On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously: "Bacteria-free is a good name. She is engaged in medical work, pays attention to hygiene, and has no bacteria." , will this preven

2024/03/2414:53:33 history 1711
  • [Chairman Mao’s names and explanations]

Chairman Mao was very friendly to others throughout his life. In his spare time, he would also chat with his staff.

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously: "Bacteria-free is a good name. She is engaged in medical work and pays attention to hygiene. There are no bacteria, so you won't get sick!"

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

Chairman Mao

Once, Chairman Mao went on an inspection trip to another place. While taking a special train on the way, a waiter named Wang came in. The chairman saw her serving him diligently, and immediately stepped forward to express his gratitude to her, and then the two started chatting.

Chairman Mao said wittily: "Xiao Wang, you know, we are still relatives!"

Xiao Wang was stunned for a few seconds after hearing this, and thought in surprise, isn't the Chairman from Hunan? I am from Shaanxi, and I am thousands of kilometers away from the chairman. How can we be relatives?

Then Xiao Wang quickly replied: "Chairman, are you kidding? You are from Hunan and I am from Shaanxi. How can we be relatives?"

Chairman Mao smiled heartily: "Look, you My surname is Wang, and my surname is Mao. When writing the character "Mao" for me, you must first finish writing your character "王", and then bend it out from underneath. Only then will the character "Mao" be truly written. This means that "Wang" comes first. How stupid! Aren’t we destined to be relatives?”

After hearing this, Xiao Wang couldn’t help but said happily: “Yes, the chairman is right, the chairman and I are relatives!”

Then, the whole Chairman Mao's hearty laughter came from the special train. The laughter seemed to be extremely contagious and penetrating, making Xiao Wang and other waiters laugh.

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

Another time, Chairman Mao visited the troops in Shenyang for an inspection.

In order to welcome Chairman Mao, the leaders of the army at that time asked dancers to perform some artistic performances for the Chairman. After the performance, Chairman Mao shook hands cordially with the dancers.

An actor named Cheng Guizhen shook hands with the chairman and said: "Chairman, my name is a bit tacky!"

The chairman thought for a while after hearing this, and then said with a smile: "Comrade, your name is Cheng Wanli, it means Pengcheng Wanli."

After hearing this, Cheng Guizhen hurriedly thanked Chairman Mao for changing her name. After that, the actor named Cheng Guizhen changed his name to Cheng Wanli.

Many years later, he couldn't help but shed tears every time he thought of the chairman's voice and appearance at that time.

This is Chairman Mao who explains his name. He used his humor here to let the world remember his voice and appearance.

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

However, the chairman’s peaceful treatment of others is not over yet.

Next, let’s take a look at the story of Chairman Mao’s return home.

  • [Chairman Mao Returns to His Hometown]

Chairman Mao is a native of Xiangtan . After participating in the revolution, he has never returned to his hometown. But as an out-and-out Hunanese, he has spoken fluent Xiangtan dialect all his life, and has maintained the unique taste of his "hometown" in life.

After the founding of New China, although Chairman Mao had strict family rules for his relatives in his hometown, as a wanderer who had been away from his hometown all year round, he naturally wanted to visit his hometown and see how the villagers were living.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, this wish could only be postponed because there were too many major national events.

Until ten years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, New China made great achievements in all aspects of construction. Chairman Mao and other central leaders went to local governments to conduct on-the-spot economic surveys to provide a basis for subsequent adjustments to the national economy.

In mid-to-late June 1959, Chairman Mao, accompanied by Luo Ruiqing, Minister of Public Security, Zhou Xiaozhou, Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and others, used his spare time to visit his hometown after an absence of many years.

The temperature in Hunan in June was very hot, but it did not affect the chairman's "good mood" at all. Looking at the "Mao family's ancestral home" in front of him, he murmured in his heart: is back! came back!

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

Here, Chairman Mao thought of every bit of his past life at home, of his mother who loved him, of his father who did not allow him to read idle books, of those Mao family martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the revolution... Thinking of these, Chairman Mao could not calm down for a long time.

Afterwards, the chairman calmed down the turbulent mood in his heart after a while of rectifying his thoughts. He pointed to the pond in front of the hospital and said to the comrades around him: "I swam in this pond when I was a child. I had never seen the Yangtze River at that time. "Here." As soon as

finished speaking, the people of Shaoshan also arrived in front of the Mao family's ancestral house, and gathered around to greet the chairman very enthusiastically. The chairman also shook hands with the villagers cordially and showed constant concern. He said to the older people among them: "I haven't seen you in 30 years. I'm here to visit the folks!"

