In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So

2024/06/1808:19:33 history 1716

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. The Chairman's special train roared along the Trans-Siberian Railway, which traverses Europe, Asia, and re-entered our country from Manzhouli. The chimney of the train spewed black smoke as it passed through the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and entered the vast forests and snowfields of the Northeast.

01| When the Republic was first established, there were turbulent waves at home and abroad, just like the forest sea surging outside the train window and the vast snowfields

This trip to the Soviet Union was not smooth, just as the chairman predicted before leaving, The Communist International hoped that China would only be the Soviet Union They follow the leader's lead, but Chairman Mao and other central leaders hope to maintain China's policy independence. At the same time, the situation on the peninsula is not peaceful, and Western forces such as Britain and France entrenched on the Japanese archipelago are eyeing it. To the southeast, Chiang Kai-shek die-hards are eager to try. What about inside? We are also facing many internal challenges. The gangs left behind after the die-hards retreated are doing evil everywhere. Our own cadre team is also facing the temptation and challenges of sugar-coated cannons.

The forest sea is "turbulent" and the snowfield is endless. The chairman's mood is just like this forest sea and snowfield, not calm. When he was in Xibaipo , the chairman once said to his comrades: "We are going to Beijing to take the exam, and this is just the beginning." The words have come true. Since ancient times, the saying that it is easy to conquer the world but difficult to dominate the world is not an empty lie. It is the heartfelt words summed up by heroes of all dynasties.

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

Chairman's special train did not go straight to Beijing, but to Harbin, Heilongjiang, an important town quite close to the Sino-Soviet border.

It turns out that the old friend of the Chinese people and the leader of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh has just concluded his visit to the Soviet Union and returned to China by train from the Soviet Union. When passing through China, he also visited China. Therefore, the Chairman decided to entertain Comrade Ho Chi Minh in Harbin, the northeastern industrial town that was first liberated by our party.

02| Inspection of Harbin's industry revealed clues to serious cadre problems.

html At 2 pm on February 27, the special train carrying the chairman arrived in Harbin. At that time, the Northeast region had seven provincial-level divisions: Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Songjiang, Jilin, Liaodong, Liaoxi, and Rehe. Harbin was the first important town under Songjiang Province. The then Songjiang Provincial Secretary Zhang Ce, Harbin Mayor Rao Bin and others were already waiting for the Chairman's special train on the platform. As soon as the chairman's special train arrived, Songjiang's top leaders gathered around and escorted the chairman to Guanyi to stay and rest.

But the chairman was not ready to take a rest. As soon as he arrived at Guanyi, the chairman asked the leaders of Songjiang Province and Harbin City to report on their work. The chairman was very concerned about the industrial and economic construction of Northeast China and asked them: "What big factories are there in Harbin?"

The people in charge here looked at each other for a while, and the provincial person in charge reported to Chairman Mao what happened in Harbin. The condition of the railway factory. Chairman Mao listened, nodded, asked questions, and finally made a request: "I want to go to the factory to see it, and I will go now."

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

It turned out that the Chairman had just returned from the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union, he carefully visited many large factories in Moscow and surrounding areas, ranging from military tanks and firearms factories, to civilian industrial machinery and agricultural machinery factories, to electricity, coal mining, light factories, etc. that are related to people's livelihood. The Chairman and Comrade Enlai visited most of the Soviet Union's representative industrial enterprises, and had in-depth discussions on domestic industrialization issues on their way back to China. Therefore, as soon as I arrived in Harbin, I immediately wanted to visit the factories in Northeast my country, the largest industrial base in our country.

At 4 pm, Chairman Mao, who had gotten off the train less than 2 hours ago, rushed to the Harbin Railway Factory amidst the sound of the factory shift whistle.

Chairman Mao followed the comrades from the factory and the provincial Ministry of Railways to the factory, listening to their reports and asking questions. Including the number of factory employees, production conditions, etc., to name a few. Outside the factory office area, Chairman Mao waved his hand and said to the managers: "We won't go to the office. We won't take a break. We will go directly to the workshop."

