In the hot summer, constipation caused by liver fire? Chinese medicine recommends 6 diet therapies to solve toilet difficulties

has entered the hottest weather of the year, and everyone is like salted fish on the grill, being "grilled" by the hot flames.

A little better than salted fish is that we can turn over freely and "fry" on both sides!

Chinese medicine believes The summer climate is hot, if you do not add water in time, it will easily cause anger, which is what everyone calls "上火" .

Liver fire not only feels dry mouth and bitter mouth after getting up in the morning, may also appear constipation .

Constipation has a comprehensive impact on the body. It not only easily leads to hemorrhoids, but also accumulates toxins and rubbish in the intestine. It will "fall in love" with the intestinal mucosa and increase the risk of colorectal cancer over time. .

And because the garbage cannot be discharged, the skin will become worse and worse.

In summer, there are ways to get irritated. Six diet methods can help you regulate constipation:

1. Black sesame

Materials :Fried black sesame seeds and reserve

Method: Black sesame seeds are more common, and those grown in supermarkets or homes can be washed directly and dried. Fry the dried sesame seeds and put them in a dry container for later use.

Every night before going to bed, insist on eating a tablespoon of black sesame, chew slowly for a few days, the effect is obvious .

Efficacy: Sesame contains amino acid which is needed by the human body. Under the action of vitamin E and vitamin B1, it accelerates human metabolism.

Black sesame has mild properties, and is oily and has the effect of moisturizing the intestines , it can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, speed up the excretion of feces, black sesame has "bunch liver and kidney, nourish the five internal organs, nourish essence The effect of "blood, moisturizing the intestines and dryness" .

not only that, but sesame also has repairing gastrointestinal mucosa . It can be seen that black sesame is a treasure no matter what.

Second, fig porridge

Material: 30 grams of figs, 100 grams of japonica rice

Practice: Put the japonica rice into the casserole first Inside, add about 600 ml of water to boil, and then add figs until the japonica rice is thoroughly cooked.

Efficacy: Can not be too heavy to contain a large amount of protease and hydrolase, can improve the digestibility of the body , and there are a variety of lipids in the fig itself, the intestinal moistening effect is excellent.

Third, mushroom banana porridge

Material: 50 grams of mushrooms, two bananas, 100 grams of japonica rice.

Method: Put the japonica rice in a casserole and add water, cook on high heat until it is half-ripe, then add mushrooms and bananas, add water again, and boil on high heat. Boil slowly on low heat, and eat after it is thoroughly cooked.

Efficacy: Shiitake mushrooms can protect and regulate the intestines and stomach.

Bananas needless to say, almost everyone knows that bananas have a laxative effect. Bananas contain a large amount of water-soluble plant fiber , which can promote the secretion of gastrointestinal juice, thereby adsorbing water on solid feces , Play a role in softening stool.

Note: is best not to use unripe bananas. Bananas with astringent taste contain a kind of "tanning"Sour" substance, this substance has strong astringency, after eating it not only does not lax, but also causes serious constipation.

Fourth, sweet potato milk Congee

Ingredients: 50 grams of sweet potatoes, appropriate amount of milk

Method: Wash the sweet potatoes, cut them into small pieces, then put them in the pot, add a little water that can cover the sweet potatoes, and cook After cooking, pour the milk and boil (the milk is appropriate according to your own taste). You can put a little white sugar before eating. Of course, for people with diabetes and don't like sweetness, don't put it.

Efficacy: Sweet potato 中健康LFOOD, it is good for stimulating intestinal peristalsis and is a good choice for moisturizing the intestines and removing fire.

Note: This method is very effective for people with long-term constipation or intractable constipation. Try it.

Fifth, mix fresh bamboo shoots with celery

Material: about 100 grams of fresh young bamboo shoots, about 100 grams of celery .

Method: Cook the bamboo shoots and cut them into small pieces.

Cut celery into small pieces, then put them into a bowl together, add salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar and other seasonings, mix well and eat.

Efficacy: clearing heat and laxative, summer can not only relieve liver fire, but also moisturize the intestines .

六、clear stewed pear soup

Material: Five grams of Fritillaria cirrhosa, one pear.

Method: Peel and cut the pears into small pieces and put them in a casserole together. Add enough water and add an appropriate amount. Rock sugar neutralizes the bitter taste. After the high heat is boiled, turn to low heat until the pears are soft and rotten.

Efficacy: Both Chuan Fritillaria and Pear have the effect of to remove the liver fire , and at the same time, Clean up the intestines to prevent constipation.

If you want to avoid summer constipation, you may wish to try the above six methods. In addition, the water loss in the body is too fast in summer. To ensure the normal functioning of the body, we must replenish lost water in time.