Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa

2024/05/1619:31:36 history 1983

Taizu of the Qing Dynasty Aixinjueluo Nurhachi (1559-September 30, 1626), Jurchen , Jianzhou Jurchen leader, Later Jin the first Great Khan, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Protection Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou (now southwest of Xinbin County, Fushun, Liaoning Province), his father was Tucker, his mother was Xitala, and Nurhaci was the eldest son.

In the eleventh year of Wanli in Ming Dynasty (1583), he was appointed by the Ming court as the commander of the left guard capital of Jianzhou. In the same year, the Thirteenth Lieutenant Yijia, the deceased of his ancestors and fathers, raised an army and launched a war of annexation against the Jurchen tribes in Jianzhou, unifying all the Jurchen tribes in Jianzhou. In the seventeenth year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1589), he was awarded the title of Governor Qianshi and General Longhu. Later, after more than twenty years of conquest, the Jurchen tribes in the Songhua River Basin and north of Changbai Mountain were unified. In order to meet the political and economic needs of the time, the Eight Banners system was established. There are kings and ministers who discuss government affairs and discuss government affairs with the leaders of the eight banners flags. Create Manchu. As the military power became increasingly powerful, in the forty-fourth year of Wanli (1616), "Dajin" (Later Jin) was established in Hetuala, and he established himself as Khan and established the Yuan Dynasty. In the third year of Tianming (1618), he rebelled against the Ming Dynasty. In the Battle of Sarhu, the Ming army was defeated by the combat principle of concentrating its forces and defeating them one by one, and its forces entered the Liaohe basin. After successively conquering Shenyang, Liaoyang and more than 70 cities east of the Liaohe River, the capital was moved to Liaoyang in the sixth year of Tianming (1621). In the tenth year of Tianming (1625), the capital was moved to Shenyang and occupied most of the eastern Liaoning region.

In the eleventh year of Tianming (1626), he sent his army to attack Ningyuan (today's Xingcheng, Liaoning), but was defeated by Ningqiandao Yuan Chonghuan . Xuan died of illness at the age of 68. After his death, he was first posthumously named Emperor Chengtian, Guangyun, Shengde, Shengongzhaoji, Li Jiren, Xiaowu, etc., and later he was given the posthumous title Emperor Chengtian, Guangyun, Shengde, Shengongzhaoji, Jiliren, Xiaorui, Wuduanyi, Qin'an, Hongwen and Dingyegao. The temple name is Taizu. Buried in Fuling, Shenyang.

Qing Shizu Aixinjueluo Fulin (March 15, 1638 - February 5, 1661), the third emperor of the Qing Dynasty (reigned from 1643 to 1661), the first emperor of the Qing Dynasty to make Beijing the capital An emperor. The ninth son of Taizong of the Qing Dynasty, his biological mother was Empress Borjigit of Xiaozhuang . He was born in Yongfu Palace of the Forbidden City in Shenyang. The era name is Shunzhi.

Fulin ascended the throne at the age of six, and was regent by his uncle Prince Rui Dorgon. In the first year of Shunzhi (1644), the Qing army entered the customs . In the same year, the capital was moved to Beijing. In the seventh year of Shunzhi (1650), Dorgon went out to hunt and died in the Luan River. Fulin took charge ahead of schedule. In order to strengthen the imperial power, he abolished the old practice of kings Baylor managing the affairs of various ministries, and also took a series of measures to ease ethnic conflicts, such as stopping land enclosures and relaxing the escape law. Emperor Shunzhi was very concerned about rectifying officialdom and sent supervisory censors to inspect various places to punish corrupt officials. In order to improve the efficiency of the bureaucracy, Emperor Shunzhi paid more attention to the role of Han officials. In order to restore the agricultural economy destroyed by war, in the 10th year of Shunzhi (1653), Fan Wencheng and others' suggestions were adopted to establish the Xingtun Road Office and promote farming. In the 14th year of Shunzhi (1657), reclamation of wasteland was actively encouraged. In the same year, the "Complete Book of Taxes and Services" was compiled and published to the world. Agricultural production, which was on the verge of extinction, began to turn around. Facing the anti-Qing upsurge in the country, Emperor Shunzhi adopted a strategy of focusing more on pacification than suppression. On the one hand, he implemented the gentle policy of "recruiting surrender to eliminate chaos"; on the other hand, he re-appointed Hong Chengchou to manage Huguang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and other places. Make the situation gradually improve. In the 16th year of Shunzhi (1659), the Qing army occupied the provincial capital of Yunnan. Except for Zheng Chenggong, who was located on the southeast coast, the large-scale anti-Qing armed forces across the country were basically put down.

In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (1661), Emperor Shunzhi passed away at the age of twenty-four. The temple name is Shizu, the posthumous title is Tianlongyun Dingtong Jianjiying, Ruiqin, Wenxianwu, Dudehonggong, benevolence, purity and Xiaozhang emperor. He is buried in Xiaoling in the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty. The throne is passed on to his third son Xuan Ye.

Qing Shengzu Aixinjueluo Xuanye (May 4, 1654 - December 20, 1722), the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the second emperor after the Qing Dynasty established its capital in Beijing (1661 - 1722) reigned in the year), with the reign name "Kangxi". The Mongolians call him Enkh Amgulang Khan; the Tibetans honor him as "Emperor Manjusri". The third son of Emperor Shunzhi, his biological mother was Queen Xiaokang Zhang and Tong Jia's .

(1) Study early and diligently: Xuanye was born on March 18, the 11th year of Shunzhi (May 4, 1654) in Jingren Palace in the Forbidden City in Beijing. His mother, Queen Tong Jia of Xiaokangzhang, was a concubine at that time. According to historical records, when Empress Xiaokangzhang greeted the Queen Mother, she saw a dragon surrounding her when she went out. Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang did not know that Empress Xiaokangzhang was pregnant. The Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang said: "I had this scene when I was pregnant with Emperor Shunzhi, and the same is true for Tong Jia now."

Xuan Ye's biological mother, Tong Jia, was just an unfavored concubine in the palace. At that time, his father, Emperor Shunzhi, favored the imperial concubine Dong E and did not care much about this uninvited third elder brother. Not long after he was born, Xuan Ye was attacked by smallpox. Emperor Shunzhi entrusted a wet nurse to take him outside the Forbidden City to feed him. He had no pox (smallpox) as a child. Therefore, he never enjoyed a single day of happiness in the hands of his parents. Many years later, Emperor Kangxi still felt regretful. However, the smallpox disease he contracted was not life-threatening, leaving only a few small pockmarks on his face. This gave him lifelong immunity to the most feared disease of the time. And his acne actually became a favorable factor for him to succeed to the throne in the future.

Xuan Ye started reading and literacy at the age of five, and soon showed his talent for diligence and studiousness. According to historical records, Xuan Ye was handsome in appearance and had a strong and powerful voice. When he was six years old, he and his brothers paid their respects to their father. Shizu Fulin asked the princes what they wanted to do most. Fuquan, the second son of the emperor, said that being a virtuous king was enough. Only Xuan Ye said that he hoped to imitate his father. So Fulin valued Xuan Ye very much.

