In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being "unfounded". They are like boning knives, cutting into people's hearts with precision, accuracy and ruthlessness.

2024/05/2023:33:34 history 1618

In 1959, at a special meeting, the sky was full of excitement.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

"Without permission, he mobilized hundreds of regiments of troops and launched the Hundred Regiment War. After the war, he suffered retaliation from the Japanese army, causing serious setbacks to the development of the North China base area and our army. Didn't he obviously help Chiang Kai-shek ? "

was the first to be unreasonable and started.

Immediately afterwards, dirty water kept coming like a torrential downpour.

"The New Fourth Army was annihilated in the Southern Anhui Incident, and Mao Anying's sacrifice... you must bear full responsibility!"

In fact, the reason why people's words are terrible is that they are afraid of white turning into black, or "unfounded", it is like a The boning knife cut out people's hearts with precision, precision and ruthlessness.

But the old handsome man still had the same temper. He couldn't get rid of the sand in his eyes and went straight. After his fist landed heavily on the table, he made a final counterattack with a roar.

"My crime was to eliminate tens of thousands of Japanese invaders!"

However, he still failed. The reason is very simple, because he was right.

No one could have imagined that this strong man who once dared to attack with swords and swords, so that the old rivals Okamura Neiji and MacArthur were so shocked that they tried so hard to get rid of him, would just fall to his own people in such a confused way. in hand.

Persecution and beatings have almost become a daily routine and have never stopped. In just 4 years, the old coach suffered more than 250 criticisms, his ribs were broken, and his lungs were kicked.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

The people stood up, but he was paralyzed in bed. How tragic the experience of the old commander is, I am afraid that even using all the adjectives in the Chinese vocabulary may not be able to fully express it.

In the spring of 1973, eight years of life behind bars and ruthless torture caused Lao Shuai to suffer from rectal cancer. The pain caused by cancer is very unbearable. Although the old commander gritted his teeth and tore the sheets with his mouth, it still didn't help. He had to beg the guarding soldier: "Give me a shot!"


1974 11 At 14:52 on March 29, with two lines of tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, the old man died in bed No. 5 of Ward 14 of Beijing 301 Hospital with a long sigh. He was 76 years old.

Four years later,

On December 22, 1978, the atmosphere inside Chengdu Shuangliu Airport was bleak. Amid the cries, an urn with the name "Wang Chuan" on it was held by the staff in both hands and slowly boarded the plane and was sent to Beijing.

On December 24, a grand memorial service was held in the Great Hall of the People in . In addition to party and state leaders, more than 2,000 people's representatives from the capital also attended the meeting.

So, what happened to Wang Chuan on the urn, and why did it cause such a sensation?

makes a special statement: History has finally become the past. Even if we have a huge quarrel today, it will be difficult to change any outcome. We will not discuss too much about what is right or wrong. I would like to write this article in memory of the famous marshal Peng Dehuai, and to reproduce the tear-jerking events behind Mr. Peng's death.


At 14:25 on November 29, 1974, Peng Dehuai, who once commanded thousands of troops, passed away quietly without any relatives or friends with his last stubbornness and dignity.

The next day, the boss's niece Peng Meikui went to bid her final farewell to the body, but received the news that she could not cry.

After a hurried farewell, Peng Dehuai's body was quietly transported to a secret place for cremation, so that Peng Meikui didn't even know the whereabouts of his uncle's ashes. Where did the ashes of the

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

boss go?

It turns out that all of this is inseparable from one person's good intentions.

As mentioned earlier, Peng Dehuai suffered from cancer due to long-term and ruthless torture. After many hospitals learned of his identity, they decisively refused to diagnose him. After Premier Zhou heard the news, regardless of his dangerous situation, he sent Mr. Peng to the People's Liberation Army 301 Hospital for treatment.

Of course, in that special environment, Mr. Peng only had Premier Zhou as such a reliable comrade.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

Under the care of Premier Zhou, Mr. Peng received treatment quickly. However, when he heard that he had to undergo surgery, Mr. Peng firmly disagreed.The boss believes that it is completely unnecessary for the doctors to take such a big risk for him. If he cannot be cured, he may be punished.