Immediately afterwards, the people of Shaoshan started walking around Shaoshan with the chairman.

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

Soon, a group of people came to the home of one of the fellow villagers. Chairman Mao casually asked the fellow villager for a bench. He sat on it and chatted with the fellow villagers about his daily life, telling the story of his childhood.

In the afternoon of that day, Chairman Mao, accompanied by his staff, went to swim in a small reservoir in Shaoshan. Looking at the crystal clear lake water, Chairman Mao couldn't help but praise him repeatedly. After he was ready, he started to swim in the water. At this time, the stone slabs of the reservoir were filled with fellow villagers watching the Chairman swim.

Chairman was in the water and happily said to these villagers: "Fellows, come down and swim together."

The villagers sitting there replied one after another: "We can't swim."

Chairman continued: "No. Just learn, they all like breaststroke, butterfly stroke, I will show you a new trick!" After saying this, the chairman plunged into the depths of the reservoir, and then started the backstroke.

Looking at the chairman’s superb swimming skills, the villagers were amazed and applauded one after another. Seeing that the villagers were so happy, the chairman performed a "sitting on the bench" and other swimming skills for the villagers, and smoked a cigarette leisurely in the water, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

The people on the shore couldn't help but admire the chairman's superb swimming skills. At this time, the people near the Shaoshan small reservoir were completely free of restraint and burst into applause.

Evening came in a blink of an eye. After the chairman said goodbye to the villagers, he checked into Shaoshan Hotel.

The next morning, the chairman got up early and went to pay homage to his parents' graves. At that time, the tombs of Chairman Mao's parents already felt a bit dilapidated because no one had come to pay homage to them for many years. When the security personnel following the chairman saw it, they couldn't help but make a wreath with the green branches of Shaoshan. The chairman then placed the wreath in front of his parents' graves.

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

Chairman Mao returned to his hometown to pay homage to his parents

The Secretary of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee who accompanied the Chairman saw that the tomb in front of him was somewhat dilapidated and asked: "Chairman, do you want to repair the tomb?"

Chairman Mao thought for a while and said: "No, in the past, the folks protected this place, and when others came to dig the grave, they couldn't find it. Just keep it as it is."

went on to say: "Forefathers worked hard and future generations will be happy. We worry about the world first. I will enjoy the happiness of the world. My parents are the ones who gave birth to me, and my party, comrades, teachers and friends are the ones who taught me. Next time I come back, I will visit them two old people."

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

After paying homage to his parents, Chairman Buy said in a small Under the guidance of the girl, we walked into her home and once again had a daily routine with the villagers.

During the conversation, the chairman asked the villagers how many kilograms of rice could be produced from one acre of land. One villager said: Eight hundred kilograms.

After hearing this, the chairman shook his head and said: "Eight hundred catties? I think it's lucky to have five hundred catties! We must seek truth from facts, plan and farm scientifically."

The villagers laughed after hearing this and said to the chairman : "Thank you Chairman Mao! We remember what the Chairman said!"

After hearing the answers from the villagers, Chairman Mao shook his head and replied: "Don't thank me, thank the people. Only when the people unite are we more powerful!"

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

Soon, the three-day trip home ended, and Chairman Mao returned to Beijing.

As a national leader, Chairman Mao not only had to deal with major domestic affairs every day, but also received foreign guests. When receiving foreign guests, he naturally had to clean up his image to avoid being rude in front of foreign guests. Of course there was a haircut and a shave, a task that was handed over to a barber.

Next, let’s take a look at the story of Chairman Mao and his barber.

  • [The story of the Chairman and Wang Hui’s barber]

Chairman Mao’s barber was named Wang Hui. He was an authentic Hebei native who participated in the revolution during the Anti-Japanese War.

Because Wang Hui was a skilled barber before joining the revolution, in the 1940s, after organizational review, he was transferred to the central government to cut hair for leaders.

After the founding of New China, Wang Hui followed the Party Central Committee to Beijing and continued to give haircuts to central leaders.

Once, before Chairman Mao received foreign guests, he asked his bodyguard to call Wang Hui and said: "Master Wang, I invite you to come and shave. I will receive foreign guests later. Ten minutes is enough."

Wang Hui replied: "Chairman, your beard is sparse, five minutes is enough."