(2) Young Emperor: In the first month of the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (1661), Xuanye was only eight years old, and the 24-year-old Shunzhi Emperor Fulin suddenly died of illness. Emperor Shunzhi did not appoint a crown prince during his lifetime. When he was dying in the 18th year of Shunzhi (1661), he accepted Tang Ruowang's suggestion and selected Xuanye as his successor because he had been immune to smallpox. He appointed Xuanye as the crown prince in the form of a posthumous edict. . On the ninth day of the first lunar month of that year (February 8), Xuanye was in the Hall of Supreme Harmony at the age of 6 (8 years old). He was granted amnesty and changed to the first year of Kangxi. The imperial edict of Shunzhi also appointed four ministers, Sony, Suksaha , Erbilong and Aobai, to assist the administration. Xuan Ye lost his father when he was eight years old, and his mother, Queen Tong Jia of Xiaokang Zhang, became seriously ill when he was ten years old. When his biological mother was seriously ill, Xuanye "attended her day and night, tasted the decoctions, and kept her eyes closed and her clothes untied." When he lost his mother at the age of ten, Xuanye kept vigil day and night, without food or water, and kept weeping. Kangxi later recalled that when he was young, he was "under the knees of his parents and never had a day of happiness."

The situation of the four ministers jointly assisting the government did not last long, and the conflicts and struggles between them became increasingly open and fierce. Among the four, it was Ao Bai who gradually mastered real power. He has usually shown himself to be arrogant and domineering, but at the beginning of his "care of destiny", he was still able to act cautiously and fulfill his oath. However, within three years, his arrogance and autocratic ambitions were revealed. He is at the bottom, unwilling to be followed by others, and always offsides to seize power. First of all, it is incompatible with Suksaha. In June of the sixth year of Kangxi (1667), the first assistant Sony died of illness. On the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, the fourteen-year-old Emperor Kangxi officially took charge of the throne. He was congratulated in the Hall of Supreme Harmony and granted amnesty to the world. However, only ten days later, Obai killed Suk Saha, who was also the auxiliary minister. A few days later, he and Ebilong were promoted to the first-class Duke. The actual political situation was not under Kangxi's control.

At that time, Emperor Kangxi often summoned young guards to perform "Buku" performances in the palace. On May 16, the eighth year of Kangxi (June 14, 1669), he suddenly ordered these guards to arrest Ao Bai when he came to see him. arrest. The ministers discussed the 30 major crimes committed by Ao Bai and requested that his clan be punished. Emperor Kangxi recognized Ao Bai's merits, pardoned the death penalty and imprisoned him. However, he killed many of Ao Bai's brothers, nephews, relatives and party members, and soon Ao Bai died in the prison. The only remaining auxiliary minister, Ye Bilong, was stripped of his title of grand master and first-class duke because of his long-term collusion with Obai. Emperor Kangxi thus completely regained the power of the court and began the stage of truly pro-government. After Emperor Kangxi eradicated Aobai, he screened the officials, rewarded officials such as Suksaha and others who were executed by Aobai's false orders, rewarded hundreds of officials for writing letters, banned land enclosures and other bad practices, and exercised political power.

(3) Leveling the Three Feuds: In March of the twelfth year of Kangxi (1673), Pingnan King Shang Kexi requested to return to Liaodong, but asked to keep his son Shang Zhixin to continue to guard Guangdong. This triggered the debate on whether to withdraw the vassal state. Fierce debate. In the end, Emperor Kangxi believed that "the vassal town had held heavy troops for a long time and had become too powerful, which was not in the national interest" and decided to order the "withdrawal of the vassal state". In July, Wu Sangui pretended to request an order to withdraw the feudal vassal, and Emperor Kangxi agreed. In November of the same year, Wu Sangui proposed to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty in Yunnan, and killed Zhu Guozhi, the governor of Yunnan. In the following year, he sent a general to lead an army to attack Hunan and captured Changde, Changsha, Yuezhou, Lizhou, Hengzhou and other places. They also sent people to spread propaganda, and many local officials such as Guangxi General Sun Yanling and Sichuan Governor Luo Sen rebelled against the Qing Dynasty. Then Geng Jingzhong from Fujian also rebelled. In just a few months, the six provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangxi, Fujian, and Sichuan were lost, and they were in danger for a while. Subsequently, the admiral Wang Fuchen of Shaanxi and Shang Zhixin of Guangdong also rebelled one after another, and the rebellion expanded to Guangdong, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and other provinces.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

Emperor Kangxi's strategy was to resolutely attack Wu Sangui and never give him a chance to compromise and make peace; while he opened the door to appease other rebels in order to divide the enemy army, weaken Wu Sangui's wings, and isolate Wu Sangui. Under this policy, Emperor Kangxi made Hunan the focus of his military offensive. He ordered Leerjin and others to lead the army to Jingzhou and Wuchang to confront Wu Sangui and attack Hunan. He also ordered Prince An Yue Le to go from Jiangxi to Changsha. Attack Hunan from a double flank. In addition, Emperor Kangxi freely used Han generals and Han soldiers in battle. In the fifteenth year of Kangxi (1676), Wang Fuchen of Shaanxi and Geng Jingzhong of Fujian surrendered successively under the attack of the Qing army. Shang Zhixin of Guangdong also surrendered in the 16th year of Kangxi (1677). Shaanxi, Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi were all pacified successively. Wu Sangui was trapped in a corner of Hunan, and foreign aid was dwindling. The Qing army had already entered Changsha from Jiangxi, and its defeat was already inevitable.

In March of the seventeenth year of Kangxi (1678), Wu Sangui proclaimed himself emperor in Hengzhou, the country was named Zhou, and all generals were granted great titles. Soon he became ill from worry and anger, and died of illness in August. After Wu Sangui's death, his subordinates will welcome his grandson Wu Shifan to succeed him and retreat to Yunnan and Guizhou. After that, the Qing army successively recovered Hunan, Guangxi and Sichuan. In the winter of the 20th year of Kangxi (1681), the Qing army captured Kunming, Wu Shifan committed suicide, and San Francisco was pacified.

(4) Unification of Taiwan: After the San Francisco Rebellion was put down, incorporating Taiwan into the territory was put on the agenda again. Coinciding with the 20th year of Kangxi (1681), Zheng Chenggong's son Zheng Jing died, and a coup occurred in Taiwan. Zheng Keshuang, who was only twelve years old, succeeded to the throne of Yanping. The power was actually controlled by Feng Xifan and Liu Guoxuan. The centripetal force of Zheng officials began to waver, and Fu Weilin, who was responsible for negotiating peace with the Qing Dynasty, was even willing to be an internal supporter. Governor of Fujian Yao Qisheng thought it was a good time to attack Taiwan, and recommended Shi Lang to Emperor Kangxi (Shi Lang was Zheng Zhilong's general in his early years, and followed Zheng Zhilong to surrender to the Qing Dynasty in 1646 (the third year of Shunzhi). Soon he joined Zheng Chenggong's Anti-Qing Volunteer Brigade , became Zheng Chenggong's right-hand man. Zeng Chenggong's subordinate Zeng De offended Shi Lang, and Shi Lang offended Zheng Chenggong by killing Zeng Chenggong. Zheng Chenggong killed Shi Lang's father and brother. Shi Lang surrendered to the Qing Dynasty again due to the hatred of his relatives being killed by Zheng Chenggong. After the Qing Dynasty, he was appointed as the deputy general of Tong'an of the Qing Army, and soon he was promoted to the commander-in-chief of Tong'an and the admiral of the Fujian Navy)

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

In the 22nd year of Kangxi (1683), Kangxi appointed Shi Lang as the admiral of the Fujian Navy and sent troops to attack Taiwan. , defeated the Zheng navy led by Liu Guoxuan in Penghu, and then Zheng Natu surrendered in the Ming Dynasty. In the 23rd year of Kangxi's reign (1684), the Qing government established three counties in Taiwan, namely Taiwan County (today's Tainan), Fengshan County (today's Kaohsiung), and Zhuluo County (today's Chiayi). ), under the jurisdiction of Fujian Province, and established a patrol officer, a general military officer, two lieutenants, and 8,000 soldiers in Taiwan. Set up a deputy general and two thousand soldiers in Penghu. This strengthened the central government's jurisdiction over Taiwan and promoted Taiwan's economic and cultural development.

