The Kuomintang’s strongest battleship "Chongqing" uprising, Chiang Kai-shek ordered: sink it at any cost

2021/06/2714:58:43 history 2739

Since the outbreak of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Communist Party has been at a disadvantage in terms of personnel, equipment, weapon logistics, etc. compared with the Kuomintang group at that time. However, the Communists persevered and vowed to defeat the imperialist forces and the landlord class that oppressed and exploited the people. Finally, with the support of the people, the Communist Party won the final overall victory. In October 1949, the great New China was established, and our country started the pace of enriching the country and strengthening the army. Before the founding of New China, the Kuomintang forces gradually collapsed. The "Chongqing" ship, which the Kuomintang attached great importance to, revolted at Wusongkou in Shanghai and went all the way north to Yantai Port in Shandong, which shocked the Kuomintang at that time. Chiang Kai-shek was out of breath and demanded that the "Chongqing" ship be bombed at any cost.

Today we will review the whole process of the "Chongqing" ship uprising.

The Kuomintang’s strongest battleship

Deng Zhaoxiang


Speaking of the "Chongqing" ship, we have to mention its captain, Deng Zhaoxiang.

Deng Zhaoxiang was born in Gaoyao County, Guangdong Province in April 1903. His family was wealthy and prosperous. However, the good times did not last long. When he was 7 years old, his father Deng Gang suddenly passed away, and the situation at home became extremely difficult. The three older brothers were unable to continue school and had to go out to earn a living. The young Deng Zhaoxiang was very sensible. In order to reduce the burden on his family, he went to a car clothing shop to become an apprentice.

However, fate did not give up on him. In March 1914, with the help of his family, Deng Zhaoxiang falsely reported that he was 2 years old, falsely claiming that he was 12 years old to apply for the then Guangdong Huangpu Naval Academy and became the 16th class of the school. Deng Zhaoxiang later admitted that the most attractive thing for him to apply for the school at that time was that the room and board were all free, and it did not increase the burden on the family.

However, in his later studies, he began to understand that in the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, the entire army of Beiyang Navy was wiped out, which shocked the young Deng Zhaoxiang at that time.Although there were continuous wars at that time, the school only had a monthly living allowance of 5 yuan in Guangdong dollars, and the conditions were extremely difficult. However, the young Deng Zhaoxiang was determined to serve the country from a young age, served the navy for life, and vowed to experience the shame of the Sino-Japanese War. With such a firm belief, although he is much younger than other classmates, his grades have always been among the best.

After graduating from Guangdong Huangpu Naval Academy, Deng Zhaoxiang has studied in 4 schools for 8 years. At the age of 19, Deng Zhaoxiang can't wait to join the Navy. However, at that time, there were many factions within the Beiyang government, and there was serious conflict, and no one paid any attention to these newly graduated students. After a year of delay, Du Xigui, the commander-in-chief of the Fujian Navy at the time, intended to crowd out the children of Guangdong in the army, and persuaded Deng Zhaoxiang and the children of Guangdong to return to Guangdong under the pretext that there were too many ships in Guangdong. As soon as they summed up, they still had a chance to board the ship when they returned to Guangdong, so they agreed to return to and Shantou .

After they returned to Guangdong, Sun Yat-sen established the Guangdong Protectorate Military Government. Deng Zhaoxiang joined the "Zhaohe" of the "Dharma Protector Fleet" at that time as a trainee. This is the first time he has officially boarded the ship since he joined the Navy for ten years.

In his later naval career, Deng Zhaoxiang witnessed successive years of wars among the warlords, and the common people lived in dire straits. In the subsequent war, he served as the lieutenant's gun and artillery deputy of the "Huajia", responsible for the task of transporting troops and arms. Seeing that they aimed the muzzle at their compatriots, Deng Zhaoxiang was gloomy and could not calm down for a long time. After he joined the navy, he did not forget his ambitions and focused on revitalizing the Chinese navy. He often asked himself, how can such a navy take on the important task of defending the country? What's more, let's talk about shame?

At that time, the Kuomintang navy was from top to bottom, and officials big and small were all seeking profit for themselves, and no one considered the development and way out of the navy at all.Deng Zhaoxiang, a lower-level official, is definitely an "outlier" in the eyes of others. He never gambled, smoked cigarettes, or prostituted women. He was strict with people, and he often lived on boats and rarely got off. The night duty is never absent, and is called "good old man" by others. In such an environment, he lived extremely miserable.