Finally, under the persuasion of the vice president of the hospital, Mr. Peng agreed to the operation, but he had to agree to his three conditions:

First, he had to write a material on third-line construction and the strategic defense policy;

Second, he had to Meeting Premier Zhou;

Third, I want to meet my niece Peng Meikui.

Let's take a look. This is Marshal Peng Dehuai. At this time, he will not forget to defend his country. On the other hand, what did those young people who punched and kicked him do?

The first two conditions are obviously not achievable. Mr. Peng's physical condition no longer allows him to write anything special about it, and Premier Zhou, apart from sleeping hard at night, his physical condition is also not optimistic.

In the end, after a long discussion with his niece Peng Meikui, Mr. Peng decided to cooperate with surgical treatment.

It's late, it's really too late. The cancer cells have already spread to Mr. Peng's shoulders, lungs and brain. The surgical treatment is just a short-lived blip.

Mr. Peng left in the end. He was not wearing socks, his toes were exposed from the holes in the front of his shoes, and the only thing he was wearing was a thin black cotton-padded jacket.

In order to better protect the ashes of his former comrades, after Premier Zhou arranged everything, he immediately decided to urgently transport the ashes of Boss Peng, aliased as "Wang Chuan", to Chengdu, Sichuan overnight, and store them with the urns of ordinary people. together.

Just like that, two staff members in military uniforms, carrying Mr. Peng’s ashes in their arms and carrying Premier Zhou’s sixteen-character instructions, boarded a special plane and flew secretly to Chengdu.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being


Why must we choose Chengdu, Sichuan instead of other places? In fact, it is not difficult to see from this that Premier Zhou took great pains to protect the ashes of his comrades.

In September 1965, Peng Dehuai bid farewell to his wife Pu Anxiu and boarded a train to Sichuan to serve as the third deputy director of the "Third Front" Construction Committee of the Southwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

There, Peng Dehuai still took the overall situation into consideration and worked conscientiously until he was brought back to Beijing at lightning speed.

Everyone will withdraw from the stage of history, and the Prime Minister is no exception. The reason why he gave the boss a pseudonym "Wang Chuan", which alluded to "escape in Sichuan", is that he hopes that in time, people in the future will use this clue to find Mr. Peng's identity. ashes.

"Keep it carefully, check it frequently, do not change the box, and do not transfer it."

It is precisely because of Premier Zhou's short instructions that many things can go smoothly.

One day in late December 1974, the staff responsible for transporting Peng Dehuai’s ashes went straight to the gate of the Sichuan Provincial Government in Chengdu. They named the guard at the gate and asked to see the then First Secretary of Sichuan Province and Director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee. Liu Xingyuan, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee Li Dazhang, and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Duan Junyi.

The guard at the door saw this situation and did not dare to wait any longer. He immediately chose to report it. After receiving the news, the three provincial leaders Liu Xingyuan, Li Dazhang and Duan Junyi understood the news and realized that something big must have happened. They hurried out. Welcome.

As expected, one of the staff pointed to the urn placed aside and said "harsh words": "According to the instructions of the central leadership, we sent this urn containing Peng Dehuai's ashes. After the organization decided, Change the name to Wang Chuan and send it to Chengdu for storage. Don’t treat the urn with any special treatment. Put it in a place where ordinary people store urns... Only the three of you know about this. You are not allowed to disclose it to anyone and it must be kept strictly confidential.”

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

When Duan Junyi

was leaving, the two staff repeatedly emphasized Premier Zhou's sixteen-character instructions before leaving with peace of mind and went to stay in Room 38 of Jinjiang Hotel .

After hearing the bad news, Liu Xingyuan, Li Dazhang, and Duan Junyi felt as if they had been slapped, and their eyes were dim. For a long time, the three of them covered their faces and cried bitterly. Especially Li Dazhang. When Mr. Peng was working in Sichuan, he communicated with him many times on some matters regarding third-line construction. An inexplicable pain accumulated in Li Dazhang's chest and was difficult to go away for a long time.

Now that Mr. Peng is "here", regardless of the instructions above, we should do our best to place his ashes properly.

