After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people.

2024/06/2516:31:33 history 1299

On April 28, 1927, Li Dazhao, one of the founders of the Communist Party of China who influenced countless advanced young people, was brutally murdered by a reactionary warlord.

After the news came out, Peiping people burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

So much so that when Li Dazhao’s torture process was exposed in 1949 and the murderer surfaced, Peng Zhen, then Secretary of the Peiping Municipal Party Committee, became furious and said: "Such a criminal must be caught! Even if he has one breath left, he cannot be let go!"

Why was Mr. Li Dazhao betrayed and sacrificed?

Why were the remains not buried until six years later?

Who was the executioner who deliberately tortured him for more than 40 minutes?

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

In his later years, Wu Yuwen

Li Dazhao, who was not afraid of death,

In April 1927, Zhang Zuolin led Fengjun to occupy Beijing. He who maintained the old forces regarded the revolution as his mortal enemy, so he soon began to fight against the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Revolutionaries were persecuted.

As revolutionaries were killed one by one, the atmosphere in the city became very tense, causing panic everywhere. As the northern head of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, Li Dazhao naturally became a thorn in Zhang Zuolin's side.

This made many revolutionaries very worried, and they kept asking Li Dazhao to leave Beijing to avoid this limelight.

But how could Li Dazhao, who had already put his personal life and death behind him, agree?

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

He said firmly: "I can't leave. Who will do what happens to Beijing if I leave?"

Seeing that the revolutionary situation was getting stronger day by day, and more and more ambitious young people were awakening, Li Dazhao felt his blood boiling, and he avoided arrest while avoiding arrest. arrested while continuing to work in Beijing.

In 1926, Dagukou Incident spread to Beijing and quickly caused a sensation. On March 18, Li Dazhao and 100,000 people took to the streets to hold a demonstration.

Unexpectedly, the inhumane reactionary military and police adopted a bloody suppression, and countless people fell under the gunpoint and knife edge. Li Dazhao, who was standing in front of the team, quickly organized the people to retreat, but he was also seriously injured.

After the "318 Massacre", the atmosphere in Beijing fell into a dead silence, but Li Dazhao changed his appearance after a brief escape and returned to the city again.

But at this time, the reactionary military and police in the city were trying to arrest him like crazy. Therefore, at the suggestion of Soviet comrades, Li Dazhao secretly hid in the old Russian barracks of the Soviet Embassy in Dongjiaomin Lane.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

This method did prevent the reactionary military and police actions in a short period of time, but the unwilling Beijing Police Department still sent a large number of spies to squat nearby, waiting for the opportunity.

htmlOne day in September, an underground member of the Communist Party of China was arrested for distributing leaflets on the street. After being coerced and induced by the Detective Director Wu Yuwen, he revealed Li Dazhao's hiding place and movement trajectory.

Wu Yuwen was overjoyed after receiving the information. This was an opportunity for him to be promoted, so he immediately reported the news to Zhang Zuolin.

On April 5, 1927, Wu Yuwen and others, who received the secret order, began to formulate a plan and decided to lead a team to secretly arrest the next day.

At this time, Li Dazhao also got wind of the news, but he did not leave, but continued the work at hand. Facing the persuasion of people around him, he gently comforted: "DongjiaominxiangChinese armed forces are not allowed to enter, you guys Don't be too timid.

Li Dazhao underestimated the ruthlessness of Zhang Zuolin, Wu Yuwen and others. They had already privately convinced the person in charge of the embassy area to let the military police enter and search.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

In the early morning of April 6, 1927, Wu Yuwen led more than 500 of his men into the embassy area of ​​​​Dongjiaomin Lane. As soon as he entered, he went straight to Li Dazhao's residence.

In order to avoid causing diplomatic disputes, these military and police officers all changed into plain clothes and did not carry weapons. They only carried fire extinguishers to prevent documents from being burned.

From this, we can see how cunning these people are, but what makes them more emboldened is the confession from a traitor.

But Li Dazhao knew nothing about this. After working at his desk all night, he heard the commotion outside, but he did not panic. He stood up quietly and sat on a chair in the room.

With a "bang", the door was kicked open, and several military police officers rushed in. They looked at the calm man in front of them with some hesitation.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

Li Dazhao's expression remained as usual, and he introduced himself calmly: "I am Li Shouchang , the Li Dazhao you are looking for. "

Wu Yuwen showed a sinister smile. He waved his hand and asked his men to arrest everyone. , even Li Dazhao's wife and daughter were taken away together.

Wu Yuwen, who proudly brought Li Dazhao back to the police station, soon became furious. He used various cruel criminal methods, but the other party was still unwilling to reveal any information.

