Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s

2024/05/2415:27:33 history 1864

"Songs are generous to Yan City, and he is a prisoner of Chu calmly. He leads the sword to become a quick one, and he lives up to his youthful reputation."

This is the famous work of Wang Jingwei , titled "Caught and Possessed". As Sun Yat-sen's right-hand man, Wang Jingwei did not hesitate to assassinate the regent of the Qing Dynasty Zaifeng for his own revolutionary ideals in his early years. After being arrested, he faced death calmly and regarded death as if he had gone home. This is how he came up with this heroic and free famous poem. For a time, Wang Jingwei's reputation was well-known in the north and south.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

The last regent of the Qing Dynasty, Zaifeng

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising person to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. He was beaten to a pulp, but in the end he rebelled against the party and the country, becoming China's number one traitor, and ended up with a ruined reputation and lasting infamy!

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Wang Jingwei

Wang Jingwei's miserable childhood:

On May 4, 1883, which was the ninth year of Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty, Wang Jingwei was born in Panyu County, Guangdong. The father, Wang Jing, was already 62 years old at the time. It can be said that he was a real old boy. Wang Jing was overjoyed and named the boy Wang Zhaoming . As for why he changed the name later, we will talk about it later.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Young Wang Zhaoming

At that time, Wang Jing already had 9 children. Counting Wang Zhaoming, there were more than a dozen people in the family, which was considered a big family. As a yamen master, Wang Jing can barely support his family's expenses by relying on his yamen salary and some gray income. Therefore, Wang Jingwei's childhood life was not rich. Since Wang Zhaoming ranked fourth among the boys, everyone who knew him later called him fourth brother.

Influenced by his father, Wang Jingwei liked to read Wang Yangming and Lu You since he was a child. He not only understood Wang Yangming's philosophical thoughts, but also experienced Lu You's bold writing style. These all played a very important role in Wang Zhaoming's political career in the future. A happy childhood is always short-lived. When Wang Zhaoming was 13 years old, his mother passed away, and his father also passed away the next year. How miserable this is for a thirteen or fourteen year old child!

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

People's Life in the Late Qing Dynasty

Furthermore, his father, Wang Ying, was originally from Wuyuan, Jiangxi Province, and later lived in Guangdong. So when I die, I will not be able to speak Cantonese . It can be said that I have died in a foreign country! There is no other way, so young Wang Zhaoming has to rely on his half-brother Wang Zhaoyong, who is more than 20 years older than him, to support him.

17-year-old went out to make a career in the world:

Children from poor families have already become masters. When Wang Zhaoming was 17 years old, he decided to go out to work and make money. At that time, Admiral Li Zhun of the Guangdong Navy heard that Wang Zhaoming was very talented, so he spent a lot of money to hire Wang Zhaoming to be a teacher for his children. By the way, this Li Zhun is not an ordinary person. He made a significant contribution to the coastal defense of the Qing Dynasty. He is a figure recorded in history. He can hire a 17-year-old young man to teach his children, which shows that Wang Zhaoming does have a few skills.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Li Zhun, Admiral of the Guangdong Navy

, had been a tutor for a period of time. He heard that the Qing government had begun to implement the New Deal and sent a large number of publicly funded students to study abroad. So Wang Zhaoming seized the opportunity. In 1904, Wang Zhaoming, who was only 20 years old, and another friend, Hu Hanmin, were admitted to the Japanese University of Political Science and Law as publicly funded international students. By the way, in fact, when Wang Zhaoming was 18 years old, he had already passed the local scholar examination with first place, which shows that he is indeed excellent in both character and learning.

followed Sun Yat-sen and started the revolution:

There were more than 10,000 Chinese students in Japan in 1905. The main revolutionary factions in Japan at that time were: the royalists who advocated constitutional monarchy, and their representatives were Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao . The other faction is the revolutionary party that advocates overthrowing the Qing Dynasty. Its representatives are Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Liang Qichao, the master of traditional Chinese culture in the Republic of China

