What are the functions of the human spleen? What are the symptoms of a bad spleen? How to nourish the spleen?

The spleen in the five internal organs may be an organ that people know less about and is relatively unfamiliar.

In our daily life, we might have heard that someone suffered a severely injured spleen hemorrhage, and the emergency excision can save his life. It seems that the spleen is not an indispensable organ. So is it really unbearable and should be ignored by people? In fact, it is not the case. It belongs to the five internal organs and naturally has its own unique role.

The spleen is an important immune organ of the human body. The spleen is not large, but it can generate a large number of lymphocytes and some immune proteins. The human body mainly relies on the spleen for specific immunity.

At the same time, because of the presence of immune cells such as macrophages and lymphocytes, the spleen also has the function of filtering and cleaning the blood. The spleen can remove the blood cells, platelets and invaders in the body that have lost their functions due to aging. Viruses, bacteria and other foreign materials can purify the human body environment and help metabolism.

At the same time, the spleen can also store part of the blood. When the human body is in an extreme state such as hypoxia or massive blood loss, it can use its own blood reserve to alleviate the urgent need.

If there is no spleen, the body's immunity will be greatly reduced, and it will be more susceptible to infection after injury.

People who have poor spleen function or lack of spleen will be less vigorous, weak in physique, and thin, and it is difficult to shape an ideal body. After all, only a healthy body can better present a full mental outlook and a strong physical state. Therefore, people with a bad spleen are generally very thin, because they can’t gain weight by eating, and it’s not easy to get fat if they want to be fat.

Regarding how to nourish the spleen and protect it in daily life, here are some tips for you.

The three meals should be balanced with meat and vegetables. Many friends eat a lot of high-protein foods in order to gain muscle. This idea is not wrong, but balanced nutrition is also very important to the human body. Nutrients such as carbon water, vitamins, fat and fiber are all indispensable to the human body. Substances. Everyone should pay attention to this in their daily diet. They can't care about one thing and lose the other, and ignore the supplement of trace elements.

First have a coordinated and stable internal body state, and then continue to shape a healthy and strong physical appearance on this good foundation.

Cultivate the good habit of daily fitness and improve your own immunity. With a stable and harmonious internal environment, everyone naturally needs to exercise stably and improve their health and body level. If a certain amount of exercise can be arranged every day in a scientific and reasonable way, even people who are initially not ideal in physical fitness may eventually develop a good body that is admirably good.

If people are in a state of psyche, naturally they will not have the strength to exercise and improve their physical fitness. Here we remind everyone to pay attention to the rhythm of work and rest to reduce insomnia. If you really can’t sleep at night, don’t worry too much. Remember that medicine is not as good as food tonic. In such a situation, you can add some foods that relax your nerves and benefit sleep, such as red dates, longans, milk and black rice.

Pay attention to mental adjustment and maintain emotional stability. Human emotions still have a great impact on the body. In particular, the spleen is a fragile organ. As long as a person undergoes a severe collision, the spleen can easily rupture. The long-term depression is a kind of lethal "internal injury" to the spleen. To care for the safety of the spleen requires everyone to control their emotional state and reduce negative emotions such as pessimism and anxiety.

Persist in the implementation of the above measures, not only good for the spleen, but also a full improvement of the physical state and a refreshed mental outlook. I hope everyone can have a healthier body.