And after the news of Li Dazhao's arrest came out, people from all walks of life began to run for him and discuss rescue methods, which made Zhang Zuolin and others dare not act rashly.

He died heroically and was buried six years later.

Although he had been ordering the arrest of Li Dazhao, after he succeeded, Zhang Zuolin fell into a dilemma, and the warlord was divided into two factions.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

One group believes that strict investigation and punishment should be carried out, while the other group proposes that such arrests and executions of literati are not recognized throughout the world.

At the same time, the educational circles, political circles and people in Beijing all mobilized one after another. Beijing National School No. 9 sent people to visit Zhang Xueliang , hoping to release Li Dazhao's wife and daughter first, and not to execute them privately.

html On April 12, the presidents of 25 universities in Beijing decided to issue a written statement to support Li Dazhao and others. Zhang Shizhao even personally came forward to lobby, saying that he must not bear the reputation of killing a national scholar just because of his anger!

Amidst such public outrage, Zhang Zuolin also hesitated, but he was the one who was severely arrested in the first place. If he gave up, how would he oppose the revolution in the future?

He had to wait for the results of the police interrogation, hoping to get some "criminal evidence" so that he would have an excuse to take action .

Li Dazhao, who could be sentenced for more than 20 consecutive days, still did not reveal any information about the Communist Party. In the "Prison Confession" and "Prison Narrative" he finally left behind, he still wrote about the idea of ​​saving the country and the people.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

Wu Yuwen and others had no choice but to report to Zhang Zuolin, admitting that Li Dazhao did not have any conclusive confession, and Zhang Zuolin could only seek opinions from several other warlords.

In the end, only one of the six warlords including Yan Xishan , Sun Chuanfang supported the discretion, and the other five actually believed that should not be let go.

At this point, Zhang Zuolin no longer hesitated and decided to execute Li Dazhao. The northern railway workers who got the news were anxious. These comrades who were closest to Li Dazhao decided to rob the prison with arms.

They found the internal agent and passed the news to Li Dazhao. After learning of this plan, Li Dazhao, who had always been calm, became anxious. He sternly refused, saying: No comrade will be allowed to make sacrifices for me, nor will the party organization suffer losses.

At this time, he was already ready to die heroically, and this dark day came so quickly.

On April 28, 1927, the Jingshi Police Department suddenly held a court hearing. After a hasty trial, it was announced that Li Dazhao and other arrested leaders were sentenced to death by hanging., and then immediately and secretly executed at the Jingshi Detention Center.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

At 2 p.m., Li Dazhao and 20 other people walked calmly to the execution ground. He was the first to walk onto the gallows. At the age of only 38, he went to die calmly and died a heroic death.

But what is unacceptable is that in order to torture him, who was always brave and fearless, deliberately interrupted the execution three times, extending the execution process to more than 40 minutes, and the body was also guarded by the police.

Li Dazhao's wife Zhao Renlan was also devastated after learning the bad news. She fell ill in bed and could not go to collect his body. However, many friends came to collect his body.

html On May 1, more than 20 people quietly placed Li Dazhao’s coffin in Zhejiang Temple for temporary storage, waiting for the opportunity to transport it back to his hometown for burial.

However, the reactionary military and police still did not give up the persecution of Li Dazhao's family. They always sent people to monitor the area, waiting for opportunities to arrest other comrades.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

Fortunately, Li Dazhao's former classmate extended a helping hand. He sent someone to divert attention and secretly escorted Zhao Renlan and several children to leave Beijing and return to their hometown of Daheituo Village in Leting County for refuge.

But because of their departure and the turmoil of the current situation, Mr. Li Dazhao’s coffin was placed in Zhejiang Temple for 6 years.

Until 1933, Zhao Renlan finally came to Beijing again. She still missed her husband, so she found her former friends, hoping that Li Dazhao could be buried in peace.

After learning about the situation, Zhou Zuoren, Hu Shi, Jiang Menglin and others decided to initiate a public funeral and select a cemetery for Li Dazhao in the cemetery.

On April 23, 1933, Li Dazhao’s public funeral was held in Zhe Temple. Hundreds of people gathered here to escort the coffin to Wanan Cemetery.

As the funeral procession moved forward, more and more people joined in along the way, and the vast crowd used their actions to see Li Dazhao off on his last journey.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

Reports on people’s funeral for Li Dazhao (comrade Zhao Renlan on the right)

The great revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao is buried underground, but his sacrifice remains in everyone’s heart, and the murderer whose whereabouts are unknown since then has become a part of everyone’s heart. Root thorn.

The sensation caused by a gallows

On January 31, 1949, Peiping was finally liberated peacefully, and the white terror in the city was swept away . Ye Jianying was appointed as the first mayor of Peiping, and Peng Zhen served as the municipal party committee secretary.