(5) Expulsion of Tsarist Russia: After the Qing army entered the customs, the Tsarist Russian expeditionary force invaded the Heilongjiang River Basin of China many times, burning, killing and looting, and encroaching on Chinese territory.In September of the 22nd year of Kangxi (1683), the Qing court ordered the Russian invading troops entrenched in , Yaksa, and other places to withdraw from Qing territory. The Tsarist Russian army ignored them and instead led its troops to Aihui (now Aihui County, Heilongjiang) to plunder. The Qing general Sabusu defeated it and burned all the strongholds established by the Tsarist Russian army in the lower reaches of Heilongjiang, leaving Yaksa Become a lonely city. But the Tsarist Russian army stubbornly resisted. On the 23rd of the first lunar month of the 24th year of Kangxi (1685), in order to completely eliminate the Russian invasion, Emperor Kangxi ordered the commander-in-chief Peng Chun to go to Aihui and capture the city of Yaksa in a few days. He then returned to the division, leaving some troops behind. It stationed troops in Aihun and sent troops to farm in Aihui and Mergen (now Nenjiang, Heilongjiang) to strengthen the defense in Heilongjiang.

In the autumn of the 24th year of Kangxi (1685), Tsarist Russia came back and occupied the city of Yaksa again. This treacherous behavior of the Russian army aroused great indignation from the Qing government. At the beginning of the next year, Emperor Kangxi received the report and immediately ordered a counterattack. On July 24, the twenty-fifth year of Kangxi's reign (1686), more than 2,000 Qing troops arrived at Yaksa City, surrounded the city, and ordered the Tsarist Russian invading army to surrender. Russian general Alexei Tolbuzin ignored him. In August, the Qing army began to attack the city. Tolbuzin was killed by the Qing army. The Russian army was replaced by Beidun and continued to resist. On August 25, the Qing army considered that the Tsarist Russian invaders were defending Yaksa and had to wait for reinforcements. Also considering that after the ice closed in the middle of winter, it would be inconvenient to move ships, feed horses, etc., so they attacked the south, north, and east sides of the city of Yaksa. They dug trenches and besieged them, and sent warships to patrol the river west of the city to cut off the enemy's foreign aid. The invading army was besieged and many died from illness and disease. Of the 826 Russian troops, only 66 were left. The city of Yaksa was about to be attacked, and the Russian regent Sophia hurriedly requested the Qing government to withdraw from the siege and sent envoys to negotiate the border. The Qing government agreed to the request and allowed the remnants of the Tsarist Russian army to withdraw to Nerchinsk (now Nerchinsk, Russia).

After the Battle of Yaksa, the two sides concluded the "Treaty of Nerchinsk" on July 24, the twenty-eighth year of Kangxi (1689), stipulating that the Ergun River -Gerbiqi River - The Outer Khingan Range is the eastern boundary between China and Russia. The areas north of Heilongjiang, south of the Outer Khingan Range and east of the Ussuri River are all Chinese territory.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

(6) Northern Expedition to Mobei: In the early Qing Dynasty, Mongolia living in the northwest was divided into three parts: Monan Mongolia, Mobei Khalkha Mongolia and Moxi Erut Mongolia. Mobei Khalkha Mongolia is divided into three tribes: Zasaktu, Tuxietu, and Chechnya. Moxi Erut Mongolia is divided into four tribes: Junggar, Heshuote, Durbot, and Turgut. . Before the Qing army entered the customs, Monan Mongolia had already surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and the Khalkha Mongolian and Erut Mongolian tribes had close relations with the Qing Dynasty.

During the Kangxi period, Junggar became powerful under the rule of leader Galdan. At the end of the twenty-sixth year of Kangxi's reign (1687), Golovin, the plenipotentiary representative of Tsarist Russia in the Sino-Russian border negotiations, met with Galdan's representatives in Irkutsk and instigated Galdan to attack Khalkha Mongolia. Erdan originally had conflicts with the Tushetu Khan tribe among the three Khalkha tribes, so he launched a war against the Khalkha Mongols.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

In the twenty-seventh year of Kangxi (1688), Galdan personally led 30,000 cavalry from Ili to the east, crossed Hangai Mountain , attacked Khalkha Mongolia, and soon occupied the entire Khalkha region. Tuxie Tuhan Chahun Dorji and Jebzundamba I decided to surrender to the Qing Dynasty, so hundreds of thousands of the three Khalkha tribes split up and fled southward, fleeing to Monan Ujimqin (in today's Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia). , reported to the Qing court for protection. Kangxi placed them in Horqin to graze, and ordered Galdan to stop his troops and return westward. However, Galdan was arrogant and ignored him. Instead, he led his troops to take advantage of the situation and go south, deep into the territory of Ujimqin. In response to Galdan's rampant southern invasion, Kangxi ordered to recruit troops and horses on the spot to strictly prevent the blockade. At the same time, he mobilized troops and generals to prepare for the northward attack, and successively defeated Junggar in Ulanbutong and Zhaomoda. In February of the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi's reign (1698), Kangxi once again issued an edict to conquer Galdan personally in view of Galdan's refusal to surrender. Galdan died in a situation where everyone was betrayed and separated from his relatives. At this point, the campaign against Galdan during the Kangxi period came to an end, and the Mobei Khalkha region was included in the territory of the Qing Dynasty.

After Galdan's death, Cewang Alabutan became the ruler of the Junggar tribe. With the consolidation of his dominance and the continuous expansion of his territory, he began to have ambitions to expand eastward. With the support of Tsarist Russia, Cewang Alabutan continuously attacked the important military towns such as Kobdo, Barkol, and Hami held by the Qing army, and sent troops to invade Tibet. Because Kangxi sent troops to Tibet in time to cooperate with the Tibetan army in the encirclement and suppression, the Junggar forces were driven out of Tibet.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

(7) Nine sons seize the throne: In the fourteenth year of Kangxi (1675), Kangxi appointed his two-year-old second elder brother Yin Reng (réng) as the crown prince. In the future, the crown prince became arrogant and arrogant and formed a clique for personal gain. In the 42nd year of Kangxi's reign (1703), Kangxi killed Suo'etu, and the relationship between father and son became tense. In the forty-seventh year of Kangxi (1708), at the Burhasu Palace in Mulan Paddock , Emperor Kangxi said that the Crown Prince Yinreng "violated the virtues of the ancestors and did not follow my instructions, but was wreaking havoc on the public and committing violent and lewd acts." Announced the abolition of the crown prince. After that, many elder brothers began to covet the throne.

The emperor's eldest son Yin Yin (tí/shì) was the eldest son of a concubine. He had never been liked by Kangxi. Knowing that there was no hope, he proposed to Kang Xi to appoint the eighth prince Yinsu (sì). The reason was that "the warlock Zhang Mingde tried to agree with (Yin) Xibi" "Dagui", and said that he would kill Yinhu on behalf of his father, which made Kangxi extremely chilled, severely reprimanded him, and at the same time, he was strictly wary of Yinhu. At this time, the third elder brother Yinzhi revealed that the eldest elder brother had done something to harm Yinreng in Nightmare Town, and Kangxi imprisoned the eldest elder brother. Kangxi was disgusted with Yinhu's collusion with Yinxin, so he also imprisoned him and later released him.

