Should I eat less meat or more meat as I get older? After the age of 50, these 4 types of meat can be eaten more

meat, except for those who are vegetarian, is the most common source of food on the table of every household. When material is scarce, it may take the holidays to eat delicious food. Nowadays, material life has improved a lot, and it is no longer difficult to want to eat some meat.

But some people choose to be vegetarian because of their age. Perhaps most people understand that the older you are, the more you should eat less meat, but the nutritionist tells you to eat more.

Why let the elderly eat more meat?

In the era of high incidence of chronic diseases, not only is it easy for oneself to be recruited, but the probability of people around you suffering from high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hyperuricemia, and obesity is also high. In real life, Some people eat less or no meat in order to control their illness, and some people are afraid to eat meat for prevention.

Actually, don’t panic. It’s a wrong concept for the elderly to be vegetarian and not meat. Not only in our country, but also in many countries’ recipes for the elderly, meat is involved.

On the contrary, if you do not eat meat for a long time, and with age, because the diet cannot achieve balanced nutrition, it is more likely to increase the probability of the elderly suffering from nutritional deficiencies. There are also many elderly women who are prone to anemia when various physiological functions of the body are slowly degraded.

Therefore, the elderly should eat more meat, as long as the daily poultry, livestock and aquatic products can be limited to 75g or less. In the choice of meat, you can eat more meat after the age of 50.

Fish: No matter freshwater fish or deep-sea fish, the nutritional value is not low, it is a high-protein low-fat food. For the elderly whose mouth is not very good, choose steamed or boiled with less oil, which is easily digested and absorbed by the body.

Compared with freshwater fish, deep-sea fish are rich in DHA and EPA, which can prevent cardiovascular diseases (also called cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases) to a certain extent.

Poultry: Skinless chicken, duck, and goose have lower fat content than ordinary red meat. If you pay attention to the cooking method, it will be softer and easier to digest by the elderly. Absorption is also a very good meat choice.

The emphasis here is on skinless meat because the skin of these poultry foods is a gathering place for a lot of fat. If you want to reduce fat intake, it is best not to eat poultry skins.

Aquatic products: If your uric acid level is within the normal range and you are not suffering from hyperuricemia, then aquatic products are also optional meats, which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. , It can clean up blood vessel garbage and prevent blood vessel blockage.

Red lean meat: Red meat can also be eaten, but because of the high fat content of red meat, try to choose lean meat that contains heme iron and high-quality protein, which can prevent iron deficiency anemia in .
