From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful

2019/10/0901:05:05 history 2770

In ancient times, when people communicated, they would not directly say how old they were. Instead, age titles are used instead, which are often reflected in poems.

From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful - DayDayNews

such as Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Spring": yellow hair hanging down, and happy. The yellow hair here refers to the elderly. In ancient times, yellow hair was a symbol of longevity. Hanging, hanging hair, used to refer to children. Xi, the child's short hair hanging down.

Today, let's recollect with you the ancient people's appellation of age!


The period of soup cake: refers to the baby's birth three days. The old-fashioned children were born three days ago. The feast is called "soup cake feast" to entertain relatives and friends. It is also called "soup cake feast" and "soup cake party".

First degree: refers to the birthday. From "Li Sao": Huang Lan Kuiyu first came to Xi, Zhao bestowed Yu Yi. Later, the birthday was also called "the first time", from the "Yuan Shi": the day of my first time, the officials did not congratulate it.

Chizi: Newborn baby. "Kong Yingda Shu": The child is born with red color, so he speaks purely.

Infant: The original meaning refers to the quilt and belt that wraps the baby. After Borrowed Babies under one year old.

2 years old

Children: refers to children two or three years old. Also known as "baby hug". There are also those who write "children bags" or "children". In Han Yu's poems, there is a sentence "the two families have children, and the children are like each other".

8 years old

龆龀【tiáo chèn】: Refers to children seven or eight years old. "Han Shiwai Biography": The male had teeth in August and had teeth at the age of eight. According to physiological conditions, boys are eight years old and girls are seven years old. They change their teeth, remove their milk teeth, and grow permanent teeth. At this time, they are called "Liu", "Liu Nian" or "Xiao Nian".

From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful - DayDayNews

Total angle: Refers to children from eight to nine years old. In ancient times, children divided their hair into two halves and tied them into a knot on the top of their heads, which looked like two horns, so they were called "total horns"). Therefore, "total angle" is also used to refer to a person's childhood stage.

9 years old

Huangkou: Under ten years old. This refers to the chick's beak.

10 years old

Kindergarten: ten years old. "Book of Rites·Qu Lishang": ten years of life is a child, learning. Zheng Xuan's Note: The name is young, and you can learn from time to time. Later, he called ten years old the "year of kindergarten".

The Year of Foreign Fu: The child is ten years old.

12 years old

The year of the golden hairpin: the girl is twelve years old. Emperor Liang Wu of the Southern Dynasties "Song of Water in the River": Twelve lines of golden hairpins on his head, five articles on silk shoes under his feet. Ancient women began to wear hairpins at the age of 12.

13 years old

cardamom: refers to a woman who is 13 years old. Cardamom is from 13 to 15 or 16 years old. Cardamom is a plant that blooms in early summer. Early summer is not midsummer. It is a metaphor for people who are underage. Therefore, the juvenile period is called "Cardamom Years".

娉娉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樂樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉樉騎——Du Mu "Farewell"

From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful - DayDayNews

The Year of Dancing Spoon: Refers to men between 13-15 years old. According to the "Book of Rites", the spoon, a kind of music and dance, was used by those who were not children in ancient times. Dancing spoon refers to the learning of spoon dance by underachievers.

15 years old

and the year of 笄: a woman who is about to turn 15.笄[jī], originally refers to the hairpin used in ancient times. In ancient times, women usually tie their hair up after 15 years old and tie them with hairpins to indicate that they have reached adulthood.

The grandmother is still like a girl in the early stage, she is not allowed to see her hair without combing. ——Yuan Mei "Qianxing Two Songs·Part One"

Knotted hair: tie hair, tie the hair, the ancient man tied his hair and crown at the age of 20, and the woman tied his hair at 15 years old, which means adulthood. The signs of adulthood for men and women are "crowned" and "jam".

Year of Zhixue: 15 years old. The language is from "The Analects of Confucius: Weizheng": Ziyue: I have ten and five and I am determined to learn. Later called 15 years old as the "Year of Zhixue".

Haircut: Man is fifteen years old. The ancients regarded fifteen as the age of adulthood, the manAt the age of fifteen, the man will disband the original horns and tie them together.

The year of dancing elephant: A teenager is fifteen to twenty years old. Refers to men aged 15-20, and is also synonymous with boys, originally the name of ancient martial arts.

Chengtong: Fifteen or a little older than fifteen. Zheng Xuan: "A child, over fifteen."

16 years old

28: 16 years old.

Brogua: In the old days, literati demolition of the word "gua" means that the year is twenty-eight, which means sixteen years old. It is mostly used for women in poems.

From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful - DayDayNews

When jasper breaks the melon, the relationship is reversed. -Sun Chuo "Biyu Song"

20 years old

crowning: refers to a man who is twenty years old. In ancient times, a man at the age of 20 gave a crowning ceremony to signify that he was an adult.

Weak crown: At this time, the crown ritual is to wear an adult hat to show adulthood, but the body is still not strong and relatively young, so it is called "weak". Later generations generally refer to men around the age of 20, not for women.

Tao Li Nianhua: The woman is twenty years old.

