Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song "Stars Light Up" written by Zheng Zhihua, which caused Zheng Zhihua's dissatisfaction. People in the 1960s and 1970s still have a deep impression on Zheng Zhihua. The inspirational young man on the stage with

2024/05/2507:51:33 history 1606

Wang Xinling and several other ladies, when singing the song " Stars Light Up " composed by Zheng Zhihua , they changed the lyrics, which caused Zheng Zhihua's dissatisfaction.

Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song

The radically altered lyrics caused dissatisfaction with the original creation.

Zheng Zhihua was very angry. He posted at 10 o'clock in the evening: " Regarding the lyrics of my classic song "Stars Lighting", I was shocked, angry and regretful that the lyrics were randomly altered" .

People in the 1960s and 1970s still have a deep impression on Zheng Zhihua. The inspirational young man on crutches on the stage sang his heartfelt voice in a hoarse voice: "The sky is now a dirty sky, and the stars are there. In the civilized world, we can no longer see it.

Thirty years have passed and I can’t remember any other songs from the smash hit “Stars Light” album released in 1992. .

Sometimes, the memory in my brain is like a strong wind blowing. It seems that there are still some impressions of the tunes of several songs, such as "Birthday Song", etc. It feels similar to the style of Wang Jie's " Tears of Heroes ". Sad, bitter, and moaning from the bottom, full of the vicissitudes of the times and the desolation of the world. This may be the memory characteristic of their generation, so this classic lyrics may be very important to them. Therefore, most people understand the resentment towards the original author Zheng Zhihua.

Miss Wang Xinling was born in 1982. In 1992, when Uncle Zheng Zhihua, who was born in 1961, became famous, she was just a 10-year-old girl. Under normal circumstances, children of this age cannot understand the painful experiences of adults of that era.

Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song

The melody is still there, and the lyrics are appropriate to the situation.

Thirty years later, the little sister has grown up, and the sky is different now than it was thirty years ago.

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The style that the younger generation likes is soaked in sugar water, and they no longer like the pathos in the lyrics of the original "Stars Light Up".

This Korean trend, which has been full of young people for some time, can also show the trend of the pop music world.

Therefore, the young brothers and sisters of the sweet group sang "The sky now is a clear sky, and the stars are always visible in the civilized sky" but it seemed more appropriate to sing the original lyrics, right? A bit nondescript?

song auditions, such as The Voice a few years ago, have seen several celebrities win the sympathy and support of the audience through misfortunes. Later, it was discovered that they were all fake, and the deceived audience was very angry, so no one used this routine again. Dare to use it.

The path of acting should be more stable and long-term. Of course, it should still be the mainstream of consumption-the sweet route preferred by most of the boys and girls who live a superior life and pursue beauty is more reliable.

All-powerful netizens found out that the lyrics of this song had been changed at CCTV’s party a few years ago. Other singers had also covered CCTV’s "Stars Light Up" with revised lyrics. The girls sang only the program group Selected song. The original author of

did not express any different opinions at that time. If

is dissatisfied due to copyright issues. Obviously, this slap on a few young ladies is a bit unfair.

However, some Internet celebrities and some people described the changed lyrics of Miss Sister's sweet line and the original author's personal emotional expression as "political" expressions, criticizing the so-called "in order to cater to some so-called political correctness" , this is another obviously intended to cause controversy, divide the audience and readers, and distort the rhythm, right?

Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song

Revolutionary songs with changed lyrics and music are sung in the North and the South

The Red Army and the Eighth Route Army not only fought bravely, but also had a magic weapon for victory, which was to spread the word widely. Mobilizing the masses, a unique skill that the Kuomintang army and other warlords cannot learn, is to teach the masses to sing revolutionary songs.

Therefore, during the Agrarian Revolution, the Anti-Japanese War, and the War of Liberation, a large number of very popular revolutionary songs were born, among which. Many of them are not original, but borrow and apply some songs that have been circulated for a long time, which makes them easier to be accepted and learned.

Perhaps the most famous one is " Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention ". This military song is not only sung by every soldier who has participated in the People's Army, but also by most people after liberation.

Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention

This song "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" written by Chairman Mao himself is simple, clear and catchy, and even soldiers with low levels of education can quickly learn it.

Singing this song, the people's army walked down Jinggangshan to the anti-Japanese battlefields across the country, and formed a close relationship with the people. During the War of Liberation, in the apple orchards of Shenyang and the bustling streets of Shanghai, this loud song could be heard everywhere, demonstrating the bravery and strict discipline of our army. The lyrics and melody of this song have become the soul of our army. Integrate into the blood of the people's army.

In the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Chinese athletes entered the sports field accompanied by the majestic song "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention".

Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song

The American media said that this song was the Prussian military song "Kaiser Wilhelm's Drill Song" and publicized it vigorously.

This is a bit nonsense, but this song is not original to the Red Army. It is indeed a radical modification of previous works.

The score of "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" was borrowed from the song "The Agrarian Revolution Was Successful" at that time. Looking back to the source, it is "The Marshal's Military Training Song" by Yuan Shikai . It may have been borrowed from the tunes of foreign new armies, and it has a taste of foreign bread, but it is not a Prussian military song.