In March of the forty-eighth year of Kangxi (1709), Emperor Kangxi restored the status of Prince Yinreng. However, in September of the fifty-first year of Kangxi (1712), Emperor Kangxi once again issued an edict to depose the prince. From then on, the deposed prince was imprisoned until his death. Seeing this chaos, the third elder brother Yinzhi (zhǐ) took the initiative to withdraw from the competition.

After Prince Yinfeng was deposed again, the eighth elder brother Yinhu turned to support the fourteenth elder brother Yinzhen (zhēn) (the fourth elder brother had the same mother and brother, and was later renamed Yunqi), the ninth elder brother Yinzhen (táng), The tenth prince Yinzhen (é) vassalized the eighth prince. The thirteenth elder brother Yinxiang vassalized the fourth elder brother Yinzhen (zhēn). After the prince was deposed for the first time, Yinzhen dared to say good things for Yinzhen, and he belonged to the princelings. After Yinfeng was deposed for the second time, Yinzhen saw that there was no possibility of Yinfeng being re-established, so he began to form cliques for personal gain and to spy on the reserve. At this time, two major forces were formed: the Fourth Ye Party headed by Yinzhen and the Eighth Ye Party headed by Yinzhen.

Kangxi's crown prince was in conflict with the throne, which completely exposed the shortcomings of the eldest son's throne succession system. The battle for the throne lasted for a long time, involved many people, affected a wide range of areas, and had a huge impact on the dynasty and the emperor himself. Big, everything exceeds the previous generation.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

On November 13, the 61st year of Kangxi reign (December 20, 1722), Emperor Kangxi Xuanye died at the Qingxi Bookstore in Changchun Garden, Beijing, at the age of 69. Reigned for 61 years and 10 months. At that time, the 14th elder brother Yinzhen supported by the Ba Ye Party was far away in the northwest, while the fourth elder brother Yinzhen stayed in Beijing. The infantry commander of Kangxi's close ministers Longkodo announced Kangxi's will and ordered Yinzhen to succeed to the throne. He was the Yongzheng Emperor. He was the emperor of Kangxi. The emperor was buried in Jingling.

Qing Shizong Aixinjueluo Yinzhen (December 13, 1678 - October 8, 1735), the fifth monarch of the Qing Dynasty (reigned from 1722 to 1735), the third emperor after the capital was Beijing . The reign name is Yongzheng. The fourth son of Emperor Kangxi, his mother was Empress Xiao Gongren (namely De Fei Wu Ya).

In the thirty-seventh year of Kangxi (1698), Baylor was granted the title; in the forty-eighth year of Kangxi (1709), Yinzhen was granted the title of Prince Heshuo Yong. After the second deposed prince Yinzhen, Yinzhen actively fought for the throne. On November 13, the 61st year of Kangxi (1722), Emperor Kangxi died of illness in Changchun Garden in the northern suburbs. He succeeded to the throne and changed the following year. No. Yongzheng. Emperor Yongzheng made a series of reforms during his reign. In order to strengthen the rule over the ethnic minorities in the southwestern part of the country, they implemented the reform of their native lands and returned them to their hometowns. The abolition of the low status system and the implementation of the system of dividing the land from one person to one mu reduced the economic burden of landless and landless farmers and promoted population growth. And vigorously rectify the finances, implement the return of waste to the public, establish a system of raising honest banks, and implement the integration of officials and gentry into errands and payment of grain.In the first year of Yongzheng (1723), he sent troops to Qinghai and put down the Luobuzangdanjin rebellion the following year. Politically, we rectified the administration of officials, established a secret system to monitor the subjects, and set up military aircraft to exercise exclusive power. Moreover, the secret crown prince system was improved to institutionalize the method of succession to the throne, and to a certain extent, it avoided the situation in which the princes fought against each other in the later years of Emperor Kangxi. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, he was diligent in political affairs and praised himself as "leading the world with diligence" and "working hard day and night".

Emperor Yongzheng’s series of social reforms played a key role in the continuity of the prosperous ages of Kangxi and Qianlong. He died on the 23rd of the eighth lunar month in the thirteenth year of Yongzheng (1735) at the age of 58. The temple number is Sejong , the posthumous name is Jingtian Changyun Jianzhong, the official is Wenwuyingming, Kuanrenxinxinyirui, Sage, Daxiao, Zhichengxian emperor. He is buried in the Tailing Tomb of the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty, and is passed down to the fourth son Hongli.

Qing Emperor Gaozong Aixinjueluo Hongli (September 25, 1711 - February 7, 1799), the sixth emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the fourth emperor after making Beijing his capital. The era name "Qianlong" means "the way of heaven is prosperous". After reigning for sixty years, he continued to govern after the Zen throne, and actually exercised supreme power for sixty-three years and four months. He was the emperor who actually held the supreme power of the country for the longest time in Chinese history, and was also the longest-lived emperor.

Emperor Qianlong was a famous emperor in Chinese feudal society. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the Qing Dynasty reached its highest peak since the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong. On the basis of the cultural and martial arts of the Kangxi and Yongzheng dynasties, he further completed the unification of a multi-ethnic country, and further developed the social economy and culture. Qianlong attached great importance to social stability and cared about the people. He exempted the world's money and grain five times and exempted grain from eight provinces three times, which reduced the burden on farmers, protected agricultural production, and enriched the Qing Dynasty's treasury. During the Qianlong period, martial arts flourished, and he made great achievements in quelling rebellions in border areas. He also improved his rule over Tibet and once again incorporated Xinjiang into China's territory. This maximized the territory of the Qing Dynasty and formally established the territory of modern China. . Sinology has been greatly developed, with the establishment of the Erxue Hongci Department and the compilation of "Sikuquanshu"; at the same time, folk art has been greatly developed, such as Peking Opera began to be formed during the Qianlong period. However, in the later period, the official administration deteriorated and uprisings broke out in many places. Strictly resist the aggressive behavior of Britain and Russia, and reject the unreasonable demands for trade and sovereignty made by the British Macartney Mission. But at this time, the gap between China and the West also widened, and China was on the eve of modern times.

In the 60th year of Qianlong's reign (1795), Emperor Qianlong lived in Zen, his fifteenth son Yong Yan. He died on the third day of the first lunar month of the fourth year of Jiaqing (February 7, 1799) in the Hall of Yangxin at the age of 89. [3] The temple name was Gaozong, the posthumous name was Fatian Longyun Zhicheng Xianjue Tiyuan Liji Fuwen Fenwuqin Ming Xiaoci Ming Shengchun Emperor, and was buried in Yuling in the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty.

Qing Renzong Aixinjueluo Yongyan (yǒng yán) (November 13, 1760 - September 2, 1820), formerly known as Yongyan, was the seventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the fifth after his capital was Beijing. The emperor, the fifteenth son of Emperor Qianlong, and his biological mother, Empress Xiaoyichun Wei Jia. He reigned for twenty-five years (reigned from 1796 to 1820), with the reign name "Jiaqing".