The Kuomintang’s strongest battleship


After the "April 12" coup in 1927, Chiang Kai-shek established the National Government in Nanjing. In order to improve the naval combat power, he decided to send naval personnel to study. After consultation with the British side, it was decided to select 20 personnel from the four fleets at that time to go to the UK. Deng Zhaoxiang and Chen Xiangpu, who were in the 4th Fleet of the Navy, were selected. The two came to Nanjing and found Chen Shaokuan, who was in charge of the work, but were told that the number of officers was full, and there were only two trainee places left, and they were advised to go again next time.

After Deng Zhaoxiang went back, he couldn't sleep at night. He wanted to learn advanced naval knowledge from Britain. Even if you are a trainee, you must go!

The next day they went to Chen Shaokuan again: "Even if you are a trainee, you must go!" Seeing that they had such ambitions, Chen Shaokuan readily agreed.

Deng Zhaoxiang and his party of 20 people, after 22 days and nights at sea, finally arrived in London, England on December 27, 1929. Their group of 8 officers went to the Royal Naval Academy in Greenwich to study. 12 trainees including Deng Zhaoxiang were sent to the Dartmouth Naval Barracks. This is a barracks that trains the Junior Navy. Just imagine that a veteran with 8 years of naval experience has to be retrained as a rookie here. This is unbearable for ordinary people. However, Deng Zhaoxiang, who has the heart of "Shame on the Jiawu Period", did not take it seriously.

Deng Zhaoxiang, who is regarded as a trainee here, learns instruments that he has never seen in China, and theories that he has never heard of, and learns everything from scratch.At the end of 1931, Deng Zhaoxiang came to the British battleship "Determination" to study. Once the warship encountered a typhoon in the Atlantic Ocean, the wind and waves cut off the guardrail of the ship from the middle. In an emergency, Deng Zhaoxiang stayed in danger for three days and three nights, dealt with many dangers, and was attacked by the ship. long reward.

performed well, and Deng Zhaoxiang, who had excellent grades, and a group of four were sent to the Royal Naval Academy for further study. In addition to the necessary physical exercise, eating and sleeping, they are desperately learning knowledge at other times. The foreign advanced technology and the corrupt incompetence of the Qing government formed a strong contrast, all of which reminded them all the time that only by learning the skills here can they go back to serve their country.

In March 1934, Deng Zhaoxiang and others returned from studying abroad. In November, he was transferred to the "Tongji" as the deputy captain.

The Kuomintang’s strongest battleship


1937 "July 7th Incident" broke out, the Japanese invaders invaded Shanghai , the Japanese ships aimed their evil muzzles at the innocent civilians on the shore, bombed wildly, and the people were slaughtered. After comparing the strength of the Kuomintang navy at that time, it decided to requisition a large number of civilian ships, merchant ships and warships, and put stones on it, intending to use the sunken ship to obstruct the Japanese ships on the waterway of the Yangtze River and build the first blockade. Seeing everything, Deng Zhaoxiang couldn't help feeling sad. The big country can only use this method to defend against the enemy, but he can't apply what he has learned.

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced the unconditional surrender of to . Deng Zhaoxiang was ordered to take over the frigate "Uji" left by Japan, which was later renamed "Changzhi", and he became the first captain of "Changzhi".

In 1946, the United Kingdom agreed to take a cruiser "Victory" (later renamed "Chongqing") and a destroyer "Meng Difu" (later renamed For the "Lingfu" number) to the National Government.

In accordance with the two requirements of the British side to appoint the captain at that time. First, studied at the Royal Naval Academy and on British warships. Second, he has independently held the position of captain . After selection, only the outstanding Deng Zhaoxiang meets the conditions. After

accepted this task, Deng Zhaoxiang was very excited. Although the two ships were about to retire in the British army, the equipment of these two ships was relatively advanced at that time. Moreover, the "Chongqing" at that time was undoubtedly the number one warship in China in terms of tonnage and firepower.

In December 1947, the Chinese Navy receiving personnel saw the "Chongqing" for the first time. This rusty huge ship is far from being as majestic as everyone imagined, but Deng Zhaoxiang is still fascinated. Such a ship, After all, it is a giant ship, and taking it back is to win peace and dignity for the motherland.

The Kuomintang’s strongest battleship

On May 19, 1948, the "Chongqing" ship set sail back to China. After a bumpy journey, it finally arrived in Singapore on July 14. Singapore's "leader of overseas Chinese" Mr. Tan Kah Kee invested to fill the ship with fuel and supplies, and sincerely said to Captain Deng Zhaoxiang:

"You are going to return to China soon, I hope you will not participate in the civil war after returning to China, do not use The guns of foreigners come to slaughter their own compatriots."

Deng Zhaoxiang's heart was very heavy after hearing this. Everyone on the ship was aware of the domestic situation. Chiang Kai-shek had openly provoked a civil war. No one had a clue about their fate after returning to China...


