"Compendium of Materia Medica"-a list of 80 kinds of traditional Chinese medicines, very practical! Save it

Ten must-have traditional Chinese medicines for every Chinese family

灵芝: Consolidating the roots and removing evil spirits, the fairy medicine

Ginseng: Eat a little every day, Healthy prolonged life

Hawthorn: A good hand for digesting food and removing blood stasis

黄龟: The premier Qi medicine

Ginger: Yubaixie, Help Yang Qi, disperse the cold and dampness

白草根: The grassroots doctor of cooling blood to stop bleeding

Chrysanthemum: The best liver-protecting tea for modern people

薋苡仁: Not a pearl is better than a pearl

甘草: Nourish and nourish the beauty, tonic for the common people

花椒: Spicy doctor. Chinese medicine is very characterful

Good herbs make women beautiful for a lifetime

Angelica: Nourishing blood, keeping women safe for life

Red flower: promoting blood and beauty The woman flower

Motherwort: Empress Wu Zetian’s beauty-preserving beautician

Snow lotus: An iceberg guest raises the Mood for Love

Mugwort: Natural health "Shufujia"

Aloe: Cleopatra Rely on it to conquer the world

Baiji: Whitening fairy in herbal medicine

Pueraria lobata: "female ginseng" for relieving heat and promoting fluid

White peony: nourishing yin and blood for female soulmate

almond: moisturizing Skin, face is not old, white, tender and tender

Hosta flower: nourishing blood and freckle, as beautiful and flawless as a flower

Bless our congenital book

Polygonum multiflorum: Warm and nourish the kidney and yang, and live for 500 years or even black hair fluttering

Chinese wolfberry: the ancients’ four-season health blessing pill

Cordyceps: The yin and yang double tonic that exists in the world but is absent in the sky

Panax notoginseng: "Golden not change"

Gorgon: loyal to the spleen and kidney的水仙子

Ligustrum lucidum: Nourishing liver and kidney, perfect harmony between man and nature

Duzhong: Two-way regulation of blood pressure, the first medicine

Dodder: Gentle nourishment, just in mother’s stomach Start

The source of health of the acquired foundation

White Fuling: invigorate the spleen and nourish the middle, even Cixi can "rejuvenate the old"

Yam: the god’s medicine food, nourish our acquired foundation

Papaya: "万寿果" keeps your stomach and intestines safe

Chenpi: the most common spleen medicine around

Huoxiang: Helps the spleen and stomach upright, let you eat whatever you want

丁香花: A fragrant stomach warmer

Common diseases do not seek people

Banlangen: A classic prescription for colds

Platycodon grandiflorum: a cough medicine that makes Dae Jang Geum smile

Luo Han Guo: Sweet fruit that can lower blood sugar

Peach kernel: Best at promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, moistening the intestines and laxative

Perilla: Dispelling cold and warming the stomach, eating seafood is absolutely indispensable

Pumpkin seeds: Take a handful every day, don’t worry about prostate

betel nut : Digestion and Huaji, No. 1 in Southern Medicine

Cornel: The best choice for external use to lower blood pressure

Winter mulberry leaves: Anti-night sweats and spontaneous sweating products

Butternut: Long cough does not heal the lungs The first choice medicine for patients with cold

Landing roots: Dai's medicine for bruises and injuries

Shichangpu: Good to the heart meridian, good news for patients with coronary heart disease

Big thistle: No matter external or internal use, it is a good hemostatic medicine

Elae: Anti-inflammatory and hemostatic Resurrection Grass

Agrimonia: Let people quickly restore physical strength

Puhuang: Pollen that can lower blood lipid

Modern white-collar workers' brain and soothe the nerves **

Tianma: Smart people for a lifetime Not confused guardian

Suanzaoren: Insomnia will go without a trace, and dreams will accompany your life.

Red dates: Tonic blood and soothe the nerves, can be eaten as a snack every day

Day lily: invigorating the brain, clearing the heart, and forgetting worry

Longan: Nourishing blood, calming the nerves, improving the mind and strengthening the body, endless benefits

Lotus: a baby with a clear heart, nourishing energy, firming energy, strong muscles and bones

Yuanzhi: Treating palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia, dreams Special medicine

light relaxing herbal detoxification

Honeysuckle: With it, the hot summer is also cool.

Dandelion: Use it if you have a nameless swollen poison on your body.

Houttuynia: Anti-inflammatory Detoxification, small herbs have a great effect

Cassia: the earliest ophthalmic medicine used in history

Loquat leaves: Common medicine for clearing lung heat

Gardenia: Good at detoxifying body heat

summer Withered grass: clearing heat and purging fire, the first medicine for treatment of lymphatic tuberculosis

Purple flower Di Ding: detoxification and eliminating carbuncle medicine

Peony: cool blood wonderful product, flower Chinese magic medicine

Impatiens: external use is possible The "daughter flower"

Huanglian: clears the damp heat of the five internal organs, the first bitterness in the world

Ephedra: sweats, deodorizes, see clearly and use

Plain and delicious food on the table

Tremella: the best food for nourishing the lungs and nourishing Yin

Lily: Nourishing the five internal organs, and it is delicious how to make

Shepherd’s Purse: The best vegetable for patients with "three highs"

Peppermint: Qingyanli Throat aroma therapy

Fennel: Relief medicine for chronic gastritis

Ginkgo: Treat cough and asthma, do nothing

Plantane: The best diet therapy for patients with prostatitis.

⊙ The content of the article is for reference only for clinical thinking. Non-Chinese medicine professionals should not try the medicine.

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