After saying this, Wang Hui immediately began to shave the chairman's beard. Seeing that his movements were a little slow, the chairman urged: "Xiao Wang, hurry up, I still need to read the materials."

Soon, Wang Hui stopped what he was doing, and the chairman also stood up and touched his face. He asked Li Jiaji next to him: "How long did it take?" Li Jiaji replied to the chairman: "Twelve minutes."

Chairman then said to Wang Hui: "You just said it would only take five minutes, but it took twelve minutes." Minutes."

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

It originally delayed the chairman's time. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely feel uneasy. However, Wang Hui has been working beside the chairman for many years, and everyone has become "friends of the revolution." Faced with the chairman's "question", he replied: "Xiao Li's broken watch is not accurate."

Chairman Mao smiled and said: "You Wang Hui said that other people's watches are broken watches, you are so quibly!"

This is At that time, all the staff in the office laughed out loud at the conversation between the chairman and Wang Hui.

Once, after Wang Hui finished cutting Chairman Mao's hair, he saw that the Chairman still had free time, so he said to the Chairman: "Chairman, you are not busy today, can I give you a massage for a while?"

Chairman said: "Okay!"

Afterwards, Wang Hui pressed hard on the acupoints on the chairman's head with both hands. Because he was afraid that the pressure would be too strong, he asked the chairman: "Is the strength okay?"

The chairman replied: "It doesn't hurt, just press it." Let's go."

After massaging Chairman Mao's head, Wang Hui massaged Chairman Mao's face and neck. Chairman Mao was very curious about where Wang Hui learned this good craft. To this, Wang Hui replied calmly: "In the barber salons of the old society, I learned it from the old masters. Today's barber salons basically do not teach this craft."

The chairman heard this and asked again: "Then this good craft is going to be lost?"

Wang Hui then said: "This massage is mainly liked by the elderly. Now because they have to pay more, young people are not I like it very much, and now there is a professional massage parlor, which provides full-body massage."

During the questions and answers between the chairman and Wang Hui, Wang Hui's work has been completed. After this massage, the chairman , I also felt refreshed all over my body, and I thanked Master Wang repeatedly.

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

Another time, when the chairman wanted a haircut, it was customary to ask the security guard to find Master Wang. So the security guard called and asked Wang Hui to come over, but the person on duty told Wang Hui that he was sick and could not come over.

Soon, the attendant informed Wang Hui about the incident. When he learned that the chairman wanted to get a haircut from him, he immediately called back the chairman's guard and said: "I'm not sick. It doesn't matter. I'll come over and give the chairman a haircut right away."

But the guard asked him to take a good rest and recuperate, and not to infect the chairman with his disease. This was not good. Wang Hui thought for a moment and agreed to the guard's suggestion. Then the guard informed the chairman of Master Wang's illness. After hearing this, Chairman

first asked whether Wang Hui's condition was serious. When he heard that it was just a fever and no other problems, the Chairman breathed a sigh of relief. Then Chairman Mao asked the guard to buy some things and go visit him on his behalf. He also asked the guard to ask Master Wang to let him recover well.

After a while, the guard came to visit Master Wang with a basket of fruits and informed him of the chairman's instructions. Wang Hui was moved to tears after hearing this: "I am very grateful to the chairman for his care for me. Thank you for my gratitude to the chairman!"

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

In 1951, because Wang Hui was too old, his hands often shook when getting a haircut. He was afraid that he might accidentally hurt the chairman, so he reported to the organization that he was retiring and returning home.

Around the Spring Festival of 1957, the chairman heard that Master Wang, who gave him a haircut, was suffering from illness and life was very difficult at home, so he immediately asked the guard to spend 300 yuan from his royalties to give it to him. Soon, the security guard came to Wang Hui's house and took out the three hundred yuan given to Wang Hui by the chairman.

Wang Hui never expected that the chairman would actually remember his "old friend" from many years ago. He said with tears in his eyes:

"The chairman worked day and night on national affairs. Back then, he asked me to give him a haircut while reading documents. Now he The old man is still thinking of me and asked you to come to express my condolences. I, Wang Hui, will never forget Chairman Mao’s kindness!”

On this day, when Chairman Mao was chatting with people around him, he talked about his health doctor Wu Xujunzhi. The chairman said very humorously:

This is Chairman Mao who treats others peacefully. He has no airs of greatness towards the staff around him, let alone Now those who have power feel that they are superior to others. He always regards himself as a member of the people.

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