Yong Yan was born on the sixth day of October in the twenty-fifth year of Qianlong (1760). On the winter solstice of the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong's reign (1773), he was secretly appointed as the crown prince by Emperor Qianlong. In the fifty-fourth year of Qianlong's reign (1789), he was named Prince Heshuojia. On the first day of the first lunar month of the first year of Jiaqing (1796), Qing Gao Zongchan was located in Yongyan, but he had no real power for the first four years of his reign. He took sole power only after the death of Emperor Qianlong. Facing the crisis-ridden political situation in the last years of Qianlong's reign, Emperor Jiaqing took up the banner of "Xian and Reform" to rectify internal affairs and clean up discipline. He killed the powerful minister He Shen, and deposed and imprisoned He Shen's closest friends. The imperial edict sought to speak out, open up the avenues for speech, dispel evil and strengthen righteousness, and praise officials who had been convicted of speech offenses in the Qianlong Dynasty. The imperial edict stops contribution, deposes extravagance and favors frugality. Local officials are required to keep "nothing hidden" about people's sentiments, report truthfully, and avoid deception, whitewashing, and laziness. However, its limited rectification of internal affairs failed to fundamentally reverse the political decline of the Qing Dynasty. By the end of the Jiaqing period, not only had the corruption problem not been resolved, it had become even more serious. His reign coincided with the rise of the world's industrial revolution and the transition from prosperity to decline of the Qing Dynasty.During this period, the White Lotus Rebellion and the Tianli Rebellion occurred. Problems such as the livelihood of the Eight Banners and river transportation became increasingly prominent, and opium also flowed into China. The Qing Dynasty experienced a period of decline.

Died in the Chengde Summer Resort in the 25th year of Jiaqing (1820) at the age of 61. The temple name was Renzong, and his posthumous title was "Emperor of Suiyou Chongwenjing, Wuguangyu, Xiaogong, Diligent and thrifty, Duanmin, Yingzherui" who was blessed by the fortunes of heaven and earth. He was buried in Changling in the Western Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

Qing Xuanzong Aixinjueluo Min (mín) Ning (September 16, 1782 - February 25, 1850), formerly known as Mianning, was the eighth emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the sixth emperor after the capital was Beijing. Born in the Forbidden City, Xie Fang Hall. The reign name is Daoguang. The second son of Emperor Renzong of the Qing Dynasty and Jiaqing, his mother was Empress Xiao Shurui of Xitala clan.

In the fourth year of Jiaqing (1799), he was secretly established as the crown prince. In the 18th year of Jiaqing (1813), he was granted the title of Prince Zhi. He became emperor in the twenty-fifth year of Jiaqing (1820). I am very thoughtful and work hard to improve the situation and eliminate the disadvantages. Implement reforms to the salt transportation policy. Replacing river transportation by sea transportation not only solves the difficulties of water transportation, but also saves expenses. The banknote salt system made the salt administration in Huaihe and Huaihe areas "clear and clear". Lift the ban on the mining of some mineral deposits and advocate returning the natural benefits of heaven and earth to the world. Rectify the administration of officials and curb extravagance. In May of the eighth year of Daoguang's reign (1828), Zhanggeer was pacified and returned to Xinjiang. A campaign was launched to strictly prohibit drugs and opium. Since the beginning of his accession to the throne, he has continuously issued edicts, strictly prohibiting the import of opium externally, and prohibiting the sale, smoking and cultivation of opium domestically. In the eighteenth year of Daoguang's reign (1838), he completely abandoned the erroneous ideas of the relaxed prohibitionists, adopted the suggestions of the strict prohibitionists, implemented a nationwide smoking ban, and supported Lin Zexu's anti-smoking measures. The following year, the "Thirty Articles of Regulations for the Prohibition of Opium and Cigarettes" were approved. This charter became the most stringent and comprehensive anti-smoking order issued in the Qing Dynasty. In the 20th year of Daoguang (1840), the Sino-British Opium War broke out. China was defeated and was forced to sign the "Treaty of Nanjing" in the 22nd year of Daoguang (1842). Foreign aggression is becoming increasingly serious, the Taiping Rebellion is also brewing, and the Qing Dynasty is in crisis.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

Died in the Shende Hall of the Old Summer Palace on the 11th day of the first lunar month of the 30th year of Daoguang's reign (1850). Reigned for 30 years, aged 69. The temple name was Xuanzong, and the posthumous title was Xiantian Fuyun Li Zhengzheng. He was a literary saint, a martial artist, a wise man, a benevolent thrifty, a diligent filial piety and a sensitive man. Kuan was designated as the emperor. He was buried in the Muling Mausoleum of the Western Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty. The throne was passed to his fourth son Yiqi.

Qing Wenzong Aixinjueluo · Yi Chi (yì zhǔ) (July 17, 1831 - August 22, 1861), the ninth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the seventh emperor after the capital was Beijing, the reign name was Xianfeng . The fourth son of Emperor Daoguang of Xuanzong of the Qing Dynasty.

In the twenty-sixth year of Daoguang (1846), he was secretly established as the crown prince. Facing the ruling crisis of internal and external troubles, he became diligent in political affairs after taking the throne and made great efforts to reform the government. In order to save the ruling crisis, Emperor Xianfeng thought of eliminating the shortcomings and seeking treatment. He appointed the virtuous and eliminated the evil in an attempt to restore discipline. The Han bureaucrat Zeng Guofan was reused, and the Han landlords' armed forces trained and commanded by him suppressed the Taiping Rebellion and the Nian Army uprising. Promote Sushun who dares to do his job, and support Sushun and others in getting rid of bad government. At the same time, he dismissed the Daoguang Dynasty's military ministers Mu Zhang'a , Qiying and so on. However, at this time, the Qing Empire was experiencing constant internal and external troubles, and finally ended up signing a series of unequal treaties. After the Xianfeng Dynasty, the Westernization Movement was launched in an attempt to reverse the situation of internal and external difficulties.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

The Second Opium War was a war of aggression against China jointly launched by Britain and France with the support of the United States and Russia from October 1856 to October 1860. The purpose was for Britain and France to further open up the Chinese market and expand their aggressive interests in China. Because Britain and France used the Arrow incident and the Priest Ma incident as excuses to launch wars respectively, it was called the "Arrow War" by the British. Also known as the "Battle of the British and French Allied Forces" or the "Second Sino-British War". At the same time, because this war can be seen as a continuation and expansion of the First Opium War (the essential purposes of the two wars are the same), it is also called the "Second Opium War."

In 11860, the British and French forces invaded Beijing, and the Qing emperor fled to Chengde. The British and French forces broke into the Old Summer Palace, looted the jewelry, and burned it.During the war, Tsarist Russia claimed that it had "merited mediation" after sending troops, and coerced the Qing government to cede more than 1.5 million square kilometers of territory, thus becoming the biggest winner. The war ended with the Qing government being forced to sign the Treaty of Beijing.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

The Second Opium War forced the Qing government to sign Sino-Russian peace treaties such as the "Aihun Treaty", the "Tianjin Treaty" and the "Beijing Treaty", which further deepened the aggression of the great powers. As a result, China lost more than 1.5 million square kilometers of territory in the northeast and northwest. After the war, the Qing government was able to concentrate its efforts on suppressing the Taiping Rebellion and maintaining its rule. Foreign aggressive forces expanded to coastal provinces and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

Westernization Movement, also known as the Self-Strengthening Movement. From the 1860s to the 1890s, the Westernization Movement of the late Qing Dynasty carried out a self-rescue movement using the slogans of "self-improvement" and "seeking wealth" to introduce Western military equipment, machine production and science and technology to save the rule of the Qing Dynasty.

On January 11, 1861, Aixinjueluo Yixin, together with Guiliang and Wenxiang, presented the "Six Articles of Regulations for Coordinating the Overall Development of Foreign Affairs" and launched a Westernization Movement with the goal of enriching the country and strengthening the army. After the Xinyou coup in 1861, Cixi re-employed the Westernization faction, which introduced Western advanced science and technology on a large scale and established modern military industries and civilian enterprises. In 1894, during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the Beiyang Navy was completely wiped out, marking the bankruptcy of the Westernization Movement that had lasted for more than 30 years.

