What kind of water should I drink when I wake up in the morning? Plain water or honey water? Don't choose the wrong one

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Drinking water is very important for human health. Proper drinking water can not only promote circulation, speed up metabolism, help discharge waste and impurities, but also act on various functions of the human body to keep it in a stable state.

But in contrast, the first glass of water when you get up in the morning is extraordinarily crucial!

What are the benefits of getting up early with a glass of water? ‍

. Improve discomfort

Human body operation will continue to consume water, if you can't sleep at night, hydration , when you get up in the morning, it will show a state of water shortage, and there will be some discomfort, such as dry mouth , Body heavy, stomach upset, etc. But if we drink a glass of water immediately after getting up in the morning, then the water will fully nourish the body and greatly improve the discomfort in all aspects of the body.

、Prevention of blood clots

Human body water is continuously lost at night, blood will become relatively thicker, when we get up in the morning, all aspects of the body's functions begin to operate normally. In terms of blood supply, people's blood pressure will rise a little.

If you maintain such a state for a long time, and you don't get up early and don't replenish water in time, then your blood viscosity will continue to rise, increasing the risk of thrombosis. However, if you replenish water in time when you get up early, then the water can quickly dilute the blood after entering the human body, the cardiovascular burden is reduced, the blood viscosity is reduced, and the risk of thrombosis is also reduced.

, Nourishing the stomach and clearing the intestines

People who have the habit of drinking water in the morning should have experienced such a thing. After getting up and drinking water in the morning, they will feel the stomach peristalsis. Effect. When I wake up early, all aspects of the body have just started to function, and the state is not very good, especially in the stomach and intestines, there will be an indescribable anxiety, and proper drinking water can dilute the stomach acid, reduce the stimulation of the digestive juice to the stomach, and at the same time can promote the intestinal Peristalsis, play a role in clearing the intestines.

4, wake up the brain

Most people will feel dizzy when they wake up in the morning. This is because the blood circulation is slow when they just get up, and the blood supply to the brain is not enough, but if you drink a glass of water in the morning, the water After acting on the human body, the internal circulation will be activated, the circulation speed will be accelerated, the blood supply to the brain will be sufficient, and the human mind will be much clearer, and will be more engaged in the next work and study.

Get up early for a glass of water, boiled water , how to choose honey water? ‍

Some people think that drinking water in the morning can have a positive effect on health as long as you take in water. Honey water has a slightly sweet taste and nourishes the intestines. It is better to drink a cup in the morning. But in fact, honey water is not 's first choice for to drink water after getting up in the morning, boiled water or better.

Let’s first look at honey water. Although this drink tastes sweet and contains antioxidants, insisting on drinking it can play a role in detoxification and beauty, but the content of sugar in it is still relatively high.

We usually drink water in the morning in a state of and on an empty stomach. If we drink honey water directly, the sugar in it will cause the blood sugar to rise. In order to deal with the sugar in the honey water, the metabolic burden will also increase. As a result, drink it early. The effect of water will be counteracted.

However, we are not saying that you can't touch honey at all in the morning. If you must drink honey water in , you need to control the proportion. The proportion of honey in should not exceed 5% of .

Let’s look at boiled water. Compared with honey water, the composition of boiled water is relatively simple. After entering the human body on an empty stomach, it will quickly absorb and act on various functions, promote metabolism, neutralize gastric acid, dilute blood, and promote defecation. In short, you can The body that is extremely dehydrated can be quickly rejuvenated, the internal environment is purified, and people's mental state will become better.

It can be seen that drinking a glass of water after getting up in the morning is good for human health. It promotes circulation and protects various functions in the body. More importantly, it can make people spiritually .

However, I want to remind everyone that should drink boiled water in the morning, while has a single component and causes less burden on the body, so that water can better act on all parts of the human body.

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