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In 1895, Yuan Shikai trained the new army at Tianjin Station , and also hired German instructors. In order to allow the soldiers to quickly and accurately memorize army doctrine, he Someone compiled five military songs, among which the most popular one is "The General's Military Training Song":

"The imperial court wants to protect the overall peace, and the general will practice new exercises in accordance with the order.

The first is to repay the emperor and his ministers. The second lesson must be taught by the superiors. "

In 1928, Chairman Mao summarized the three disciplines and six major points of attention of the army and formally promulgated them, which became a distinctive manifestation of the people's soldiers. Later, two more were added. In 1931, the "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" officially became the discipline of the army and local armed forces led by the Communist Party. In 1935, after the Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, it composed the lyrics of "Three Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" based on disciplinary regulations :

"Every revolutionary soldier must keep in mind the three major disciplines and eight points of attention.

The first is to obey the command in all actions. , Only by working in unison can we win.

Secondly, if I don’t take anything away from the masses, the masses will support and like me. "

Listen, is it really a bit similar?

Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song

" The Military Song of the Intellectual Youth " and "The Military Song of the New Fourth Army"

is called the best anti-Japanese drama by military fans. In " My Commander My Regiment ", Chief Ayi used his bookish The song that led everyone to sing with the accent:

"If you don't see me, the army of Han Dynasty will end, and the weak crowned prisoners will please grow their tassels. If you don't see me, class will be far away , and the light cavalry of the extreme realm will urge the war cloud! Men should be serious about danger, how can they let Confucian crown Is this life a waste? The country is in danger, and the feathers are racing without stopping! I have abandoned my pen of old, and carried my war chest. I call for more than 100,000 comrades, sing war songs and join the army, clean up the dust, and swear to sweep away the Japanese slaves. Body! "

This is the "Army Song of Intellectual Youth" which was very popular during the Anti-Japanese War. The lyrics of

are written by quoting scriptures, and generally have no cultural background. If you don’t listen to the explanations in the storytellers, you probably won’t understand what the lyrics mean.

This also shows from another aspect the failure of the Chinese Communist Party’s elitist line in the National War of Resistance. The lyrics are so literal. You must know that during the Anti-Japanese War, 95% of the Chinese army’s soldiers were illiterate, while 98% of the Japanese army were illiterate. I graduated from primary school.

The "New Fourth Army Military Song" uses the same tune, and the lyrics come from our poet Marshal Comrade Chen Yi.

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Glorious Northern Expedition Under the Wuchang City

Our names are stained with blood

Struggle alone Luo Xiaoshan On

Inheriting the merits of the martyrs

Thousands of struggles We fought thousands of miles in the snow, hunger and cold, and went camping in poor mountains to gain rich experience in struggle. We exercised the spirit of hard sacrifice. For the sake of social happiness, we have always persisted in our struggle!

Athletes from eight provinces have joined together to fight against Japan.

Athletes from eight provinces have joined together to fight against Japan.

Go east, go east! We Are the Iron New Fourth Army

Comrade Chen Yi's poem "Ten Years" was collectively adapted by General Ye Ting, Political Commissar Xiang Ying and others into this mighty New Fourth Army military song.

The military song of the New Fourth Army was composed in 1939 and took more than three months. The lyrics were collectively created by the New Fourth Army and written by Chen Yi. The music score was composed by composer He Shide, captain of the New Fourth Army Teaching Corps, and also absorbed some characteristics of Western military music. It is high-pitched, exciting and majestic.

"Song of Intellectual Youth Joining the Army" was published in 1944.

Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song

In September 1944, the Nationalist Government called on 100,000 educated young people to enlist in the army, hence this song.

Some people say that this song was written by General Dai Anlan of the Expeditionary Force who died heroically in the Anti-Japanese War. Some people say that it was written by Sun Liren, the deputy commander of the New First Army at the time. General praised it highly, designated it as a military song and promoted its popularity. The tune is a military song of the New First Army, not the one sung by Commander Ayi.

"My Leader, My Team" is a hit on TV, and the familiar melody of this song has attracted people's attention again.

If the regiment leader borrowed the tune, why did he borrow it from the New Fourth Army?

"Song of the Guerrilla" and "Song of the British Grenadier"

There is also the popular "Song of the Guerrilla":

Miss Cyndi Wang and several other girls changed the lyrics of the song

We are all sharpshooters,

Every bullet destroys an enemy;

We are all flying troops,

Even if the mountains are high and the water is deep.

 In the dense woods,

 comrades' campsites are arranged everywhere.

 On that high hill,

 there are countless of our good brothers.

 No food, no clothes,

 Since the enemy comes forward,

 There is no gun, no cannon,

 The enemy has made it for us.

 We grew up here,

 Every inch of land is our own.

 No matter who wants to take it,

 We will fight with him to the end!

This song is also said to be based on the tune of the British "Grenadier Song". The textual expression of

is not as good as that of video or audio. Just search and listen to it online and compare it. It only sounds a bit similar.

You can't say that if Li Yunlong threw 3,600 grenades at once, his " grenadiers " were all learned from the British, right?

The most important thing in the entertainment industry is popularity and attention. If a few young ladies can help people dig out the memories of the pop music scene thirty years ago and make people nostalgic and care about an uncle's new voice again, then the uncle really has to thank him very much. Sisters?

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