Although the Westernization Movement objectively stimulated the development of China's capitalism and resisted the economic import of foreign capitalism to a certain extent, it did not put China on the road to prosperity.

Emperor Xianfeng reigned for eleven years and died in the Chengde Summer Resort in 1861. He was only 31 years old. The temple name was Wenzong and he was buried in Dingling. After his death, his son Zaichun succeeded him.

Qing Mu Zong Aixinjueluo Zaichun (April 27, 1856 - January 12, 1875), the tenth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the eighth emperor after the Qing Dynasty established its capital in Beijing, with the reign title "Tongzhi". He was the eldest son of Emperor Xianfeng of the Qing Dynasty, and his biological mother was Empress Xiaoqinxian Yehenala, also known as Cixi. Reigned from 1861 to 1875, a total of 13 years.

Emperor Tongzhi was born on March 23 (April 27 in the Gregorian calendar) in the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856) in Chuxiu Palace in the Forbidden City in Beijing. He ascended the throne in the eleventh year of Xianfeng (1861). During the reign of Emperor Tongzhi, the Qing government relied on a number of important ministers such as Zeng Guofan, Li Hongzhang, Zuo Zongtang to suppress the Taiping Rebellion. In the fourth year of Tongzhi (1865), Seng Gelinqin's Manchu and Mongolian cavalry (Eight Banners Soldiers) were ambushed and annihilated by the Nian Army. Until the year (1868). During his reign, the Qing Dynasty successively put down the Shaanxi-Gansu Hui Uprising, Yunnan Hui Uprising, and Guizhou Miao Uprising. At the same time, the New Deal for Westernization was established, and a period of political stability emerged in the late Qing Dynasty, which is known in history as the "Tongzhi Zhongxing". In the twelfth year of Tongzhi (1873), Emperor Tongzhi came into power. However, Zaichun's pro-government was still unable to escape the interference of Empress Dowager Cixi. Empress Dowager Cixi ordered Emperor Tongzhi to repair the Old Summer Palace for her to live in. Emperor Tongzhi also wanted to use the method of repairing the Old Summer Palace to allow the Queen Mother to live outside the palace to get rid of the Queen Mother's interference in politics. However, finances were in short supply at that time and the Old Summer Palace was severely damaged. This policy was extremely detrimental to the national economy and people's livelihood, and the restoration cost a lot, which aroused opposition from many princes and ministers.

He died in the Yangxin Hall of the Forbidden City in Beijing on the fifth day of December (January 12, 1875) in the 13th year of Tongzhi (1874). He was 19 years old. The temple name was Mu Zong, and the posthumous title was Jitian Kaiyun Shouzhong Ju Zheng Bao Dading Gong Sheng Zhi Cheng Filial Trust Min Gong Ming Suyi Emperor. He was buried in the Hui Mausoleum of the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty in Zunhua, Hebei Province.

Qing Dezong Aixinjueluo·Zaitan (tián) (August 14, 1871 - November 14, 1908), the eleventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the ninth emperor after the capital was Beijing. His father, Prince Chun, is Yixuan, and his biological mother, Yehenara Wanzhen, is the sister of the Empress Dowager Cixi. He reigned for thirty-four years and was named "Guangxu".

In December of the thirteenth year of Tongzhi (January 1875), he was made emperor by the empress dowagers of the two palaces. At first, the empress dowagers of Ci'an and Cixi listened to the government behind the curtain. After the death of Empress Dowager Ci'an in the seventh year of Guangxu (1881), Empress Dowager Cixi hung the curtain alone.In the fifteenth year of Guangxu's reign (1889), Zaitan came to power personally. After that, although the government was nominally returned to Emperor Guangxu, in fact the power was still in the hands of Empress Dowager Cixi. In the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1898-1894 after Zai Dan took office, Emperor Guangxu tried his best to take the lead in the war and opposed compromise. However, due to court corruption, the Qing Dynasty ended in defeat. The Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War was the touchstone of the 35-year Westernization Movement and declared the failure of the Westernization Movement.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

After learning from the painful experience, Guangxu strongly supported the reformist reforms in order to strengthen himself. In the 24th year of Guangxu (1898), the Reform Movement of 1898 began, but it was opposed by the conservatives headed by the Empress Dowager Cixi.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

Emperor Guangxu planned to rely on Yuan Shikai to contain this force headed by the Empress Dowager Cixi, but he was betrayed by Yuan Shikai and was imprisoned in Yingtai, Zhongnanhai by the Empress Dowager Cixi ever since. The entire reform lasted only 103 days, so it was called the "Hundred Days Reform". After the coup, power once again fell into the hands of the Empress Dowager Cixi, who announced that Emperor Guangxu was ill and unable to govern, but actually imprisoned him as a prisoner without shackles.

The Eight-Nation Allied Forces invaded China on May 28, 1900 (the 26th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty). Armed war of aggression.

In the spring of 1900, the Boxer Rebellion became the trigger for the Eight-Nation Allied Forces' war of aggression against China. Using this as an excuse, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces partitioned and plundered China in the name of suppressing the Boxer Rebellion. On June 10, 1900, British Navy Vice Admiral E. Seymour led a joint task force of more than 2,000 people to invade Beijing from the Tianjin Concession in batches. After the Battle of Langfang, nearly 300 people were injured and killed and were forced to return to Tianjin. On June 17, the coalition forces captured Dagu, and on July 14, they captured Tianjin. On August 4, the coalition forces set out from Tianjin and successively captured Beicang, Yangcun, Hexiwu, Tongzhou and other strategic locations. On the 14th, Beijing was captured, and then troops were looted for three days, and Beijing was occupied by divisions. After that, they continued to increase their troops, sent troops from Beijing and Tianjin to attack and plunder in all directions, and controlled the key passes around Beijing and Tianjin from Zhengding in the south, Zhangjiakou in the north, Shanhaiguan in the east, and Niangziguan in the west. In the early days of the coalition, there was no joint command, and tasks were assigned through a joint commanders' meeting during operations. On August 17, it was decided that German Field Marshal Waldersee would be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. On October 17, Wardsey went to Beijing, established his headquarters in the Forbidden City, and established the "Beijing Management Committee", a military colonial organization.

On September 7, 1901, as a result of the signing of the "Xin Chou Treaty", China was completely reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, which brought unprecedented and painful disasters to the country and people at that time.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

On October 21, the thirty-fourth year of Guangxu (1908), Emperor Guangxu died suddenly at the age of 38. His temple name was Dezong, his posthumous name was Tongtian Chongyun Dazhong to Zheng Wenwei Wu Renxiao Wise Wisdom Thrifty Kuan Qinjing Emperor . Buried in Chongling of the Western Tombs of the Qing Dynasty.

Aixinjueluo Puyi (February 7, 1906 - October 17, 1967), courtesy name Yaozhi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, also known as the Qing Fei Emperor or Xuantong Emperor, was the great-grandson of Daoguang Emperor Minning, Chun. The grandson of Prince Xian Yixuan and the eldest son of Regent Zaifeng, his mother is Suwan Guarjia Youlan.

The Revolution of 1911 broke out in 1911, and he was forced to abdicate on February 12, 1912, ending the rule of the Qing Dynasty. After the September 18th Incident, he became the puppet emperor of Manchukuo under the control of the Japanese. His reign was Kant (1934-1945), so he was also called the "Emperor Kant". On August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered. On August 17, Puyi was captured by the Soviet Red Army while preparing to flee in Shenyang and was taken to the Soviet Union. In early August 1950, he was escorted back to China and studied and reformed at the Fushun War Criminals Management Center. In 1959, he was pardoned under an amnesty order signed by Liu Shaoqi, Chairman of the People's Republic of China, and later became a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Puyi married four times in his life and married five women. His last marriage was to Li Shuxian in 1962. Puyi wrote his autobiography "The First Half of My Life".