Afterwards, the three put away their grief, and after some discussion, decided to safely transfer Peng Dehuai’s ashes to the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu. Duan Junyi was responsible for the specific work.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

However, Duan Junyi suffered from Meniere's disease . His old disease relapsed and he was bedridden. Therefore, he could only hand over this important task to Du Xinyuan, the leader of the provincial party committee working group.

Duan Junyi said to Du Xinyuan sincerely: "You must transfer this urn to the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu as soon as possible and safely for storage. You must make it clear to the comrades at the crematorium that the safety of the urn must be absolutely guaranteed. Store the urn well. Finally, no one is allowed to move or replace the box without the approval of the provincial party committee; you must always check its safety... Premier Zhou has instructions, and you must ensure that: First, there is absolutely no mistake. Safety, and secondly, absolute confidentiality." After saying this, Duan Junyi could no longer control the sadness in his heart, and his eyes filled with tears.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

Du Xinyuan did not dare to relax, so he immediately found Zhang Zhenya, the deputy team leader of the office, and gave him detailed instructions.

After that, Zhang Zhenya contacted Du Xin, the deputy director of the administrative office of the Revolutionary Committee Office, and asked him to drive to Jinjiang Hotel to handle the detailed handover of the ashes with two staff members.

In Room 38 of Jinjiang Hotel, Du Xin took over the mysterious urn, which was made of rough wood and had a small note on it, which clearly read: Wang Chuan, male .

For the sake of confidentiality, Du Xin put the urn into a black handbag and went to the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu without stopping. He found the person in charge, Xin Ziquan, and the two had a secret conversation.

Xin Ziquan is an old man over sixty years old and has worked in the crematorium for most of his life. From Du Xin's words, it is not difficult to tell that the contents of the urn must not be ordinary people, plus the provincial party committee attaches great importance to it. Xin Ziquan suddenly felt that the burden on him was heavy.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

Therefore, Xin Ziquan carefully wrote down an ashes storage slip:

Name: Wang Chuan

Gender: Male

Age: 32 years old

Place of Birth: Chengdu, Sichuan;

Cremation time: September 1974

Storage time: three years. From December 23, 1974, to December 23, 1977

Name of the client: Du Xin

Relationship between the depositor and the ashes: Colleague

Correspondence office: Provincial Revolutionary Committee Working Group

Ashes number: No. 273

Certificate issuance record column: Du Xin received the certificate

Time: December 23, 1974

It is a matter of loyalty to someone who is entrusted by others. Although Xin Ziquan later left his job, he still insisted on riding his bicycle every week to check the storage status of the "Wang Chuan" urn.

After Du Xin stored the ashes, he immediately found Du Xinyuan and reported to him the storage situation of the urn.

Du Xin was capable and far-sighted, so Zhang Zhenya entrusted him with the placement of the ashes, which also played a key role in finding Peng Dehuai's ashes in the future. When reporting on the work with Du Xinyuan,

pointed out: "Comrade Xinyuan, everything is done. The storage number of the urn is No. 237. However, if you want to pick up the ashes, you can only get them with a card. What about the storage card for the urn now? Keep it well? Where is the safest and safest place to put it? "

Yes, it is not suitable for anyone to put it in. Who can guarantee that it will not be lost after a long time?

Everyone thought more and more anxiously, until someone asked, why not store it in the archives of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee Office, register it, and save it as an important file?

Du Xinyuan thought it was feasible, and immediately asked He Shuqian, who was in charge of the archives, to classify the urn storage card as confidential and seal it for archiving.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

In December 1978, after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, at Chen Yun's suggestion, Peng Dehuai's old case was re-examined and the wrong conclusion about Peng Dehuai was corrected, which was regarded as a great contribution to the Chinese people's revolution and construction cause. The Central Committee and the Central Military Commission decided to hold a grand memorial service for Peng Dehuai.

But here comes the question, where are Mr. Peng’s ashes? How can we hold a memorial service without an urn? How to explain it to the world? Everyone fell into endless grief again.


However, just when the staff was struggling to find Mr. Peng’s ashes to no avail, Mr. Peng’s wife Pu Anxiu found Chen Yun and revealed a shocking secret.

