Eating bitter gourd during menstruation, can't discharge menstrual blood Chinese Medicine: People with this physique had better not touch

It’s hard to get rid of the heat in the hot weather. A plate of scrambled eggs with bitter gourd and cold bitter gourd is a delicacy that is cool and annealed, opens up your appetite, and increases your appetite.

However, there is a saying on the Internet: "Women should not eat cold bitter gourd during menstruation, otherwise the menstrual blood will be difficult to discharge or the discharge will not be clean."

Chinese physicians said that constitutions such as qi deficiency, blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis, and phlegm obstruction are more likely to have problems with poor menstrual blood discharge.

If you want to smooth the menstrual discharge and relieve menstrual discomfort, such as Siwu Decoction, Bazhen Decoction, Wenjing Decoction, etc., are all suitable medicated diet remedies.

Traditional Chinese medicine: emotions, diet, colds, trauma, and congenital factors can all lead to poor menstrual blood discharge

First of all, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, what The reason can cause irregular menstruation and unclean menstrual blood drainage?

Chinese physicians said that women’s menstrual period may be accompanied by lower abdominal pain, breast swelling, diarrhea, headache, fever, and emotional changes. The symptoms of the so-called premenstrual syndrome are similar.

Chinese medicine believes that emotions, diet, colds, trauma, congenital factors, etc., will all lead to poor menstrual bleeding, causing irregular menstrual cycles and low menstrual flow.

Menstrual blood belongs to the so-called essence and blood in Chinese medicine, which requires the spleen and stomach to transport and transform food. Chinese medicine believes that the discharge of menstrual blood is related to the operation of the body's Qi and blood. Cold food will directly destroy the functions of the spleen and stomach to transport and transform food and lift the Qi. The lung meridian in turn causes the lung qi to be lost. Therefore, eating too much cold food will affect the formation of menstruation and make the menstrual blood discharge obstacles.

Internet transmission: Can’t eat bitter gourd during menstruation, and it is difficult to discharge menstrual blood? Traditional Chinese Medicine: People with weak and cold physique should not

It is said on the Internet: "Women should not eat bitter gourd during menstruation, otherwise it will be difficult to discharge from menstrual blood." From a nutritional point of view, bitter gourd is rich in nutrients, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, Dietary fiber, as well as various vitamins, are among the best in melon vegetables, especially the content of vitamin C, which is the highest among melons.

In addition, bitter gourd also contains flavonoids, which are polyphenol fruits and vegetables with strong antioxidants. They can maintain normal cell growth, strengthen microvascular permeability, help control blood pressure, inhibit hyperglycemia, and cancer cell growth.

Whether you can eat bitter gourd during menstruation, from the perspective of TCM diet therapy, food is generally divided into two major categories: warm and cold, and the middle one is equalized, which should be based on different physical constitutions, for example, asthenia-cold constitution Or hot body, then choose to eat suitable fruits and vegetables.

Among the four qi and five flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, bitter gourd is bitter and cold in nature. For people with weak and cold constitutions, cold hands and feet, diarrhea, anemia, menstrual pain and other symptoms are prone to occur during menstruation, and should be avoided during menstruation. Properties of fruits and vegetables, including bitter gourd, citrus, watermelon, pears, etc., so as not to affect the gastrointestinal function, the lifting and lowering of the body's air machine and the uterine contraction, resulting in unclean menstrual blood drainage, causing or aggravating dysmenorrhea.

Deficiency of Qi, blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm obstruction, etc., easy to menstrual blood and poor discharge

Chinese medicine believes that menstrual blood is smoothly discharged or not , It is mainly related to the movement of qi and blood in the human body and the rise and fall of qi machine. However, qi deficiency, blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm obstruction and other traditional Chinese medical physiques are more prone to poor menstrual blood discharge.

can be used for guidance and diet therapy to adjust physical fitness. Guiding the natural activities of the body and coordinating with the natural energy can strengthen the external body and stabilize the inner mind, which can help the meridians and collaterals to flow smoothly and smoothly.

People with weak and cold constitutions should avoid cold foods, including bitter gourd, bamboo shoots, pears, watermelons, etc.

As for people with weak and cold constitutions, they should usually avoid cold foods. Including: bitter gourd, bamboo shoots, pears, watermelon, beer, green tea, etc.

Women's menstrual period can be maintained through medicated diet and tea. It is recommended for cold physiques to cook Siwu chicken soup, longan red date tea, and ginger tea. In addition,Those who are more stressed and stressed can drink rose tea.

Qi deficiency, blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm obstruction and other syndromes, you can choose Siwu Decoction, Wenjing Decoction to adjust, press Sanyinjiao point

reminded by Chinese physicians during menstruation For Chinese medicine conditioning, it is recommended to consult a Chinese physician for syndrome differentiation and treatment to understand personal physique and suitable guidance, medicated food and tea.

Chinese medicine practitioners can use Chinese medicine and acupuncture to help women menstrual smoothly and relieve menstrual discomfort. People with qi deficiency, blood deficiency, qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm obstruction and other syndromes can take Siwu Decoction, Bazhen Decoction, Wenjing Decoction, Xiaoyao San and other formulas for regulating menstruation, as well as pressing Sanyinjiao acupoint, which is a gynecological period. Commonly used health care acupoints. It is necessary to pay attention to diet therapy after the end of the menstrual period, and no supplementation during the menstrual period.