In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs.

2024/07/0214:45:33 game 1705

was on the forum before, players discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and social youth, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. After all, older people have faster reaction times and have relatively rich experience.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

At that time, I had a different opinion. After all, I had witnessed primary school students performing various amazing operations, being able to clear several games, and even playing fighting games without fear of the challenges of higher grades.

Not all primary school students are vulnerable, there are still some masters among them. However, proportionally speaking, it is true that older people have better skills.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

What is the favorite game of primary school students, then what is the most popular game in the game hall at this stage. "Captain Hook", "Dinosaur Fight" and " Three Kingdoms " have all enjoyed such honors.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

In the early days of the game arcade, the boss's main income came from game currency. At this stage, his favorite players were those elementary school students. They not only brought popularity, but also played the game for a short time each time. In the later period of the

game hall, the game coins were no longer valuable, and the boss focused on the gaming machines. Arcade games have almost become a foil at this point.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

The people the boss hated the most in those years were actually the people with high scores, who could play for hours with just a coin.

In the eyes of the boss, the ranking list is the blacklist .

I don’t know why, but the game arcade owner didn’t choose the Japanese version of “Captain Hook” back then. The difficulty of the world version was relatively low, and it could be continued after completing the game. The Japanese version is very difficult, and once you clear it, you can’t continue!

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

At that time, the score for clearing a level was usually two to three million, provided that you could not eat any extra points. If he eats it, it could be four to five million. The boss would often wander around this machine, and when he saw someone's score exceeding four million, he would shut it down immediately if he was still in the first two or three levels.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

Shooting games have always been favored by bosses. All players cannot play for long, even experts can only play for a few minutes or ten minutes.

But not all games are like this. I still remember that there were two games that made the boss urgently remove them from the shelves, that is: "Exotic Warriors 2" and " Tiger Fighter ". It took more than an hour for beginners to get started. , other players have no chance to play.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

When I was a kid playing arcade machines, the most exciting thing was to get high scores and leave my name on the high score list.

The sense of accomplishment is self-evident! Every name on the

ranking list gives the boss a headache and makes his peers jealous.

Being on the list in the arcade is even happier than being number one in the class. This is a status symbol! Even in school, people who know you will talk behind your back: Look, that person is a master and ranks first in the game arcade.

Ranking list of shooting games

The two most popular shooting games in our game arcade at that time were: "Road to Air Combat" and "Super Boy in the Sky"

These two games are relatively difficult, but as long as you get started, then You can play for a long time. Back then, few players could complete the game.

"Road to Air Combat" , any player can still play it in half an hour.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

"Super Boy in the Sky" is a CAVE game. Although there are many bullets, it is not very difficult.

feels that when there are many bullets, the speed also slows down. Although the bullets are densely packed, they can still find survival space. What's a little bit curious is that now we play on the simulator, and the speed is really fast! There was no time to react. Those masters before

came to play the simulator. I don’t know how many levels they can persist to. The ranking list of this game

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

has always existed, so many players challenged it back then.

eventually formed a situation where people who knew how to play would play for dozens of minutes at a time, and people who didn't know how to play wouldn't even get started. Although the rankings are updated every day, the game coins harvested are pitifully few.

The ranking list of "Super Boy in the Sky" looks very fresh.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

"Black Pearl Force" . People who have played this game are relatively lucky. This is a relatively rare game! The control method of

is relatively complicated, with independent shooting direction and movement direction. It is more convenient if two people control it together. Playing alone requires a certain degree of proficiency.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

Ranking of "Black Pearl Force"

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

" Shikoku Fighter " , before the appearance of Caijing Game, this game dominated the screen for a long time.

is actually very difficult, but it is very popular. The average player can only play until the third level at most, but those experts can persist until the last few levels or even pass them. The

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

ranking list is updated almost every day, and the top three positions are monopolized by one or two players all year round.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

In the later works of "Fighter of the Four Kingdoms", the rankings are divided into 1P and 2P.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

" Metal Slug " . In the mid-1990s, shooting games were basically dominated by "Metal Slug".

In the beginning, players mainly focused on saving their lives. If they could play five or six levels, they would have already earned their game currency. There were a lot of masters at that time. As long as you broke through Machine Gunner Allen, you could basically play through five or even six levels.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

After that, the players began to look for the hiding spots of the hostages and fought with the purpose of keeping the tanks. In short, they had to get all the points in each level.

In this case, even if you don't clear the level, you can still have a place on the high score list.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

The difficulty of the sixth level of "Metal Slug" is higher than the previous ones combined, so few players can clear the level with one life or one coin. Most of the people died on board. At that time, players did not have too many game coins to try, and even tanks could not be obtained, which was a pity.

But even so, one coin can last at least forty minutes. After playing the game

SNK, if you directly enter AAA, the name will become SNK.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

So, what other interesting rankings are there?

The ranking list of " joint battle " separates airplanes and jeeps. After all, the operations are completely different, and the scores obtained are also different.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

The scoring standards of "Prison Gate Mountain Story" are also very different from other games.

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews


In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

《Thunder Dragon》

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

《Thunder Dragon 2》

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews


In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

《Midnight Attack》

In the past on the forum, players have discussed that game arcade masters are generally older junior high school students and young people, while elementary school students basically give money to their bosses, and they are all noobs. - DayDayNews

Arcade machines have become a piece of history in the development process of games, but they have been criticized by nostalgic players for many years. sought after.

Today is the world of the post-00s generation, with all kinds of new games emerging one after another.

Players of our generation seem to have lost interest in new games no matter how interesting they are.

After working hard for many years, now that we are thirty years old, we look back and realize that the carefree time in the game arcade was really too luxurious

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