As a passionate young man in his early 20s, Wang Zhaoming quickly accepted the education of revolutionary ideas, and together with Hu Hanmin, he visited the legendary revolutionary forerunner Sun Yat-sen.Just after visiting Sun Yat-sen, they decisively cut off their braids and joined the Tongmenghui . Due to their outstanding talents, Wang Zhaoming and Hu Hanmin soon became Sun Yat-sen's right-hand men. After Wang Zhaoming served as the chief editor of "Minbao", he did a lot of work to promote Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary thoughts and Three People's Principles. Many of the articles he published were signed by Jingwei. Gradually, the name Wang Jingwei began to replace Wang Zhaoming. .

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Sun Yat-sen, the forerunner of the democratic revolution

failed to assassinate the regent Zaifeng:

In order to quickly achieve the goal of successful revolution, the Tongmenghui decided to send people to assassinate the regent Zaifeng of the Qing government, because he was the actual ruler of the Qing Dynasty at that time. After all, Xuantong Emperor Years old, still a baby. If Zaifeng could be killed, wouldn't it mean the demise of the Qing Dynasty? So he did what he said. The energetic and thoughtful Wang Jingwei took the initiative to ask for help, and soon arrived in Beijing to lurk.

After discussing with his assistants, Wang Jingwei finally decided to use a bomb attack. After all, he is the regent, and there are too many bodyguards to protect him. It is still unrealistic to assassinate him at close range. Soon the bomb was hidden in a special large iron can. After some discussion, several people finally chose the Silver Ingot Bridge in Shichahai as the assassination location. They prepared to plant explosives in advance and detonate the bomb as soon as Zaifeng got on the bridge.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Today's Shichahai Silver Ingot Bridge

In the early morning of April 2, 1910, just as Wang Zhaoming and others were planting explosives under the bridge, they were accidentally discovered by villagers who had passed by early. As luck would have it, you are only one step away from success. Soon after, the officers and soldiers captured Wang Jingwei, Huang Fusheng, Luo Shixun and others in a photo studio in Beijing City.

The news of Wang Jingwei's arrest quickly spread throughout the country and abroad, especially the Tongmenghui, which reacted strongly. Sun Yat-sen, who was raising money in New York at this time, was shocked and hurt when he heard that Wang Jingwei had been arrested.

At that time, Prince Su Shanqi felt that the Southern Revolutionary Party was rampant and if Wang Jingwei was killed, they might be pushed too hard. It would be better to win over people's hearts and sentence them to life imprisonment . In this way, Wang Jingwei, who should have been imprisoned, caught up with the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising only a year later, on October 10, 1911, and was forced by pressure from all parties. Wang Jingwei and his brothers finally regained their freedom on November 6, 1911.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Wuchang Uprising

From the second-ranking figure in the Kuomintang to the establishment of a new Central Committee:

After being released from prison, Wang Jingwei can be said to have extremely high prestige among the revolutionary party, and he also has a certain reputation and popularity among ordinary social classes. Since then, he has been following Sun Yat-sen and running around, such as the establishment of the Kuomintang, the law-enforcement war , the second revolution, the reorganization of the Kuomintang and other major events.

By 1925, he, Hu Hanmin, Liao Zhongkai and others had become Sun Yat-sen's confidants. On March 12, 1925, the founding father Sun Yat-sen died of illness in Beijing. For a time, there was a power vacuum in the Kuomintang. At this time, in addition to Wang Jingwei, who was in charge of party affairs, there were three people who were also qualified to succeed: Hu Hanmin, who was in charge of politics, Liao Zhongkai, who was in charge of finance, and Liao Zhongkai, who was in charge of finance. Chiang Kai-shek who holds military power.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Hu Hanmin

After some internal struggles, Liao Zhongkai was assassinated and Hu Hanmin was forced to go to the Soviet Union. Wang Jingwei, who drafted Sun Yat-sen's will, also failed in the internal struggle and was forced to leave France. It was obvious that there was only one Chiang Kai-shek left at this time.

