is it strange? How many kilograms of heavy weapons did the famous ancient generals you read in historical materials use? If you ride on a tall horse, can you carry the more than thirty kilograms of Qinglong Yanyue Sword and pick up the general's head in an army of thousands of horses, just like trying to retrieve something from a bag?

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