What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced: "The misunderstanding has been resolved"!

2024/06/3000:29:33 game 1049

DNF first person Xuxu baby , and what happened between Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced: "The misunderstanding has been resolved"! #DNF 14th Anniversary #

What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced:

The trigger of the conflict: the increase success rate

New Year version, Xuxu baby wants to increase the increase by 10,000 red 12 pieces, and impact the red 18 earrings. As a result, the increase rate was secretly changed, and both attacks failed. To this end, Xuxu Baby collected thousands of personal growth data and confirmed that there was a problem with the New Year growth rate. It also revealed the inside story of the "core player group", which triggered heated discussions.

What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced:

Many anchors and players supported Baby Xuxu and wanted to give an explanation. Logically speaking, Siyuyouli, who has a good relationship with Baby Xuxu, should stand with Baby Xuxu. As a result, Siyuyouli released After collecting personal "hundreds of increase data", the conclusion is that "the success rate of increase is normal", consistent with the "argument" of the madman, and opposing Xuxu Baobao's remarks, which made Xuxu Baobao very unhappy. Especially after the follow-up attempt to help Siyu Youli increase his weapons by 18 failed, Siyu Youli's attitude changed drastically, which intensified the conflict between the two.

What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced:

Contradictory production line: Racing

What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced: 10 level opened. Baby Xu Xu held the "White Earth Racing Invitational Tournament" and won the championship himself, but did not invite Xiyu Youli to participate.

For this reason, Xiyu Youli found someone to record two racing videos, namely "Red 20 Sword Soul" and "Double 18 Sword Demon", both of which were faster than Baby Xuxu.

Baby Xuxu was not to be outdone and hit a speed of 1 minute and 41 seconds; Xiu Youli didn’t know him, so he found someone and hit another time of 1 minute and 28 seconds. Baby Xu Xu was speechless and could only wait for the right opportunity to overtake. . The racing battle between the two, exaggerated by the fans of both sides, has turned into a huge conflict, which is incompatible with water and fire.

What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced:

Conflict silencer: misunderstanding resolved

Facing the barrage that appeared from time to time in the live broadcast room, Baby Xu Xu responded for the first time, "Siyu Youli and I are indeed a little unhappy. The reason is the increase in success rate time, but there are no other problems"; The very next day, Baby Xuxu reiterated again, "I have talked with Xiyu Youli on QQ. He said that he did not mean to increase the success rate incident, and he thought he did something wrong. Now I am talking to him The misunderstanding has been resolved, and he is still a general under my Xuanshi banner."

What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced:

Common enemy: Devil May Cry Mu

There was nothing going on between Baby Xuxu and Shiyu Youli, but it was infinitely expanded by the exaggeration of friends from both sides. However, next, Baby Xu Xu and Xiyu Youli will face the same racing enemy: Devil May Cry Mu!

This Devil May Cry boss, using the account of No. 1 Devil May Cry Kokoko, was the first to set a time of 1 minute and 20 seconds, surpassing Xuxu Baobao and Shiyu Youli at the same time, and then set a time of 1 minute and 14 seconds. Forza racing makes Baby Xuxu want to give up. And this is not the limit. According to the latest information, Devil May Cry Mu set a new record of 1 minute and 9 seconds during the live broadcast.

If Baby Xuxu wants to break through 1 minute and 9 seconds, he needs to continue feeding equipment or change his playing style. However, red-eye has fixed injury limitations. It is very difficult to break through 1 minute and 9 seconds!

Shiyu Youli’s Sword Demon , with double red 18, may break through the 1 minute and 9 second limit; at the same time, his red 20 sword soul may also break through 1 if he takes the route of "blunt weapon proficiency + customization" Minutes and 9 seconds.

What happened between Xuxu Baobao, the first person to DNF, and Xiyu Youli? It was reported on the Internet that the two had constant conflicts. During the live broadcast, Baby Xuxu officially announced:


The misunderstanding between Baby Xu Xu and Shiyu Youli has been resolved. Friends can see the two of them in the same frame again. Both of them are spenders who don’t blink. There are many more things about Shiyu Youli. The equipment needs to be increased, and I believe that Baby Xu Xu will help. "18 necromantic weapons, 16 sword souls all over the body" is beckoning.

I am a player show. I wish the warriors to keep shining in the abyss, keep winning gold medals in team fights, and see customized epics every day.

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