When he arrived at the forging workshop, Chairman Mao walked straight to the workshop. The guy who makes the most noise here is the 5-ton steam hammer.Driven by the machine, the steam hammer hammered out the large axle of the locomotive. The roar of steel hitting each other shook the ground of the factory. The red-hot steel ingots were filled with sparks under the heavy blows of the steam hammer, and gradually turned into a large axle of a locomotive.

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

Seeing that Chairman Mao was looking attentively, the person in charge hurriedly reported: "This factory was built after the -Russian War to build the Dongqing Railway, which is now the 'Middle East Railway'. The equipment is relatively It’s old. This 5-ton steam hammer is production equipment from the Russian era, and there is some gap between it and the latest machinery from the Soviet Union.” Chairman

laughed after hearing this: “Although the equipment is old, it is also very important. We still need to make good use of it. The bigger the factory, the better it must be managed. Harbin is the earliest liberated city in the country, and the railway factory is the largest factory in Harbin. You must set an example for factories across the country. "

Leave the forging workshop! , the Chairman and Comrade Enlai went to the machine shop to observe the work of machine tools, and to the locomotive shop to watch the assembly of complete vehicles. And on the way, they learned about the situation of workers' studies and workers' night classes with relevant persons in charge. It was not until night that the Chairman and Comrade Enlai returned to the cave. At this time, Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh was also in Harbin, and Chairman Mao asked the comrades in Harbin to prepare meals to entertain Ho Chi Minh.

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

Fearing that the comrades from Harbin City would make it too grand, the Chairman specifically told them: "Don't make it too extravagant, just treat Comrade Ho Chi Minh to a simple meal."

However, when it was time to start the meal, the Chairman saw the dishes on the table. His face immediately darkened. There are all kinds of delicacies from the mountains and the sea on the dining table, including bear paws, hazel chicken, and other precious animals and birds. The chairman immediately became angry, but with Comrade Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam present, the chairman was not easy to get angry. He only ate vegetables from two or three home-cooked dishes, and he didn't touch the precious ingredients with a chopstick.

After the dinner, Comrade Ho Chi Minh was entertained and stayed. The chairman specially called Rao Bin, who was in charge of Harbin City, and said earnestly: "The country is still very poor, so don't buy big fish, meat, delicacies from mountains and seas! Just eat some rice and vegetables."

At this time, the chairman was still calm. He couldn't hold back his anger, but soon, the chairman couldn't bear it anymore.

03 | Shenyang City intensified its efforts, triggering anti-corruption, anti-waste, and anti-bureaucracy campaigns.

After leaving Harbin City, the Chairman’s special train stopped in Shenyang to inspect the situation in Shenyang. When he saw the food prepared for him by Shenyang, the chairman couldn't help it. If the food in Harbin was just luxurious, the food prepared by Shenyang was already a bit too luxurious.

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

The chairman pointed to a table of food and cursed: "Comrades, we are the public servants of the people, and we want to serve the people . If you engage in luxury like this, follow suit at all levels, and just eat like this, what do the people think of you? And How many countries can afford housing and food?"

Immediately afterwards, the chairman immediately held a cadre meeting in the Northeast. At the meeting, he loudly criticized: "I can't learn Li Zicheng , and I also advise you not to learn Liu Zongmin. ! "

What does this mean?

Li Zicheng revolted, invaded Beijing and overthrew the decadent Ming Dynasty . However, Li Zicheng's peasant rebel army lacked the guidance of faith and soon fell into the dissipation and dissipation of Beijing. When storytellers talk about the late Ming Dynasty, they always like to say that it was Li Zicheng who occupied Chen Yuanyuan , which caused Wu Sangui to lead the Qing soldiers into the pass in anger. In fact, it was not Li Zicheng who occupied Chen Yuanyuan, but the Liu Zongmin mentioned above. Liu Zongmin not only occupied Chen Yuanyuan, Wu Sangui's favorite concubine, but also looted a lot of land in Beijing, causing outrage and resentment.

