As we all know, League of Legends is a very popular game around the world. Each country has its own competition area. Different competition areas will eventually compete for the championship trophy that only occurs once a year in the global finals. However, the competition betwee

2024/07/0112:39:32 game 1927

As we all know, League of Legends is a very popular game around the world. Each country has its own competition area. Different competition areas will eventually compete for the championship trophy that only occurs once a year in the global finals. However, the competition betwee - DayDayNews

As we all know, League of Legends is a very popular game in the world. Each country has its own competition area. Different competition areas will eventually compete in the global finals for the championship trophy that only occurs once a year. However, the competition among the various divisions is fierce. Fans of each division think that their division is the strongest division in the world, especially LPL's strong rival LCK, which has always been the number one representative competing for the championship. But many fans have always regarded our LPL division as the number one division in the world. This is not groundless. No, in the latest lol global team strength list, the team that ranks first in the LPL division—— V5 team is ranked first in the world! Fight against many teams from other divisions and firmly reach the top spot in the world! In addition, other LPL teams are also on the list. Let us take a look at the results of this list!

As we all know, League of Legends is a very popular game around the world. Each country has its own competition area. Different competition areas will eventually compete for the championship trophy that only occurs once a year in the global finals. However, the competition betwee - DayDayNews

is first of all the heavyweight No. 1 team in the world. At a glance, the logo of the V5 team, which is currently at the top of the LPL with a terrifying record of victory, is clearly visible; and the No. 2 team in the world following V5 is our old rival. The T1 team currently has a record of 7 wins and 1 loss in the LCK; ranked third in the world is the GENG team. management team is probably so happy to see this, and their record is also 7 wins and 1 loss. , the only record of losing a game was given by T1; the next two teams are our two top teams in the LPL, the fourth in the world - TES and the fifth in the world - JDG.

As we all know, League of Legends is a very popular game around the world. Each country has its own competition area. Different competition areas will eventually compete for the championship trophy that only occurs once a year in the global finals. However, the competition betwee - DayDayNews

Looking further down, LPL’s RNG team is ranked sixth in the world with a record of 5 wins and 2 losses; seventh place is the old friend G2 team; eighth place is FNC from the European Division; ninth place is The name is the DK team; closely followed is our EDG. Generally speaking, these teams are top teams that players are familiar with. It must be mentioned that half of the top ten teams in the world are from our region's LPL! There are as many as five teams, followed by three teams from the LCK and two teams from the LEC division.
In addition, among the teams ranked 11 to 20, there are also many LPL teams on the list. For example, our WBG ranks 11th, FPX ranks 18th, and OMG ranks 20th. The global team strength list of
is released every week, and the number one team in the world last week was GENG. This week, it may be because they lost to T1 in the LCK event, so the ranking dropped to third.

The V5 team continues to maintain a complete victory record, so it is firmly ranked first in the world. Looking at the global LOL competition, V5 is currently the only undefeated team among the four major regions, so it is indeed well-deserved to be ranked first. In addition to

, there is also a piece of exciting news that has also been launched recently. LDL officially announced that it will try out the global bp mode in LDL events, which will be officially launched in the subsequent Bo3. Its official name is called the fearless recruitment mode.

As we all know, League of Legends is a very popular game around the world. Each country has its own competition area. Different competition areas will eventually compete for the championship trophy that only occurs once a year in the global finals. However, the competition betwee - DayDayNews

This global bp actually means that all the heroes used by the participating teams in the ended game of bo3 will not be available for selection in subsequent games of bo3, but the other team will You can choose the hero you have chosen.

As we all know, League of Legends is a very popular game around the world. Each country has its own competition area. Different competition areas will eventually compete for the championship trophy that only occurs once a year in the global finals. However, the competition betwee - DayDayNews

After the news was officially announced, the entire LoL circle and the comments of players immediately exploded with different opinions. This model undoubtedly places greater demands on the brainpower of players and coaches, especially the coaching staff. It adds more pressure to the BP project to be done later, and if the players are the type of hero spoon, they will also The performance in this mode is mediocre, which can be said to be a great test for the players' hero pool.

So how do players feel about this news? Will this mode be a new challenge for players, and can it make the game more exciting? If you have any ideas, you can actively discuss them in the comment area!

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