24 years old

Hua Xinnianhua: Refers to the woman's age to 24 years old. Flower letter: flowering period, flowering period. This generally refers to the time when a woman is young and beautiful.

30 years old

Year of standing: thirty years old. "The Analects of Confucius: For Politics": Standing at 30. When a person reaches 30, he should be the age of self-reliance in personality, self-reliance in knowledge, and self-reliance in career. Later, he called thirty years old as "the year of standing."

Shishi: thirty years old. "Book of Rites · Nei Ze": (Men) Thirty years old, there is room, and only male affairs. Because "starting room" refers to 30 years old.

40 years old

Not confused: forty years old. "The Analects of Confucius: Weizheng": Forty without confusion. Later used as a proxy for forty years old. Living to this age, you should be able to control emotional changes well and be able to discern when things happen.

50 years old

From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful - DayDayNews

Knowing the destiny: fifty years old. "The Analects of Confucius: Wei Zheng": Fifty knows the destiny. It means that after the age of fifty, I realized the difficulty of realizing my ideals, so I stopped pursuing results in doing things, and had been indifferent to personal honor and disgrace. Later generations used "knowing the destiny" as the name of fifty.

60 years old

Ershun: Sixty years old. "The Analects of Confucius: Weizheng": Sixty and ears are smooth. It doesn't matter if you hear the words that you can hear.

Sixties: refers to 60 years old. The word sixtieth comes from the ancient Chinese calendar. It takes sixty years as a cycle, and one cycle is called Yijiazi. It is also called sixtieth because of the numerous and intertwined names of the heavenly stems and earthly branches.

Qi [qí]: Old people, people over 60 years old.

61 years old

also has a birthday: 61 years old birthday. According to the cadre and branch chronology, 60 years is a round, and 61 is still a new round. When it is recounted, it is called "returning the calendar".

70 years old

Years from the heart: refers to 70 years old. The language is from "The Analects of Confucius: For Politics": I am ten to five and I am determined to learn, thirty to stand, forty to be without confusion, fifty to know the destiny of heaven, sixty to be compliant with ears, and seventy to follow my heart. Therefore, the descendants call 70 years old as the "year of heart."

From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful - DayDayNews

The year of ancient times, the year of hanging the car, the year of the rod: seventy years old. Du Fu's "Qujiang": Liquor debt is commonplace, and his life is rare in the past seventy years. Later because of the use of "ancient rare" as a synonym for seventy years old. Suspended cars: The ancients usually resigned from the office at the age of seventy, and scrap cars were not used, because the year of the suspended cars meant seventy.


Xishou: refers to 77 years old, cursive hi characters like seventy-seven, so it specifically refers to 77 years old.

80 years old

耋【dié】: Ancient refers to the age of seventy or eighty, generally refers to old age. Mao Chuan: Old and old. Eighty said elder. "Zuo Zhuan·Xi Gong Nine Years": Uncle Yi is old, Jia Lao, bestowed first grade, no worship.

耄【mào】: EightTen to ninety years old. "Book of Rites·Qu Lishang": Eighty, ninety, elders.

88 years old

Mi Shou: An elegant name for eighty-eight years old. Because the word "米" is disassembled, the upper and lower sides are eight, and the middle is ten. It can be read as eighty-eight, hence the name. In addition, it also means that although you are old, you have a strong appetite.

90 years old

From 0 to 100 years old: the title of the ancients for age is so beautiful - DayDayNews

Ma [tái] Year of Back: Another name for the ancients to be ninety years old, and the back refers to the long-lived elderly. The mackerel is a kind of fish with markings on its back like the wrinkled skin of an old man. In the twilight years, age spots appear on the skin like the skin of a frozen pear, so it is also called "frozen pear".

99 years old

Bai Shou: An elegant name for ninety-nine years old. Because the "one" on the top of a hundred characters last year was "white", and the number of "hundreds" was ninety-nine, so Ya called ninety-nine years old as "white life".


Period Yi: refers to a hundred years of age. "Book of Rites·Qu Lishang": "A hundred years is a period of yi." Zheng Xuan's note: "Period, you must also; Yi, you can also raise. I don't know the taste of clothes, but a filial son must do his best to nourish him." Means: people reach a hundred years old , Food, housing, animals and other aspects need to be taken care of by filial sons, so "hundreds of age" is called "period yi".

Shangshou: term of health preservation. Said the highest life. "Zuo Zhuan·Three Years of Zhao Gong" Kong Yingdashu: Longevity for more than 100 years, middle life for more than 90 years, and second life for more than 80 years. "Zhuangzi: Pirates" has the saying that "people live a hundred years old".

108 years old

茶寿: It is a way of saying 108 years old. The grass head of the word tea represents twenty, and there are eight and ten underneath. A flick and a flick are another eight. Together, they are 108 years old.

140 years old

Shuangxi, Shuangqing: Guxi means 70 years old, so it is also called twice as 70 years old-140 years old. Shuangqing also refers to 140 years old.

Regardless of your age, I hope you will leave half your life and return as a teenager.

[Source: China History Network]

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