On October 17, 1967, Puyi died of uremia in Beijing at the age of 61. He was first buried in Babaoshan and later moved to the Hualong Royal Cemetery near Chongling (Guangxu Mausoleum) in the Western Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty.

Cixi (November 29, 1835 - November 15, 1908), Queen Xiaoqinxian, Yehenala, the concubine of Emperor Xianfeng and the biological mother of Emperor Tongzhi. An important political figure in the late Qing Dynasty and the actual ruler of the late Qing Dynasty.

On February 11th of the second year of Xianfeng (February 1852, seventeen years old), Yehenala was drafted into the palace and given the title Lan Guiren. On February 2, the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854, age 19), Jin was granted the title of concubine. In March of the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856), she gave birth to Emperor Xianfeng's only prince Zaichun (i.e. Emperor Tongzhi), who was granted the title of Concubine Yi in the Jin Dynasty. At the beginning of the first month of the seventh year of Xianfeng (1857, 22 years old), Jin Fengyi was a noble concubine.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews860, before the British and French forces invaded Beijing, Yehenala fled to Rehe with Emperor Xianfeng. Emperor Xianfeng died in Rehe in August 1861. Before his death, Prince Yi Zaiyuan, Prince Zheng Duanhua and Jingshou, and co-organizers Shangshu Sushun, Mu Yin, Kuang Yuan, Du Han, and Jiao Youying were appointed as ministers of praise. The minister of political affairs assisted Emperor Tongzhi Zaichun in handling government affairs; he also gave the queen and the crown prince (who were managed by the emperor's biological mother, Concubine Yi) two seals representing imperial power, hoping that they would restrain each other.

After the death of Emperor Xianfeng, the prince Zaichun ascended the throne and was named "Qixiang". Yehenala and Queen Niu Hulu (the Queen of the Central Palace at that time, Ci'an) were both revered as the empress dowager. The power-hungry Cixi was very dissatisfied with the eight ministers Gu Ming's attempt to monopolize power, so she teamed up with Emperor Xianfeng's younger brother, Prince Gong Yixin (xīn), who was presiding over the peace talks in Beijing, and took advantage of the opportunity of the Empress and Emperor Xianfeng's Zi Palace to return to Beijing to launch the Xin You campaign. During the coup, eight ministers were arrested, Prince Yi Zaiyuan, Prince Zheng Duanhua were sentenced to suicide, Sushun was beheaded, and the others were dismissed. Yi Xin was named the king of political affairs.

On December 2, 1861, the reign name was changed to "Tongzhi", and the empress dowagers of the two palaces stayed in the Yangxin Hall and listened to politics behind the curtain. In the early days of her rule, with the assistance of the political king Yixin, she organized the administration of officials, reused Han officials, and relied on the armed forces of Han landlords such as Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, and Li Hongzhang. With the support of the great powers, she successively suppressed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Nian Army, and the Miao people, and eased the The ruling crisis of the Qing Dynasty brought temporary stability to the Qing Dynasty. In order to maintain the feudal autocratic rule, she re-employed the Westernizationists, developed some military and civilian industries, and trained the navy and army to strengthen the power of the regime based on the principles of "self-improvement" and "seeking wealth." Objectively, it played a certain positive role in China's modernization. During this period, domestic uprisings were put down, the two Opium Wars temporarily satisfied the greed of the great powers, and there was no major diplomatic loss. After the Westernization Movement, the military strength of the Qing Dynasty improved, and industry and commerce had initial development. It was known as " "Tongzhi ZTE".

In January 1875, Emperor Tongzhi died of illness. Cixi made her nephew (husband's nephew) and nephew 4-year-old Aixinjueluo Zaitian the emperor, and changed the reign name to "Guangxu". The empress dowagers of the two palaces once again listened to the government behind the curtain. From 1865 to 1870, the Central Asian Kokand Khanate invader Agub invaded and occupied most of Xinjiang; in 1871, Tsarist Russia sent troops to occupy the Ili region. In 1875, Cixi adopted the suggestion of Zuo Zongtang, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, and sent troops to Xinjiang. The Qing army recovered Xinjiang in January 1878; in 1881, through negotiations between China and Russia, China recovered most of Ili.

On April 8, 1881, Empress Dowager Ci'an died suddenly at the age of 45. The official statement was that it was cerebral hemorrhage, but unofficial history believed that it was Cixi who caused the death. From 1883 to 1885, the Sino-French War broke out. Both sides had military victories and defeats. However, the Qing government headed by Cixi advocated "taking advantage of victory" and signed the "Sino-French New Treaty" with France, which also made France gained a lot of aggressive benefits.

On April 8, 1884, Cixi launched the Jiashen Yi Shu Dynasty Change, dismissed all the ministers of the Military Aircraft Department headed by Prince Gong Yixin, and began the dictatorship of the West Palace. In February 1889, Guangxu got married. Emperor Guangxu was nominally in charge, and Cixi guided the administration for several more years. After the end of the political training, all personnel and administration within the court were still handled by his own hands.

In 1894, Prince Chun planned to "receive congratulations in the Summer Palace on the occasion of Cixi's 60th birthday. Following the example of the Kangxi and Qianlong years, a colorful shed sutra altar was set up along the road from the palace to the garden to hold a celebration." Move navy funds, renovate the Summer Palace, decorate scenic spots, and collect contributions from all walks of life.

This year coincided with Japan launching the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. Guangxu took the lead in the war, and Cixi also took the lead. However, when someone proposed to stop the Summer Palace project, stop the attractions, and divert military funds, Cixi became furious and said, "Whoever makes me unhappy today, I will also make him unhappy for the rest of his life." words.Later, the Qing army suffered successive defeats on the Korean battlefield, and the Beiyang Navy suffered serious setbacks in the Battle of the Yellow Sea. In order not to affect her sixtieth anniversary celebrations, Cixi hoped that foreign countries would intervene and end the war as soon as possible. She supported Li Hongzhang's policy of avoiding war and seeking peace, and used various excuses to attack the main war faction headed by Guangxu.

Due to the increasingly tense situation and the heavy pressure from the government and the opposition, she could no longer go her own way and show off her pomp, so she had to change her original plan and reduce the scale of her birthday celebration. When Jinzhou and Dalian fell one after another and Lushun was in extreme danger, Cixi spent her 60th birthday in the Ningshou Palace in the Forbidden City.

On February 7 of the following year, Weihai's Japanese warships and forts attacked Liugong Island, and the entire Beiyang Navy was wiped out. China suffered defeats on both the sea and land battlefields, and the peace faction headed by Cixi was determined to seek peace with Japan. In March, Cixi sent Li Hongzhang as a plenipotentiary minister to Japan to beg for peace. On April 17, the Treaty of Shimonoseki, an unprecedented humiliating treaty in Chinese history, was signed. China gave up its status as a suzerainty over North Korea, paid an indemnity of 200 million taels of silver, and ceded the Liaodong Peninsula (later to (30 million taels of silver redeemed), Taiwan, and the Penghu Islands, opened four treaty ports, and allowed Japan to open mines and set up factories in the treaty ports.

After the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894, the great powers set off a frenzy to carve up China. In order to save the nation, the bourgeois reformists launched the Reform Reform (known as the Reform Movement of 1898 in history). Regarding the reform, Cixi hoped to strengthen the country but was worried that Guangxu would use the reform to escape her control. She initially expressed support, but then she seized military power and human rights. In your own hands.