Mr. Peng’s ashes are in Chengdu!

So, how did Pu Anxiu know the whereabouts of her husband's ashes?

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

In 1975, Li Dazhang, the former Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, was transferred to Beijing to serve as the Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. Surprisingly, Li Dazhang’s wife Kong Ming and Pu Anxiu had an unusual relationship. As early as the Taihang Mountain Northwest Bureau Women’s Committee, the two had a relationship. They are the best friends who talk about everything.

After arriving in Beijing, the first thing Kong Ming did was visit Pu Anxiu. Faced with strong pressure, Pu Anxiu had already faded away from his glory. Kong Ming couldn't bear to see his old comrade sad, so he told some truth about Boss Peng's ashes.

Afterwards, Li Dazhang learned that his wife had mentioned the matter to Pu Anxiu, so he no longer concealed it and told Pu Anxiu everything.

has been found, finally found. The staff of the task force office rushed to Chengdu.

The person in charge of the reception was Zhang Zhenya. When he received the letter of introduction, he was stunned for a long time, and then hurriedly explained: "I know that Peng Dehuai came to work in Sichuan, but I have never heard that his urn is stored in Sichuan. "Ah! Did you make a mistake?" The staff of the

task force were disappointed and anxious, but decided to try again.

"In the winter of 1974, did two People's Liberation Army soldiers send an urn from Beijing to Chengdu for storage?"

"Yes! Comrade Duan Junyi and Secretary Du Xinyuan, then Standing Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, personally asked a few of us to do it. However, That’s not the urn of Comrade Peng Dehuai, but the urn of a man named ‘Wang Chuan’!”

“Yes! The urn of ‘Wang Chuan’ is Peng Dehuai’s urn!” said the task force staff. Solve the puzzle.

Afterwards, the staff of the task force did not bother to verify, and immediately set off and returned to Beijing to resume their duties. After the staff of the

task force left, Zhang Zhenya hurriedly found Du Xinyuan and informed him of the truth.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

Du Xinyuan

Du Xinyuan's heart collapsed. He lay on his desk, held his head and cried bitterly. After a long time, he stopped and said to Zhang Zhenya with red and swollen eyes: "Comrade Duan Junyi protected the urn of Comrade Peng Dehuai in accordance with the instructions of Premier Zhou. He thought carefully, considered carefully, organized and arranged properly, and commanded decisively. He has made a great contribution!

Comrade Peng Dehuai’s urn must be properly protected, and at the same time, it must be kept secret and obey the arrangements of the central government.”

On December 22, he lay quietly in the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu for four full days. Mr. Peng, who was 20 years old, finally ushered in the day when his injustice was redressed.

At the Shuangliu Airport in Chengdu, the plane that came to pick up Mr. Peng’s ashes had already been parked. All the leaders of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Military Region came to pay their last respects to Mr. Peng’s ashes.

With the support of others, Du Xinyuan burst into tears. He held Peng Dehuai's urn with trembling hands and said: "Mr. Peng, you have a good journey!" The plane carrying the CEO's ashes left Chengdu.

After the plane arrived in Beijing, the pilot deliberately circled the sky and finally landed at Xiyuan Airport.

came to greet Mr. Peng’s relatives, old ministry and Military Commission chief. The moment the cabin door opened, they burst into tears.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

On December 24, after four years of hiding in Chengdu incognito, Peng Dehuai’s ashes were finally covered with a bright red party flag and placed majestically in the center of the rostrum.

"History is the most ruthless. History will judge them and make a fair evaluation of me." This is Mr. Peng's last voice and wish.

Yes, Mr. Peng’s wish finally came true. Unfortunately, he could not wait until this day.

Throughout Mr. Peng’s life, he never cared about personal grudges, was not afraid of difficulties, bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities, was diligent and extremely responsible for revolutionary work. Even at the last moment of his life, Mr. Peng still did not forget to wash away his grievances so that he could come out to work for the people with a clean body.

Marshal Peng Dehuai, immortal!

The boss believes that it is completely unnecessary for the doctors to take such a big risk for him. If he cannot be cured, he may be punished.