They and more than a hundred security cadres came to Peiping and officially took over the place, but no one expected that a secret would be revealed.

htmlOne day in December, Zhu Wengang, the branch director of the Peking Municipal Public Security Bureau, brought several soldiers to Gongdelin Prison to take over the work. When he walked into a room, he was stunned by the huge gallows in front of him.

This was nothing like a traditional gallows. It was tall and well-structured and could directly strangle two people. He couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

The policeman accompanying him thought he was interested and introduced him hurriedly: "This is imported from Western Europe. Li Dazhao was executed on it at that time." He yelled: "Who are you talking about? Comrade Li Dazhao?"

The guard was stunned and quickly explained: "Sir, it's not me, I just know the situation. Don't get excited." He quickly explained the cause and effect, for fear of being offended.

Zhu Wengang suppressed his temper after hearing this and quickly reported the matter to his superiors. Peng Zhen was also heartbroken after learning the true situation of the execution at that time.

He slammed the table hard and shouted: "Arrest the murderer of Comrade Li Dazhao immediately! Arrest him immediately!"

But more than 20 years have passed since this case. After careful investigation, although the evil deeds of Wu Yuwen and others were found, They were exposed, but trying to find their traces was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

The Municipal Public Security Bureau was constantly looking for the whereabouts of the culprit Wu Yuwen, only to find that this man had disappeared. They suspected that the other party had changed his name and hid after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, a letter was sent to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, which clearly stated: The murderer Wu Yu, whose cultural name was "Wu Bozhai", was hidden in Old Drum Tower Street in Beijing.

It turned out that after being arrested, a Kuomintang agent expressed a lot of confidence in order to escape guilt, including the whereabouts of Wu Yuwen!

This makes people think that Wu Yuwen obtained the whereabouts of Comrade Li Dazhao through forced confession. Now that he is discovered, it can be regarded as karma.

The Investigation Division immediately dispatched to the Gulou area to inquire about the situation in a low-key manner, and soon identified a suspicious person.

Investigator Wen Zhenhai looked at the No. 4 yard in front of him and walked in cautiously. He pretended to be looking for someone and shouted: "Yu Yongkui, is Yu Yongkui here?"

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

After calling for a long time, no one answered. Just when he was about to continue walking in, an old voice rang: "There is no one else here, let's go! Don't disturb my rest!"

Wen Zhenhai's eyes darkened, and without any further entanglement, he agreed and left. After going out, in order to confirm again, he sat near the yard and chatted with the residents.

He deliberately brought the topic to his relatives surnamed Wu, and sure enough, many uncles and aunts started talking to him, directly saying:

"The old man Wu in Courtyard No. 4 used to be a high official too! He also worked with Marshal Zhang Zuolin, and now he My legs are lame, I am paralyzed in bed and I can't go out. I really deserve it."

After hearing these words, Wen Zhenhai was basically sure that this was Wu Yuwen. He quickly went back to report to his superiors. When he learned that the other party was paralyzed in bed, everyone There was some hesitation.

You must know that such a paralyzed sinner will not live long if left alone, but he will still need to find someone to take care of him in prison when he is captured.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

So the Investigation Division, unable to make a decision, reported the information. When he saw Peng Zhen seeing the document, he immediately said decisively: "Such a sinner must be captured even if he has only one breath left!"

received the order The police quickly dispatched to the yard where Wu Yuwen was hiding. When he saw the police breaking in and announcing that they were going to arrest him, he looked very calm.

Maybe he knew that he had committed many crimes and that one day would come sooner or later. Maybe he had been in poverty for many years and had no hope of living. Wu Yuwen admitted his crimes without any resistance.

Later, Wu Yuwen was sentenced to death , but before he could be executed, he was already terminally ill and died in prison. As soon as the news came out, everyone clapped and cheered loudly.

Subsequently, several other main murderers of Comrade Li Dazhao were also arrested one after another and received the fate they deserved.

After the news came out, the people in Peking burst into tears. Li Dazhao's sacrifice not only caused serious damage to the revolutionary leadership in the north, but also caused great losses to the revolution and the people. - DayDayNews

These sinners will be infamed for thousands of years, but Comrade Li Dazhao will be famous throughout the ages. Until 2022, his name still appears in every corner.

In June 2022, Li Dazhao's famous sayings were used in many civil servant questions held in various places. The interview questions in Enshi Prefecture, Hubei Province read:

The civilization of youth, the civilization of struggle, struggle with the situation, and the times. Therefore, young people are the jade of life, the spring of life, and the splendor of life.

Every word is the best encouragement and the best care for contemporary youth. This man has passed away, but his spirit will last forever!

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