In June 1898, Guangxu issued the emperor's "Ming Ding Guo Shi Edict" (i.e., "Ming Ding Guo Shi Zhao") to implement reforms. Emperor Guangxu's reforms touched the interests of the old Manchurian aristocrats and many feudal bureaucrats. They gathered and tried their best to oppose the reforms. When they heard that Emperor Guangxu was trying to get Yuan Shikai to send troops to surround the garden and kill Ronglu, Cixi and others launched the 1898 Coup of 1898, detained Emperor Guangxu, and executed six others including Tan Siping.

After the 1898 Coup, the Boxer Rebellion emerged in northern China. Cixi initially took the initiative to suppress it, but the suppression failed repeatedly. The Boxer Rebellion developed rapidly and entered Beijing. Cixi hoped to use both suppression and pacification and treat the Boxers differently, but the great powers demanded that the Qing government completely wipe out the Boxers, and insisted on sending troops to Beijing regardless of the Qing government's objections. Cixi had always been dissatisfied with foreigners, so she came up with the idea of ​​using the Boxers to fight against the great powers, and declared war on the great powers (without issuing a declaration of war). Cixi's decision was opposed by Liu Kunyi, Zhang Zhidong and other local governors. They jointly sent a telegram to the Qing court, urging the annihilation of the Boxer Rebellion, and signing treaties with the great powers to implement "Mutual Guarantee in the Southeast." On the one hand, Cixi asked the generals and governors of the provinces to carefully arrange war and defense matters, and continued to use the Boxer Rebellion to besiege the embassy and fight against the Eight-Nation Allied Forces; on the other hand, she ordered Ronglu to go to the embassy to condolences the envoys of various countries, and wrote letters of credence to Russia, Britain, Japan, and The heads of state of Germany, the United States, France and other countries asked them to come forward to "solve difficulties" and "save the situation", and transferred Li Hongzhang, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, to the post of governor of Zhili and minister of Beiyang to prepare for negotiations with the great powers. However, the Eight-Nation Allied Forces did not stop attacking.

On August 14, 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing; in the early morning of the next day, they attacked the Donghua Gate of the Forbidden City. Cixi fled to Xi'an with Emperor Guangxu, the Queen and others, and made Yikuang and Li Hongzhang ministers with full power to negotiate with the great powers. He put the responsibility for the war on the Boxers and ordered the Boxers to be "severely annihilated". On February 14, 1901, the "Outline of Peace Negotiation" was approved and an edict was issued, stating that it would "measure China's material resources and win the favor of the country." On September 7 of the same year, the "Xin Chou Treaty" was signed with 11 imperialist countries. It was stipulated that compensation should be 450 million taels of silver based on the population of China at that time, and 980 million taels of silver should be paid within 39 years. Officials in charge of the war should be punished, and all forts along the route from Dagu to Beijing should be demolished. On October 6 of the same year, Cixi set off from Xi'an with tens of thousands of soldiers and 3,000 luggage carts, leaving Tongguan and passing through Henan and Zhili. It took three months and returned to Beijing on January 8, 1902.

In order to maintain her rule and change her image of being conservative and incompetent, the Empress Dowager Cixi announced the implementation of the "New Deal" during the "Western Hunt" to carry out reforms in the economy, military, education, official system and other aspects.

In 1904, the Russo-Japanese War broke out. The battlefield was in Northeast China. The Qing government headed by Cixi declared neutrality. The result of the war was that Japan defeated Tsarist Russia. People in the country generally realized that a constitutional monarchy was superior to an autocratic monarchy and demanded that the Qing government carry out constitutional reforms; at the same time, the domestic revolutionary movement also grew stronger. In order to maintain her rule, Cixi made a gesture of establishing a constitution. In 1905, five ministers were sent overseas for inspection. In 1906, they announced preparations for the establishment of a constitution. In 1908, the "Outline of the Imperial Constitution" was promulgated. The content was modeled on the constitutions of Germany and Japan to safeguard the emperor's "superior power."

In 1908, due to Cixi’s photo diplomacy, U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt signed a bill to return the Boxer Indemnity of more than 10 million U.S. dollars, mainly to support Chinese official-sent students in the United States; after that, Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, and the Netherlands The total amount of "excess" money returned to China by the seven countries was about 300 million taels of customs silver, which was very effective in establishing education and should be recognized.

On November 14, 1908, Emperor Guangxu died, leaving Emperor Daxing without an heir. According to her order, Prince Chun Zaifeng was appointed as regent, and his son Puyi became emperor, with the reign title of Xuantong.

At noon on November 15, 1908 (around 2 p.m.), Yehenala died of illness in Yiluan Hall, Zhongnanhai, at the age of seventy-four. Cixi's last words said: "From now on, women are not allowed to predict the state affairs. This is contrary to the family law of this dynasty and must be strictly restricted. In particular, strict precautions must be taken to prevent eunuchs from taking over their power. What happened in the late Ming Dynasty can serve as a lesson for Yin!"

Revolution of 1911 , It occurred in the year of Xinhai of the Chinese lunar calendar (the third year of Xuantong in the Qing Dynasty), that is, from 1911 to the beginning of 1912 AD. It was a nationwide revolution aimed at overthrowing the Qing Dynasty's autocratic monarchy and establishing a republican system of government. The Revolution of 1911 in a narrow sense refers to the revolutionary events that occurred in China from the outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising on the night of October 10, 1911 (the 19th day of the eighth lunar month) to the time when Sun Yat-sen took office as the interim president of the Republic of China on New Year's Day in 1912. In a broad sense, the Revolution of 1911 refers to the series of revolutionary movements that occurred in China from the end of the 19th century (some scholars believe that it started with the establishment of the China Alliance in 1905, and some say that it started with the establishment of the Xingzhong Society in 1894) to the year of 1911, when the Qing Dynasty was successfully overthrown.

In the summer of 1911, road protection movements broke out in Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan and other provinces. The movement was particularly intense in Sichuan Province. On September 25, Rong County became independent and became the first regime in China to break away from the Qing Dynasty, pushing the road protection movement to a climax. On the evening of October 10, Xiong Bingkun, a revolutionary member of the Eighth Battalion of the New Army Project, fired the first shot of the Wuchang Uprising. The revolutionaries in Hanyang and Hankou captured Hanyang and Hankou on the night of October 11th and October 12th respectively. After the rebel army took control of the three towns in Wuhan, the Hubei Military Government was established, Li Yuanhong was elected as the governor, and the country's name was changed to the Republic of China. Within just two months after the victory of the Wuchang Uprising, fifteen provinces including Hunan and Guangdong declared independence from the Qing government. On February 12, 1912, the Qing emperor issued an abdication edict.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

The occurrence of the Revolution of 1911 is the inevitable result of the intensification of social contradictions in China and the tenacious struggle of the Chinese people in modern times. Its political and ideological liberating effect on the Chinese people cannot be underestimated. It created a modern national democratic revolution in the full sense, overthrew the autocratic monarchy that had ruled China for thousands of years, established a republican government, and ended the autocratic monarchy. It spread the concept of democracy and republic, greatly promoted the ideological emancipation of the Chinese nation, and promoted Chinese social change with great shock and influence.

Aixinjueluo Nurhaci, Taizu of the Qing Dynasty, was a Jurchen tribe, leader of the Jurchens in Jianzhou, the first Great Khan of the Later Jin Dynasty, and the actual founder of the Qing Dynasty. Born in Hetuala City, Sukesu River Guard Department, Zuowei, Jianzhou, his father wa - DayDayNews

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