Finally, under the persuasion of the vice president of the hospital, Mr. Peng agreed to the operation, but he had to agree to his three conditions:

First, he had to write a material on third-line construction and the strategic defense policy;

Second, he had to Meeting Premier Zhou;

Third, I want to meet my niece Peng Meikui.

Let's take a look. This is Marshal Peng Dehuai. At this time, he will not forget to defend his country. On the other hand, what did those young people who punched and kicked him do?

The first two conditions are obviously not achievable. Mr. Peng's physical condition no longer allows him to write anything special about it, and Premier Zhou, apart from sleeping hard at night, his physical condition is also not optimistic.

In the end, after a long discussion with his niece Peng Meikui, Mr. Peng decided to cooperate with surgical treatment.

It's late, it's really too late. The cancer cells have already spread to Mr. Peng's shoulders, lungs and brain. The surgical treatment is just a short-lived blip.

Mr. Peng left in the end. He was not wearing socks, his toes were exposed from the holes in the front of his shoes, and the only thing he was wearing was a thin black cotton-padded jacket.

In order to better protect the ashes of his former comrades, after Premier Zhou arranged everything, he immediately decided to urgently transport the ashes of Boss Peng, aliased as "Wang Chuan", to Chengdu, Sichuan overnight, and store them with the urns of ordinary people. together.

Just like that, two staff members in military uniforms, carrying Mr. Peng’s ashes in their arms and carrying Premier Zhou’s sixteen-character instructions, boarded a special plane and flew secretly to Chengdu.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being


Why must we choose Chengdu, Sichuan instead of other places? In fact, it is not difficult to see from this that Premier Zhou took great pains to protect the ashes of his comrades.

In September 1965, Peng Dehuai bid farewell to his wife Pu Anxiu and boarded a train to Sichuan to serve as the third deputy director of the "Third Front" Construction Committee of the Southwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

There, Peng Dehuai still took the overall situation into consideration and worked conscientiously until he was brought back to Beijing at lightning speed.

Everyone will withdraw from the stage of history, and the Prime Minister is no exception. The reason why he gave the boss a pseudonym "Wang Chuan", which alluded to "escape in Sichuan", is that he hopes that in time, people in the future will use this clue to find Mr. Peng's identity. ashes.

"Keep it carefully, check it frequently, do not change the box, and do not transfer it."

It is precisely because of Premier Zhou's short instructions that many things can go smoothly.

One day in late December 1974, the staff responsible for transporting Peng Dehuai’s ashes went straight to the gate of the Sichuan Provincial Government in Chengdu. They named the guard at the gate and asked to see the then First Secretary of Sichuan Province and Director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee. Liu Xingyuan, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee Li Dazhang, and Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Duan Junyi.

The guard at the door saw this situation and did not dare to wait any longer. He immediately chose to report it. After receiving the news, the three provincial leaders Liu Xingyuan, Li Dazhang and Duan Junyi understood the news and realized that something big must have happened. They hurried out. Welcome.

As expected, one of the staff pointed to the urn placed aside and said "harsh words": "According to the instructions of the central leadership, we sent this urn containing Peng Dehuai's ashes. After the organization decided, Change the name to Wang Chuan and send it to Chengdu for storage. Don’t treat the urn with any special treatment. Put it in a place where ordinary people store urns... Only the three of you know about this. You are not allowed to disclose it to anyone and it must be kept strictly confidential.”

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

When Duan Junyi

was leaving, the two staff repeatedly emphasized Premier Zhou's sixteen-character instructions before leaving with peace of mind and went to stay in Room 38 of Jinjiang Hotel .

After hearing the bad news, Liu Xingyuan, Li Dazhang, and Duan Junyi felt as if they had been slapped, and their eyes were dim. For a long time, the three of them covered their faces and cried bitterly. Especially Li Dazhang. When Mr. Peng was working in Sichuan, he communicated with him many times on some matters regarding third-line construction. An inexplicable pain accumulated in Li Dazhang's chest and was difficult to go away for a long time.

Now that Mr. Peng is "here", regardless of the instructions above, we should do our best to place his ashes properly.

