Meter, the metric unit of length, was also called the meter in the past, and is equal to three feet in the municipal system, which is 100 centimeters. The origin of rice has nothing to do with rice or rice. It is actually a transliteration of the word. The old name was Mitu, whic

2024/05/2405:58:32 history 1815

meters , the metric unit of length, formerly also called meters, is equal to municipal system three feet, which is 100 centimeters. The origin of

rice has nothing to do with rice or rice. It is actually a transliteration of the word. The old name was rice and , which was later simplified to rice. The length unit of meter comes from France, the English is meter, the French is mètre, and the meter is transliterated from it.

metric system , which is the international metric system, the old name is meter system . It was pioneered by France at the end of the 18th century. In 1875, 17 countries including France, Germany, the United States, and Russia signed the Meter Convention in Paris, recognizing the metric system as the internationally accepted measurement system. The State Council of my country announced in June 1959 that the metric system was the basic unit of measurement in my country. The main units of the metric system are stipulated as follows: [1] The main unit of length is the meter, code-named m, which is the distance between the two ends of the standard meter stick made of platinum-iridium alloy stored at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Paris at 0°C. , approximately equal to one forty millionth of the length of the meridian passing through Paris. 【2】The main unit of mass is kilogram (kilogram), code-named kg. 【3】The main unit of capacity is liter, code l, which is the volume of one kilogram of pure water at the maximum density (4°C) under standard atmospheric pressure. (See "Chinese Dictionary")

Meter, the metric unit of length, was also called the meter in the past, and is equal to three feet in the municipal system, which is 100 centimeters. The origin of rice has nothing to do with rice or rice. It is actually a transliteration of the word. The old name was Mitu, whic - DayDayNews

Meter, the metric unit of length, was also called the meter in the past, and is equal to three feet in the municipal system, which is 100 centimeters. The origin of rice has nothing to do with rice or rice. It is actually a transliteration of the word. The old name was Mitu, whic - DayDayNews

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