Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable?

2024/07/0214:46:32 game 1810

Why do we only know the plots of some games after the Internet became popular?

is because most of the games I played back then had a lot of content cut out due to capacity issues. Although the game is playable, the best part is missing.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been typed out. Is your mentality still stable?

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

I believe many friends have experienced this kind of pain!

Today, the editor will take you to recall the history of blood and tears of playing pirated games back then!

First of all, the editor must express his position: please support the genuine version and maintain the healthy and long-term development of the game.

In the early years, domestic contempt for the game industry has always existed, which is why there has been no relevant policy to restrain players. In the years when computer games were on the rise, many people used floppy disks to go to the computer room to copy games.

By the mid-1990s, pirated CDs became popular. At that time, you could buy it in computer consumables stores, audio product stores, and electrical appliance repair shops, and the price was relatively low, ranging from a few yuan to ten yuan.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

At that time, the capacity of VCD discs was still relatively sufficient, so there were many games that could fit on one disc. But a game like I Club with high configuration requirements and a lot of cutscenes requires two or three discs to install it.

In order to save memory, pirates at the time would often delete cutscenes and install the original two-disc game in one. The boss usually sells games for five yuan a piece, and several discs are priced the same. (In some places, money is calculated based on the number of discs. The more discs, the more expensive the price.)

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

Because the plot has been deleted, problems often occur in the game. If you click lightly, the screen will be black, and then the game will continue;

is a little more troublesome. The most painful thing about

is that it freezes and then the game can no longer continue.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

I guess everyone has experienced it before!

When playing pirated games, you need to install plug-ins, virtual optical drives, , and overwrite... In short, if you don't understand one link, you won't be able to play the game. However, players at that time were more persistent and would study it carefully until they could play it.

will be very excited as soon as he sees the screen of entering the game. The successful installation is also something to be thankful for!

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

What situations have you encountered while playing pirated games?

1. There is no music and sound effects. Although the game is very interesting, the experience without music is greatly reduced. "Vision" should still have a say in this regard. The first few times I played it, it was muted the entire time.

2. The game suddenly freezes during cutscenes. I have encountered this when playing "Legend of Tianhe", " Fantasy Three Kingdoms " and "Heaven and Earth Tribulation". Later I learned that it is possible to click ESC immediately when encountering cutscenes. Maybe you can skip it directly.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

3. The plot is completely unconnected. To be honest, the first time I saw the ending of "Sword and Fairy 1" was on the Internet. Even the Jiujianxian teaches martial arts, Lin Yueru is fragrant and the jade dies, and the Jiujianxian instantly kills the poisonous lady. I always feel a little baffled when I see it; the first time I saw the cutscenes of "Sword and Sword 3" and "Sword and Sword 3: A Love Story" was when I was playing it for the third time. It was only when I installed it for the third time that I discovered that the file needed to be overwritten. once.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

There are hints of clues in many cutscenes. If you can't see it, you may be confused about what to do next.

4. It is also a sad experience that everyone has encountered, that is, the installation completion rate is 99%. At this time, the player must put his hands together and mutter something, so he must put it in! It must be installed! But one minute passed, five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, and it still stayed at 99%. I went out for a walk, thinking that it might be ready when I came back, but I was disappointed when I came back. There is no other way, delete the previously installed files and reinstall.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

I guess young players are curious, if they can’t install it the first time, won’t it be the same if they install it again? Then I can only say that you are too young, and there seems to be something metaphysical in pretending to be a game. If you can't install it the first time, take it out and wipe it gently, take a breath, then put it in and install it again, and it's done. There's no reason at all, it's just so weird.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

5. While playing the game, a blue screen suddenly appeared, and then it crashed. At this point, the players are probably ready to die! One is worried that there is something wrong with the computer, and the other is worried that the save file was not saved just now.

Generally playing games will not harm your computer unless you install a virus.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

Many games require the installation of various plug-ins, which is quite cumbersome. And if Xiaobai forcefully installs it, it may really cause the system to crash, so the gain outweighs the loss. In the era when GHOST was not popular, installing the system was very painful!

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

This is also the habit of free prostitution developed by playing cracked games back then. Many years later, our generation will not be able to change it. To this day, many people still believe that games are free to play and should not cost money. Even if it's five or ten dollars, I won't be able to part with it.

And those game companies, after carefully studying the psychology of players, actually launched some games that were announced to be permanently "free". After entering the game, you can't get any resources, and you can only rely on time in exchange for some meager rewards. In the eyes of others, you are the lowest level person, and you will never be able to stand up again. They can bully you in any way they want. If you want revenge, you can just spend money!

Don’t look at the news now that little kids are misled into recharging money by games. I wonder which adult players were tricked in the same way back then. People who used to be reluctant to spend a few dollars to buy games have spent tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands on krypton gold games, but even so, they can only be regarded as middle and lower reaches in the game.

——And this is the sequelae of pirated games

I wonder if you still remember the fun of playing game modifications back then?

In fact, many times when we use Kingsoft Ranger, we enjoy the fun of the modification process. On the contrary, we lose interest after a short time after modification.

Just imagine, after you clear some games that focus on collecting exquisite CGs, you find that not a single one has been played. Is your mentality still stable? - DayDayNews

I still remember when I played "The Heroes of the Three Kingdoms 2", I directly modified the "Ghost Crying and Divine Howling" for the generals, and enough blue. In the early stage of the battle, the enemy general only had a dozen soldiers and horses. After releasing them once, they would kill everyone instantly. Even the BOSS was killed directly. This kind of modification is indeed exciting, but it does not have the sense of accomplishment that gradually accumulates.

Of course, if you modify it too much, you won’t be able to pass the test. There are some scenes where you must die, but if you don't die for a long time, you will be stuck here. I wonder what games have any of you friends here encountered?

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