Afterwards, the three put away their grief, and after some discussion, decided to safely transfer Peng Dehuai’s ashes to the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu. Duan Junyi was responsible for the specific work.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

However, Duan Junyi suffered from Meniere's disease . His old disease relapsed and he was bedridden. Therefore, he could only hand over this important task to Du Xinyuan, the leader of the provincial party committee working group.

Duan Junyi said to Du Xinyuan sincerely: "You must transfer this urn to the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu as soon as possible and safely for storage. You must make it clear to the comrades at the crematorium that the safety of the urn must be absolutely guaranteed. Store the urn well. Finally, no one is allowed to move or replace the box without the approval of the provincial party committee; you must always check its safety... Premier Zhou has instructions, and you must ensure that: First, there is absolutely no mistake. Safety, and secondly, absolute confidentiality." After saying this, Duan Junyi could no longer control the sadness in his heart, and his eyes filled with tears.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

Du Xinyuan did not dare to relax, so he immediately found Zhang Zhenya, the deputy team leader of the office, and gave him detailed instructions.

After that, Zhang Zhenya contacted Du Xin, the deputy director of the administrative office of the Revolutionary Committee Office, and asked him to drive to Jinjiang Hotel to handle the detailed handover of the ashes with two staff members.

In Room 38 of Jinjiang Hotel, Du Xin took over the mysterious urn, which was made of rough wood and had a small note on it, which clearly read: Wang Chuan, male .

For the sake of confidentiality, Du Xin put the urn into a black handbag and went to the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu without stopping. He found the person in charge, Xin Ziquan, and the two had a secret conversation.

Xin Ziquan is an old man over sixty years old and has worked in the crematorium for most of his life. From Du Xin's words, it is not difficult to tell that the contents of the urn must not be ordinary people, plus the provincial party committee attaches great importance to it. Xin Ziquan suddenly felt that the burden on him was heavy.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

Therefore, Xin Ziquan carefully wrote down an ashes storage slip:

Name: Wang Chuan

Gender: Male

Age: 32 years old

Place of Birth: Chengdu, Sichuan;

Cremation time: September 1974

Storage time: three years. From December 23, 1974, to December 23, 1977

Name of the client: Du Xin

Relationship between the depositor and the ashes: Colleague

Correspondence office: Provincial Revolutionary Committee Working Group

Ashes number: No. 273

Certificate issuance record column: Du Xin received the certificate

Time: December 23, 1974

It is a matter of loyalty to someone who is entrusted by others. Although Xin Ziquan later left his job, he still insisted on riding his bicycle every week to check the storage status of the "Wang Chuan" urn.

After Du Xin stored the ashes, he immediately found Du Xinyuan and reported to him the storage situation of the urn.

Du Xin was capable and far-sighted, so Zhang Zhenya entrusted him with the placement of the ashes, which also played a key role in finding Peng Dehuai's ashes in the future. When reporting on the work with Du Xinyuan,

pointed out: "Comrade Xinyuan, everything is done. The storage number of the urn is No. 237. However, if you want to pick up the ashes, you can only get them with a card. What about the storage card for the urn now? Keep it well? Where is the safest and safest place to put it? "

Yes, it is not suitable for anyone to put it in. Who can guarantee that it will not be lost after a long time?

Everyone thought more and more anxiously, until someone asked, why not store it in the archives of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee Office, register it, and save it as an important file?

Du Xinyuan thought it was feasible, and immediately asked He Shuqian, who was in charge of the archives, to classify the urn storage card as confidential and seal it for archiving.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

In December 1978, after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, at Chen Yun's suggestion, Peng Dehuai's old case was re-examined and the wrong conclusion about Peng Dehuai was corrected, which was regarded as a great contribution to the Chinese people's revolution and construction cause. The Central Committee and the Central Military Commission decided to hold a grand memorial service for Peng Dehuai.

But here comes the question, where are Mr. Peng’s ashes? How can we hold a memorial service without an urn? How to explain it to the world? Everyone fell into endless grief again.


However, just when the staff was struggling to find Mr. Peng’s ashes to no avail, Mr. Peng’s wife Pu Anxiu found Chen Yun and revealed a shocking secret.

Mr. Peng’s ashes are in Chengdu!

