This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said: "Xu Qiyao is an interesting person. He likes two things the most, money and women. If you give him both, he can do anything. Done.”

2024/05/2220:33:33 history 1555

In 2000, a man named Qian Qian was arrested by the Jiangsu police. He was convicted of "fraud" for pretending to be the leader's secretary and cheating. In order to make meritorious service and reduce his own sentence, Qian Qian took the initiative to expose a high-ranking official who had accepted corruption and bribes.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said: "Xu Qiyao is an interesting person. He likes two things the most, money and women. If you give him both, he will do anything." It can be done."

In order to implement Qian Qian's statement, the relevant departments investigated Xu Qiyao. This trial was extraordinary. The amount of Xu Qiyao's corruption and bribery was as high as more than 20 million yuan, but the most shocking thing was his support during those years. There were a total of 146 mistresses, including a mother and daughter!

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

Crime Revealed

Xu Qiyao panicked when he heard that someone had reported him, and quickly found his minions and lawyers to discuss a complete solution.

On the advice of his lawyer, Xu Qiyao quickly paid someone to find connections. Through the activities of a middleman, he successfully got on the line at the detention center and spoke to the people involved in the case.

Xu Qiyao learned all the contents of the report, used money to lure those involved, and colluded with them to confess, minimizing his crime to the greatest extent.

In addition, he also returned several bribes he had received recently intact. Most of the bribes had been returned, but one of them gave him a headache.

In 1998, Xu Qiyao received 1.2 million from Niu Chun, who was the leader of the Nanjing Engineering Department of Hongji Company. In order to successfully take over a project in Nanjing, Niu Chun approached Xu Qiyao and asked him to help mediate.

With Xu Qiyao's help, Niu Chun quickly won the project and, as agreed in advance, gave Xu Qiyao half of the proceeds from the entire project.

A total of 1.2 million, Xu Qiyao happily accepted it. As an official, every money he made must have a legal source. At that time, he did not care about this matter. It was not until someone exposed him that he eagerly wanted solve.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

In May 2000, Xu Qiyao asked his daughter-in-law to write an IOU to Niu Chun in his own name, hoping to launder the 1.2 million yuan. But what he didn’t know was that before he did this, the relevant departments They already had evidence of his crimes.

This time, not only did Xu Qiyao escape the law, but officials and businessmen related to him were also scrutinized by relevant departments.

In September 2000, Xu Qiyao was "double-regulated". It was not until he was arrested that he deeply felt that he was in danger.

20 million in repayment was an astronomical figure at the time. Ordinary people did not dare to even think about it. In the face of irrefutable evidence, Xu Qiyao understood that only by confessing proactively could he alleviate his sins and gain a chance of survival, so he gave up his sophistry completely. Not only did he admit to the existing crimes, he also confessed the criminal facts that the prosecutor's office had not discovered.

After explaining everything, Xu Qiyao cried bitterly, saying that he was sorry for the country, the people, and his mother who had worked so hard to train him...

This series of operations was indeed useful. In the end, Xu Qiyao performed meritorious services such as proactively confessing and withdrawing stolen goods. , coupled with his profound repentance, the court finally sentenced him to death with a suspended sentence of two years.

Xu Qiyao has temporarily saved his life. As long as he makes no mistakes and performs well within two years, he can survive.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

The news of Xu Qiyao's downfall was widely spread in the local area. Many people were amazed that such a good official of the people did not expect such things behind the scenes, especially the 146 mistresses Xu Qiyao kept, which once became the talk of the local people.

Yes, in the beginning, Xu Qiyao was really a good official in the eyes of the people. He himself also relied on the reputation of the people to get promoted.

What did he do to win the respect of the people? When did such a "good official" deteriorate? Everything has to start from the first half of Xu Qiyao's life.

Descendants of martyrs

When Xu Qiyao first became an official, he often said: "I am a descendant of martyrs, a farmer's son!"

Indeed, Xu Qiyao was born in a family of martyrs. When he was less than one year old, My father died for his country in the Anti-Japanese War.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

After his father passed away, his mother was left to raise him up alone. From the time Xu Qiyao could remember, his only impression of his family was that they were "poor", so poor!

Once Xu Qiyao fell ill, his mother was so worried that she immediately carried him to the city to find a doctor. At that time, all the way to the city was on foot, and his mother carried him for several miles before arriving at the medicine shop in the city. But Xu Qiyao was finished by the doctor. After taking medicine for their disease, they could not afford the medicine.

