General introduction of anti-rheumatic drugs and their classification characteristics

Hello everyone, today we are talking about anti-rheumatic medicine . Anti-rheumatic drugs are a big category. We first start with its type, that is to say, what is an anti-rheumatic medicine? What are its types? Let's talk about it in detail next.

This type of medicine is more pungent to dispel bitter dryness, can dispel wind, bitter dryness can dehumidify, and temperament can dispel cold, so it can dispel wind, cold and dampness in the joint meridian, and achieve the purpose of relaxing the meridian and dredging the collaterals, and relieving pain. In addition, it has the functions of clearing heat and dispelling wind, dredging collaterals and relieving pain, invigorating the liver and kidney, and strengthening bones and muscles. Some medicines also have beneficial effects on water and swelling, relieving the table , and Zhonghuazhuo, promoting blood circulation and detoxification, dispelling wind and suppressing convulsions. The anti-rheumatic drugs are mostly bitter, warm and pungent drugs, which can expel wind, dehumidification, and dispel cold, and are used for joint pain and muscle numbness. Those with body weight will get worse from the cold, and suffer from wind-cold arthritis that reduces warmth and pain. Some of these drugs can also nourish the liver and kidneys, strengthen the muscles and bones, and are used for symptoms such as backaches, weak legs, muscle weakness, muscle pain, joint stiffness , hemiplegia , etc.

is mainly divided into these categories according to their functions.

First of all, the first medicine is to dispel wind and cold. There are , , , weilingxian, span2span, , chuanwu, , black snake, papaya, papaya, , Tendon grass, sea breeze vine.

The second category is rheumatism and heat removal medicine, including fangji , Gentiana sylvestris, Trachelospermi , Tripterygium , , sycamore Geranium .

The third category, cures rheumatism and strengthens muscles and bones medicine, mainly including acanthopanax , mulberry parasitic , dog spine , 2 thousand-year health , etc. Pay attention to the use of this class of drugs, which are spicy and bitter and easy to damage the yin and consume blood. Therefore, those with yin deficiency and blood deficiency should be used with caution. If rheumatism is suppressed for a long time, take it into pills or alcohol. That's all about the types of anti-rheumatic drugs.
