Luo Guanzhong, like the six "Shanxi General Chronicles" recorded in the Luo family of Jin Province, is looking for the origin of the "Taiyuan native" Luo Guanzhong family. The local chronicles of Shanxi dynasties seem to be able to provide us with some inspiration. Most of the tr

2024/05/2520:50:33 history 1875

Luo Guanzhong, like the six

Luo Guanzhong is like

The Luo family of Shanxi Province recorded in the six " Shanxi General Chronicles" is looking for the origin of the "Taiyuan native" Luo Guanzhong family. The local chronicles of Shanxi dynasties seem to be able to provide us with some inspiration.

Most of the traditional local chronicles do not include clan chronicles, and it is even more difficult to see clan examinations and the like. If the local chronicles imitate the "Genesis Table of Prime Ministers" in the official history and make some similar genealogy tables of Jinshi candidates, it will help us It provides great convenience for finding traces of a certain clan. At present, there are only two ways to search for local chronicles: "People's Chronicles" in local chronicles and "Election System" in local chronicles (the names are different, some are called "Subjects", and some are called "Gongju Pu" because they are tabulated. ), through these two records, we may be able to find the origin of some surnames.

There are currently six volumes of Shanxi Tongzhi, three each from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There are three "Shanxi Tongzhi" in the Ming Dynasty: they were compiled in Chenghua, Jiajing and Wanli. Three parts of the Qing Dynasty were compiled in: Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Guangxu.

1. Statistics on the candidates and Jinshi with the surname Luo in the "Shanxi General Chronicles·Election Chronicles" (sometimes called "Subjects", "Gongju Pu", etc.) in the past dynasties.

One Jinshi in the Yuan Dynasty:

Dingxiang Luo Keming (recorded in the column "The missing year names are always listed at the back")

Ming Dynasty: There were eleven Jinshi candidates named Luo

Luo Xian from Zhaocheng ( Xuande Ten years of promotion)

Jingle person Luo Zhong (Jingtai first year of promotion)

Yuci person Luo Yuanji (Tianshun three years of promotion, Chenghua fifth year of promotion)

Yuci person Luo Yuanxiang (Tianshun six years of promotion, Chenghua eight years of promotion) Jinshi (Jinshi)

Luo Dou from Yangqu (Juren in the seventh year of Jiajing)

Luo Xian from Qingyuan (Jinshi in the 13th year of Chenghua, Jinshi in the third year of Hongzhi ) was appointed as the inspector of Liaodong and Henan.

Luo Zhang, a native of Qingyuan (who was elected in the seventeenth year of Hongzhi, and was appointed magistrate of Huanjin County)

Luo Haoren, a native of Qingyuan (who was elected in the fourth year of Wanli. Luo Zhang's great-grandson, was appointed official and magistrate of Quzhou)

Luo Ang, a native of Qingyuan (who was promoted in the tenth year of Wanli, and was appointed magistrate of Quzhou) Tongzhi of Qingyang Prefecture)

Luo Hui, a native of Qingyuan (Zhang Yicheng was listed as a Jinshi in the 29th year of Wanli, and he was an official in the Qiang prefecture. The year of passing the examination was not recorded)

Luo Xu, a native of Qingyuan (in the 46th year of Wanli, he was an official in Xihuan) Bing Bei Dao)

In the sixth year of Kangxi, Ding Wei Ke Miao Tongbang Luo Rui [Qingyuan Life Guangzhi County]

In the eighteenth year of Kangxi Ji Wei Ke returned to Yunsu Bang Luo Shengjin [Qixian native Songyang County Magistrate]

Kangxi 20th year In the third year of the Jiazhi Ke Township Examination, Luo Chengjin [from Qixian County] ( Guangxu Chronicles: Luo Chengjin, Qixian people, Cabinet Zhongshu)

In the seventh year of the Yongzheng Period, Jiyouke Rural Examination Shuntian Chinese Style Luo Shizhong [from Qingyuan]

Guangxu's "Shanxi Tongzhi" Volume 21 (Shunzhi to Yongzheng): Luo Jing, Yi family, Fenyang edict

Guangxu's "Shanxi Tongzhi" Volume 21 Qianlong (30th year) Wu Jinshi Luo Bangxian (Qing Dynasty) Source)

Jinshi Luo Ruming was born in Yuci in the thirty-seventh year of Qianlong, and Luo Xi (born in Yuci, Tunliu taught)

Volume 22 of Guangxu's "Shanxi Tongzhi" was elected in the third year of Daoguang's reign, Luo Qichang, Jiexiu people are partial to training.

2. The Luo people in the "General Chronicles of Shanxi·Characters" of past dynasties.

Although there are as many as 20 Jinshi candidates named Luo in the six volumes of "Shanxi General Chronicles·Election Chronicles" in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the figures with the Luo surname since the Yuan Dynasty included in the "Shanxi General Chronicles·Personal Chronicles" (including the attached In "Characters", there are only two people in terms of loyalty, filial piety, chastity, etc.: Luo Xian from the Ming Dynasty and Luo Xu from the Qing Dynasty. Both of them were first recorded in Yongzheng's "Shanxi Tongzhi".

Luo Xian of the Ming Dynasty, Volume 17 of Yongzheng's "Shanxi Tongzhi" "Characters Seven·Taiyuan Prefecture·Ming": "Luo Xian, courtesy name Dayong, was born in Qingyuan. He was a Jinshi in Gengxu during the Hongzhi period, and became a Fujian Taoist censor. In the year when I was actually taught, I heard about my relative's obituary and went to see him immediately. During the tea tour in Shaanxi, the tea ban had been relaxed for a long time, and the official tea was not good enough. According to Liaodong, there are many corrupt generals who are promoted to more than 50 positions within one year. According to Henan, those who are regarded as greedy officials will be dismissed from their posts. It is called Yama."

Luo Xu, a native of the Qing Dynasty (actually Luo Xu was an official from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, he had reached the position of head of the household department and magistrate of Cangzhou. Although he was mentioned in "Characters Seven·Taiyuan Prefecture" in Yongzheng's "Shanxi Tongzhi" It is included in the "Guo Dynasty" (referring to Qing Dynasty ), but in fact there are two narratives about his experience:

Luo Xu was named Jingchu, a native of Qingyuan, a member of the Wanli Wuwu Juren, and was granted the title of magistrate of Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province. The bandits were rampant, and the city was burned and sieged. He trained the people and vowed to defend the city. He was promoted to the head of the Huaiyun Bureau and moved to Cangzhou. The people built temples in the country. In the Yiyou period of Shunzhi Dynasty, he moved to be a member of the household department, Wai Langzhong, and became a minister in Xining. Those who cannot be married and buried are willing to help, and the people of the city admire them.

Luo Guanzhong, like the six

Luo Guanzhong, like the six

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