At that time, the doctor was very angry and scolded the mother for wasting his time, and drove the mother and son out of the pharmacy. In the end, there was no other way, and the mother had to walk home slowly and leisurely with Xu Qiyao on her back.

Mother kept telling Xu Qiyao along the way: "Son, you must study hard in the future and get ahead..."

Mother did not say empty words. When she reached school age, she really sent Xu Qiyao to school. Although her family Even eating was a problem, but she still managed to squeeze out some money to pay tuition.

Xu Qiyao has lived up to his mother's hard work. He likes reading and knows that reading is the only chance to change his destiny, so he has been working hard and his grades have always been among the best in the class.

In 1956, Xu Qiyao was admitted to the East China Water Conservancy Institute with excellent results. After graduating from college, he was assigned to work at the Yancheng Ginning and Velvet Stripping Factory. As a rare college student in the factory, he received the attention of his superiors as soon as he arrived. In addition, Xu Qiyao worked very hard and was promoted to a cadre in just one year.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

In 1983, Xu Qiyao was transferred to Binhai County as deputy county magistrate because of his outstanding work ability. From that time on, Xu Qiyao's life was like a mess, and his official career was smooth sailing.

At that time, Xu Qiyao's heart was still full of the country and the people. When he joined the party, he also swore to be loyal to the party and sacrifice everything for the people.

Soon after, Xu Qiyao was promoted to the mayor of Yancheng City . Not long after he took office, Yancheng City ushered in a disaster that had never happened in a century - a flood!

In order to repel the flood and protect the people, Xu Qiyao worked with the flood-fighting soldiers for several days on the front line of fighting the flood. During this period, he was almost in danger several times. Many people advised him to retreat to a safe area to take command, but Xu Qiyao did not listen at all. There was only the ferocious flood in his eyes, and he told all the soldiers: "Even if it means death, we must repel this ferocious beast!"

Under the command of Xu Qiyao, the flood was finally successfully repelled and the people's safety was guaranteed to the greatest extent. Safety of life and property.

Xu Qiyao himself was reused by the organization and supported by the people because of his outstanding performance in this disaster. Everyone called him "a rare good official"!

In 2000, Xu Qiyao was promoted to director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

The greater the power in his hands, the more people come to ask for help. Seeing that those who come to ask for help are all wearing gold and silver and having bulging pockets, Xu Qiyao often feels "very shabby" when dealing with such people. !

I have done so much for the country and the people, and made so many contributions, why can't I live as well as these opportunistic businessmen? Xu Qiyao felt this was too unfair. On the one hand,

feels unfair, but on the other hand, I envy those businessmen. I feel that their money is like picking it up. Since they make money so easily, why not take some for yourself? As soon as the idea of ​​

came up, he couldn't let it go. Xu Qiyao began to use his authority to help others. At first, he was just trying his best. For safety reasons, he only charged a small part of the "hard fee", but gradually, As the number of social activities increased and his social circle became wider and wider, he began to be dissatisfied with this small favor.

Especially when Niu Chun appeared, one project made him earn 1.2 million at once. In the past few years, the total bribes he had accepted were not that much.

Profits made Xu Qiyao lose his mind. Such money was too easy and too exciting. From then on, he often repeated his old tricks, deliberately stumbling on some project bidding meetings, and then people would come to ask him for help. As soon as these people are trapped, Xu Qiyao will let his minions open their mouths to the opponent's lion.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

This method works well every time. Even though many people know the tricks involved, they still enjoy it.

Xu Qiyao is well-known in the industry for his greed. As long as he has money, there is nothing he can't do, and he will not let go of any opportunity to make money.

His original vow to join the party and his original intention of becoming an official have long been thrown out of the window.

In just a few years, Xu Qiyao accepted bribes a total of 46 times, with bribes amounting to 20 million yuan. Although he voluntarily returned some money before his arrest, corruption has become a crime and cannot be concealed.

But compared to Xu Qiyao's greed for money, what people talk about more is his lustful side.

Addicted to women

As Qian Qian said, Xu Qiyao has two major hobbies, money and beauties!