Unconvinced, Wang Jingwei quickly gathered a group of his supporters after returning to China. In 1926, the Guangzhou Kuomintang Central Party Headquarters moved to Wuhan, hoping to use his prestige within the party to suppress Chiang Kai-shek. But he never expected that Chiang Kai-shek, who had military power in his hands, would also establish the National Government in Nanjing on April 18, 1927. At the same time, Chiang Kai-shek announced that he would take charge of the Kuomintang's party, government, and military power as Sun Yat-sen's legal successor. In September of the same year, the Wuhan government merged into the Nanjing government, realizing the "Ning-Han merger."

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Chiang Kai-shek, who appeared on the cover of Time Magazine,

openly surrendered to the enemy and treason after losing power within the party:

He had been suppressed by Chiang Kai-shek in Nanjing. Wang Jingwei, who had no real power in his hands, naturally refused to accept his fate. Just when Wang Jingwei was in dire straits, the all-out Anti-Japanese War broke out on July 7, 1937. Faced with the disparity in strength between China and Japan, Wang Jingwei gradually despaired of the prospect of war. My heart began to tend to be passive anti-war , and I became more and more interested in the cooperation policy with Japan. On the Japanese side, in order to find an obedient spokesperson in China to disintegrate China's anti-Japanese camp, Wang Jingwei's Mei Siping and Gao Zongwu and others had many secret contacts with the Japanese military.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Marco Polo Bridge Incident

On November 20, 1937, the Nanjing National Government moved its capital to Chongqing. When Wang Jingwei arrived in Chongqing, he was basically under the supervision of Chiang Kai-shek. Under this situation, Wang Jingwei decided to leave Chongqing and seek cooperation with Japan abroad in order to achieve the so-called "curve to save the country."

On October 22, 1938, Wang Jingwei, Zhou Fohai, Mei Siping, Tao Xisheng, Chen Bijun and others held a secret meeting to discuss the details of the operation. Finally, under their careful planning, on December 19 of that year, the group transferred to Kunming, Yunnan, and took a special plane chartered by Long Yun to fly to Hanoi, Vietnam. In this way, Wang Jingwei and Chiang Kai-shek, the old enemies, had been stumbling upon each other for more than ten years, and this time they finally parted ways completely. On December 29, the tenth day after

arrived in Hanoi , Wang Jingwei published a "Letter to the Central Party Committee of the Kuomintang and Chiang Kai-shek and Others" in the "Nanhua Daily", publicly responding to the so-called "confrontation" of Japanese Prime Minister Konoe Fumima. "Hua San Principle" and Wang Jingwei's "Yandian" publication showed that he had openly treason and surrendered to the enemy.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Wang Jingwei and Tojo Hideki

A generation of outstanding people finally became a national scum who died in a foreign land:

The time came to 1943. In this year, the United States' entry into the war brought a major turning point in the world's anti-fascist war. With the changes in the international situation, Wang Jingwei Knowing that Japan's defeat was certain, he not only began to worry about his own prospects, but the house leaked and it rained all night. Soon after, Wang Jingwei fell down the stairs when he was going downstairs, and he happened to hit the man who was killed by eight years ago. Wang Yaqiao injured his spine with a gun. He passed out instantly. By early 1944, Wang Jingwei's condition worsened and he had to go to Japan to receive better treatment.

Especially after the death of Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei's status in the Kuomintang rose sharply. He was the most promising to inherit Mr. Sun's legacy and take over the position of party chairman and become the top leader. But fate played a trick on him, and his good cards were s - DayDayNews

Wang Yaqiao, the leader of the "Axe Gang"

, made do. By October of that year, Wang Jingwei's condition worsened further. Finally, on November 10, 1944, Wang Jingwei died of his injuries and eventually died in a foreign country.

Wang Jingwei's life, the first half of his life was a life of a struggling hero, but the second half of his life was a life of surrender to the enemy and treason, and a life of servility. It makes people sigh with emotion!

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