1948年8月13日, The "Chongqing" ship arrived at Wusongkou in Shanghai. Deng Zhaoxiang, who was full of excitement, sent a signal to ask to be berthed in the most lively place on the Bund in Shanghai, so that the Chinese people could see our own big ship. After a while, the Wusong Lighthouse sent a signal: "Order your ship to dock on the river surface of Gaochang Temple. " Deng Zhaoxiang angrily threw the telescope on the table. He never imagined that the huge Bund would have no place for the "Chongqing". The "Chongqing" ship shelled the PLA's Tashan position. In the roar of the artillery fire, Deng Zhaoxiang in the cockpit held a telescope and saw the Tashan position burning under the artillery fire. It is vivid in my mind.

The Kuomintang’s strongest battleship

Chongqing Warship Soldiers Liberation Committee

In this mood, Deng Zhaoxiang, who did not like words at all, became more silent. He could not bear the days of fighting with his compatriots for a day, and finally he made up his mind to ask Gui Yongqing A leave request letter was submitted. This also means that he is about to leave his beloved warship and leave the naval life he has worked hard for all his life. However, the leave request was not approved.

Since February 1949, the "Chongqing" ship, except for the patriotic captain Deng Zhaoxiang People exist, and three forces are planning an uprising. There are more than 600 people in more than 10 departments on the "Chongqing" ship, but these three forces do not trust each other and do not know each other's intentions. Finally, in February 1949, the uprising forces on the ship Together, the "Chongqing Warship Soldiers Liberation Committee" was established.

Everyone reached a consensus that if the uprising was to succeed, it was necessary to win the support of Captain Deng.On February 17, the "Chongqing" ship left the dock and went to Wusongkou to stand by. The members of the uprising went to inquire about the news one after another and learned that they were going to Jiangyin to stop the communist army from crossing the river. After learning the news, the "Chongqing Warship Soldiers Liberation Committee" became nervous. Once it arrived in Jiangyin, the success rate of the uprising became extremely low. Because Jiangyin's terrain is narrow, once the secrets were leaked, they would inevitably be blocked. On the afternoon of the 24th, news of the uprising leaked for some reason, and the situation became extremely urgent. Wang Yizhen, Bi Chongyuan and other key members of the uprising discussed urgently and decided to act immediately in the middle of the night on the 25th.

25 At 1:30 in the morning, the insurgent army quickly armed and controlled the ship. Then Wang Yizhen, Bi Chongyuan and others came to the radar surveying and mapping room to meet Captain Deng Zhaoxiang. Wang Yizhen said sincerely: "Captain Deng, our twenty-seven patriotic soldiers organized this uprising and are going to drive the warship to the liberated area of ​​. I want to get it. Your support!"

Deng Zhaoxiang was silent for a moment with a big pipe in his mouth. After a long time, he slammed the ash and ordered, "Go, get on the bridge!" Everyone who was waiting nervously on the bridge applauded when they saw the captain coming out. Captain Deng looked at everyone and waved his order: "Anchor!"

The Kuomintang’s strongest battleship

"Chongqing" cruiser's uprising officers and soldiers

"Chongqing" was full of expectations and sailed towards Yantai Port in Shandong at full speed. Captain Deng Zhaoxiang later recalled that he did not know the existence of the rebel army at the time, but he was not surprised when Wang Yizhen and others sought his support during the uprising. Over the years, he has seen with his own eyes Gui Yongqing and others to eliminate dissidents, fight with each other, and command warships to slaughter the people. He has long understood the fate of the Kuomintang's reactionary rule.

On the afternoon of the 26th, the "Chongqing" arrived at Yantai Port, Shandong, and was warmly welcomed by the local military and civilians.After the Kuomintang learned of the "Chongqing" uprising, Chiang Kai-shek was furious behind the scenes and ordered the "Chongqing" ship to be tracked immediately, and ordered Gui Yongqing to find a way to get the warship back no matter what. Gui Yongqing ordered the bombing of the "Chongqing" ship after numerous unsuccessful radio communications. In order to protect the ship, the Party Central Committee decided to drive it from Yantai Port to Huludao Deep-water Port in the northeast, and appointed Deng Zhaoxiang as captain of the Chinese People's Liberation Army "Chongqing" cruiser.

In view of the Kuomintang's frantic retaliatory actions, this precious ship was continuously bombed. In order to reduce losses, the central instructed that after dismantling important instruments and ammunition, the "Chongqing" opened the submarine door and sank beside the Huludao wharf.

Up to now, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, my country's national strength is increasing day by day. The navy has many aircraft carriers such as "Liaoning" and "Shandong", cruisers and destroyers, etc. There are countless more. The dream of Captain Deng who wanted to serve the country and build a strong navy in my country has finally been realized today.

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