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

Chairman advised these cadres not to "imitate Liu Zongmin", which can be said to be a serious statement. No matter what these cadres think, the chairman has made up his mind to rectify the extravagant trend. He first said in Xibaipo that should beware of attacks by sugar-coated bullets and oppose bureaucracy that is divorced from the masses. is currently in a critical situation, and it is imperative to rectify the extravagant trend.After the

special train returned to Beijing, our party immediately launched a nationwide investigation into cadre corruption.

However, things still exceeded everyone's expectations. If you don’t investigate, you won’t know. Once you investigate, you will be shocked. This investigation actually uncovered tens of thousands of corrupt and depraved cadres, including some major and important cases. The biggest one is the "Zhang Liu Case" - the corruption case of Zhang Zishan and Liu Qingshan.

04| The hero took the lead in corruption, and the big case of Zhang and Liu broke out!

Zhang and Liu are not ordinary leading cadres, but veteran revolutionaries who joined our party in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War. This time, it was discovered that when the two of them held leadership positions in Tianjin, they stole 2.9 billion in grain funds and 3 billion in flood control transfers under various names. They also deducted subsidies for migrant workers and defrauded bank property. The total amount involved was as high as 17.2 billion, which is embarrassing. Called shocking. (Old coins were used at this time. 10,000 yuan was equivalent to 1 yuan of new currency in 1955. 17.2 billion could buy more than 1 ton of gold, which is equivalent to 400 to 500 million yuan today).

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

Not only that, Liu Qingshan even arrogantly claimed in public: I am the one who conquered the world with all his strength, so what if we enjoy it more? Ladies conquer the world, boys come and enjoy!

What is even more chilling is that Zhang and Liu obviously did what they did blatantly and did not cover up at all, but no one in the local area dared to speak out, no one dared, and no one could report it to the superiors. It seemed that the place had become independent of the two of them. Kingdom, the two of them became like local emperors. It was not until Liu Qingshan was transferred from Tianjin and the central government began to carry out the "three evils" campaign. Li Kecai, who had once reported the two men but had no success, wrote again that the two men were brought to justice.

Seeing the evidence of the depravity of his old comrades, the Chairman felt complicated. When it was so difficult and dangerous at the beginning, they did not betray the party or the people. Why did they become like this when everything was on the right track?

In the end, after repeated evaluations, the chairman wrote resolutely: "It is precisely because of their high status, great contributions, and great influence that we must decide to execute them. Only by executing them can we save 20, 200, 2,000 cadres who made mistakes of varying degrees. "

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

At that time, Liu Qingshan had just returned from the World Youth Peace and Friendship Conference internationally. Someone asked the chairman if he should change the word "青" in Liu Qingshan during the broadcast. The word "Qing" is used to reduce some international influence.

Chairman denied on the spot: "No, you can't add three points of water. We just want to tell the country and abroad that the Liu Qingshan who was shot is the Liu Qingshan who just held an international meeting. He is the Liu Qingshan who has no water!"

In the end, this A total of more than 9 million cadres were examined during the first round of the "three-anti" crackdown on corruption, and 4.5% of cadres were punished at different levels. As many as 105,000 officials were involved in corruption, and the amount reached criminal standards. Tens of thousands of them were arrested and imprisoned, and 42 people were shot for extremely serious crimes.


Tang Taizong said that we should "take people as a mirror and history as a mirror", and remember that "the people are water, and the country is a boat. Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it."

Chairman Mao knew that the vast majority of people are The support of the people is the foundation for our party to move from victory to victory. Without the people and the solid domestic rock, there would be no successive victories in the Korean battlefield, and there would be no miracle of rise that China has created over the past 70 years.

It is precisely because he decisively stopped the unhealthy trends that he ensured that the Korean front line had strong backing and laid a solid foundation for the great success of our country's First Five-Year Plan!

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

In 1950, Chairman Mao ended his three-month visit to the Soviet Union and returned home from Moscow by special train. This trip to the Soviet Union did not go smoothly. Just as the Chairman predicted before leaving, the Communist International hoped that China would follow the So - DayDayNews

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