In those years, part of Xu Qiyao's embezzled money was used to buy a family property, and the other part was used to keep his mistress and satisfy his own selfish desires.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

It is reported that Xu Qiyao had a total of 146 mistresses. You must wonder if such an accurate number is just a rumor? But the fact is that this number was recorded by Xu Qiyao himself.

When searching Xu Qiyao's mansion, the prosecutor's office found a strange notebook. They originally thought it would be an accounting notebook , but when they opened the notebook and took a closer look, the contents inside made everyone present blush.

Xu Qiyao recorded each of his mistresses in detail, including some details of the dates. The content was unsightly. According to the final statistics of

staff, the entire notebook contains detailed records of 146 women's inappropriate relationships with Xu Qiyao. Among them, two women are particularly special. They are a mother and daughter.

That happened when Xu Qiyao was the mayor of Yancheng City.

Once, Xu Qiyao was ill and hospitalized. The hospital leaders heard that a big boss was admitted to the hospital and hurried to express condolences. In order to please Xu Qiyao, the hospital leaders did their homework. When they learned that Xu Qiyao was lustful, they immediately sent the hospital's most " "Excellent" nurse Wang Xiuli went to take care of her.

This Wang Xiuli is 40 years old, but she is well maintained and looks like she is only in her early 30s. Wang Xiuli has been a nurse for many years and has rich work experience. In addition to her age, she is also very tactful and appropriate in dealing with people and is very able to please leaders. Happy.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

The charm is still there, and the gentle and considerate Wang Xiuli makes Xu Qiyao very lustful, and within a few days the two hooked up together.

was tied to the big tree of Xu Qiyao. Naturally, Wang Xiuli was not willing to waste such resources. Relying on her lover's relationship, she asked Xu Qiyao to help arrange work for her daughter.

Originally Xu Qiyao was not willing to help others with such small things, but that time he readily agreed to Wang Xiuli. The reason was very simple. He fell in love with Wang Xiuli's daughter Liu Lan.

Liu Lan was only 19 years old at the time, had just graduated from school, had no work experience, and had never been involved in society. After Xu Qiyao learned about this, he invited her out to dinner many times in the name of "talking about work."

Xu Qiyao always arranges the place to be in a high-end restaurant every time he eats. He understands that these little girls are vain, and few little girls can resist the vanity in their hearts.

After several meals, Xu Qiyao promptly asked the other party to follow him, saying that he was willing to use his rights to help pave the way for her future.

Under Xu Qiyao's rhetoric, the two also had an improper relationship behind Wang Xiuli's back. After

succeeded, Xu Qiyao quickly wrote down his feelings in his diary, and also described the differences between mother and daughter in detail. His words were simply jaw-dropping.

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

Among the one hundred mistresses recorded in that book, some were Xu Qiyao's subordinates, and some were businessmen, nurses, stewardesses, and nightclub ladies who begged him in the mall... As long as Xu Qiyao liked him Yes, no matter who the opponent is, he can use the tempting power in his hand to win it down.

has been rampant in the officialdom for many years. Xu Qiyao has seen many flattering people, and he has gradually been assimilated. He believes that this is the unspoken rule of society and is not caused by Xu Qiyao. Everyone is like this, so there is no need for him Unique.

On weekdays, he often comes up with his own set of fallacies to educate his children.

Once, Xu Qiyao wrote a letter home to his son. In the letter, he told his son to learn to "tell lies." This was his experience as an official for more than ten years. Not only must he learn to tell lies, but also Speaking of telling a lie cleverly, to the extent that you can even believe it, as for how to tell the lie, it depends on the needs at the time...

It is really unimaginable that someone would teach their children to "tell lies" ", and it was said from an official that he was a descendant of martyrs and the son of farmers!

If Xu Qiyao is not arrested, and if his children also join politics when they grow up, will their children be better than others? Will he become the next huge corruption? Thinking about this makes people feel scared!

This senior official is named Xu Qiyao, who was the director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Construction at the time. Qian Qian said:

He simply failed to make it any further. The bad guys will take care of themselves. With the arrest of Xu Qiyao, many officials and businessmen related to him were implicated. No one can come out of the mud cleanly.

Xu Qiyao’s fate has also sounded the alarm to all officials. The country is the people’s country. As a public servant of the people, you should position yourself correctly, be clear about your responsibilities, never forget your original intention, keep your mission in mind, and never take advantage of the rights given by the people. The power in turn harms the people!

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