Although it has been online for more than 4 years, the well-known VR audio game "Beat Saber" has been continuously updated. In addition to co-promoting DLC ​​with musicians, it recently launched a new arc gameplay, upgraded the level editor, and launched free tracks. Today, its d


has been online for more than 4 years, the well-known VR audio game "Beat Saber" has been continuously updated. In addition to co-promoting DLC ​​with musicians, it also recently launched a new arc gameplay, upgraded the level editor, and launched free tracks. . Today, its development company Beat Games announced that it will add more new content to the game, adding a single lightsaber mode to 87 existing tracks.

According to, Single Saber mode refers to a one-handed gameplay. Different from the standard two-handed lightsaber waving, Single Saber requires you to use a handle to complete the level, further escalating the difficulty. Currently, a large number of tracks in the free soundtrack support single lightsaber mode, but only some single lightsaber modes have high difficulty options, because most people may not be able to do it with one hand + high difficulty. Judging from the trailer, it seems that the single lightsaber gameplay also supports the arc module launched not long ago.

In single lightsaber mode, you are preset for left- or right-handed mode, so you can play regardless of whether you are left- or right-handed. In addition, the single lightsaber mode can also better meet the needs of some players with physical disabilities who can only operate with one hand.