A few days ago, the Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative in Sichuan held a conference to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a study meeting of the theoretical study center group to review the party's history, sharpen our o

2024/05/2705:16:32 history 1403

recounts the past, reflects on the past, and reflects on history. A few days ago, the Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative in Sichuan held a conference to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a theoretical study center group study meeting to review the party's history, sharpen our original aspirations, commend the advanced, and boost morale. Members of the leadership team of Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative and all cadres and workers attended the meeting.

A few days ago, the Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative in Sichuan held a conference to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a study meeting of the theoretical study center group to review the party's history, sharpen our o - DayDayNews

Wang Hui, member of the Party Committee of Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative and deputy director of the Board of Supervisors, presided over the meeting, carried out the " Four Histories " publicity and education activities, and reviewed the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during his inspection in Sichuan, the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of Sichuan Province, The spirit of the third plenary meeting of the third council of the Deyang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative was deeply explained, comprehensively introduced and systematically explained, guiding the participants to deeply understand and grasp the fundamental compliance, overall planning and strategic guidance of governing Shu and revitalizing Sichuan in the new era.

Wang Zhutao, member of the Party Committee of Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative and deputy director of the Board of Directors, read out the "Decision of the Party Branch of the Institution on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members in 2021-2022", issued honorary certificates to the commended comrades, and encouraged them to cherish their honors and guard against arrogance and impetuosity. , pioneer and innovate, achieve greater results, play an exemplary and leading role, and make new contributions and achieve greater results for the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives. Later, Li Jian, Secretary of the Party Committee of Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative, presented birthday cards and congratulations to party members celebrating their "collective political birthday". The

meeting also held a solemn swearing-in ceremony. Li Jian led all party member representatives of the agency to take an oath to join the party in front of the party flag. All party members had firm eyes, solemn expressions, and solemnly raised their right fists. In the clank oath, they further strengthened their ideals and beliefs and forged their original aspiration and mission.

A few days ago, the Shifang City Supply and Marketing Cooperative in Sichuan held a conference to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and a study meeting of the theoretical study center group to review the party's history, sharpen our o - DayDayNews

Li Jian encouraged everyone to adapt to the new situation, understand the new policies, meet new challenges, and seek new development in the context of the new era, and taught a special party class with the theme of "Viewing Style Construction from a Century of Party History". He emphasized that we must continue to draw wisdom and strength for progress from the glorious history of the party, and with the sense of urgency that "time waits for no one", the spirit of "sailing but the trade wind", and the self-confidence of "flying like waves and spring", we must Work hard, work hard, continue to write new chapters in style construction, continue to promote the high-quality development of supply and marketing work, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

After the meeting, party members and cadres went to Zhanqi Village, a demonstration village for rural revitalization in the new era, for an on-site visit and study, to learn more about the development history and reform achievements of Zhanqi Village, and to experience the new look of rural revitalization under the leadership of party building.

Southwest Commercial Daily Yuandian News Reporter Gao Mingshan Li Pengfei (Contributed by Shifang Supply and Marketing Cooperative)

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