So, how did Pu Anxiu know the whereabouts of her husband's ashes?

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

In 1975, Li Dazhang, the former Secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, was transferred to Beijing to serve as the Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. Surprisingly, Li Dazhang’s wife Kong Ming and Pu Anxiu had an unusual relationship. As early as the Taihang Mountain Northwest Bureau Women’s Committee, the two had a relationship. They are the best friends who talk about everything.

After arriving in Beijing, the first thing Kong Ming did was visit Pu Anxiu. Faced with strong pressure, Pu Anxiu had already faded away from his glory. Kong Ming couldn't bear to see his old comrade sad, so he told some truth about Boss Peng's ashes.

Afterwards, Li Dazhang learned that his wife had mentioned the matter to Pu Anxiu, so he no longer concealed it and told Pu Anxiu everything.

has been found, finally found. The staff of the task force office rushed to Chengdu.

The person in charge of the reception was Zhang Zhenya. When he received the letter of introduction, he was stunned for a long time, and then hurriedly explained: "I know that Peng Dehuai came to work in Sichuan, but I have never heard that his urn is stored in Sichuan. "Ah! Did you make a mistake?" The staff of the

task force were disappointed and anxious, but decided to try again.

"In the winter of 1974, did two People's Liberation Army soldiers send an urn from Beijing to Chengdu for storage?"

"Yes! Comrade Duan Junyi and Secretary Du Xinyuan, then Standing Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, personally asked a few of us to do it. However, That’s not the urn of Comrade Peng Dehuai, but the urn of a man named ‘Wang Chuan’!”

“Yes! The urn of ‘Wang Chuan’ is Peng Dehuai’s urn!” said the task force staff. Solve the puzzle.

Afterwards, the staff of the task force did not bother to verify, and immediately set off and returned to Beijing to resume their duties. After the staff of the

task force left, Zhang Zhenya hurriedly found Du Xinyuan and informed him of the truth.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

Du Xinyuan

Du Xinyuan's heart collapsed. He lay on his desk, held his head and cried bitterly. After a long time, he stopped and said to Zhang Zhenya with red and swollen eyes: "Comrade Duan Junyi protected the urn of Comrade Peng Dehuai in accordance with the instructions of Premier Zhou. He thought carefully, considered carefully, organized and arranged properly, and commanded decisively. He has made a great contribution!

Comrade Peng Dehuai’s urn must be properly protected, and at the same time, it must be kept secret and obey the arrangements of the central government.”

On December 22, he lay quietly in the crematorium in the eastern suburbs of Chengdu for four full days. Mr. Peng, who was 20 years old, finally ushered in the day when his injustice was redressed.

At the Shuangliu Airport in Chengdu, the plane that came to pick up Mr. Peng’s ashes had already been parked. All the leaders of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Military Region came to pay their last respects to Mr. Peng’s ashes.

With the support of others, Du Xinyuan burst into tears. He held Peng Dehuai's urn with trembling hands and said: "Mr. Peng, you have a good journey!" The plane carrying the CEO's ashes left Chengdu.

After the plane arrived in Beijing, the pilot deliberately circled the sky and finally landed at Xiyuan Airport.

came to greet Mr. Peng’s relatives, old ministry and Military Commission chief. The moment the cabin door opened, they burst into tears.

In 1959, there was an uproar at a special meeting. In fact, the reason why people are afraid of words is that they are afraid of turning white into black, or being

On December 24, after four years of hiding in Chengdu incognito, Peng Dehuai’s ashes were finally covered with a bright red party flag and placed majestically in the center of the rostrum.

"History is the most ruthless. History will judge them and make a fair evaluation of me." This is Mr. Peng's last voice and wish.

Yes, Mr. Peng’s wish finally came true. Unfortunately, he could not wait until this day.

Throughout Mr. Peng’s life, he never cared about personal grudges, was not afraid of difficulties, bravely shouldered heavy responsibilities, was diligent and extremely responsible for revolutionary work. Even at the last moment of his life, Mr. Peng still did not forget to wash away his grievances so that he could come out to work for the people with a clean body.

Marshal Peng Dehuai, immortal!

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