BP gives priority to taking care of the midfielder, and then takes care of the top lane. This is better than giving priority to the top and bottom lanes. Facts have proved that the bottom lane duo has a deeper hero pool and gala is more reliable. RNG has made many BP mistakes bef

2024/06/3014:35:33 game 1996

Li Ning has nothing to say, 90% will not make it to the World Championship. Talking about RNG, they found the most suitable style of play in the first game, which was to use strong play and link up the middle and jungle. Gala, the powerful hero with big core AD, is the bottom. On the

BP gives priority to taking care of the midfielder, and then takes care of the top lane. This is better than giving priority to the top and bottom lanes. Facts have proved that the bottom lane duo has a deeper hero pool and gala is more reliable. RNG has made many BP mistakes bef - DayDayNews

bp side, we give priority to taking care of the midfielder and then the top lane. This is better than giving priority to the top and bottom lanes. Facts have proved that the bottom lane duo has a deeper hero pool and gala is more reliable. RNG has made many BP mistakes before. On the one hand, It was because the midfielder had trouble picking up the rhythm, and on the other hand, AD was given priority to get heroes, which resulted in the midfielder and assistant not being able to get suitable heroes.

Let’s talk about the second game. Many people think it is for scientific research. In fact, this style of play has appeared on lck. The lck downstream team kdf (Ke Da Fei) played against the T22 team and selected a double mix of Serafani and Gaaisi in the bottom lane, plus a mid lane tank. As a result, the T22 team did not push out the bottom lane, and was included in the top lane by Er exploded and exploded directly.

But this lineup is not suitable for Rng, because he has too high requirements for the top laner. Brother Breathing must have blood c to win this game, so this lineup cannot be played by Rng.

Let’s not talk about the third game. Not to mention that Li Ning will lose if they let rng hold the lineup. T22 next door will probably get his head smashed. rng's lineup is about the point-gaining lineup.

Although everyone is panicking now, that is actually a good thing. If rng plays Gwen Kai'Sa , Titan , Ice Lady , and Destruction King again and again, then there will be no possibility of winning the championship.

BP gives priority to taking care of the midfielder, and then takes care of the top lane. This is better than giving priority to the top and bottom lanes. Facts have proved that the bottom lane duo has a deeper hero pool and gala is more reliable. RNG has made many BP mistakes bef - DayDayNews

The current version of Logistics has two play styles. The first is to play defense with a big core in the bottom lane, and the second is to strong

in the bottom lane to fight against the enemy. Generally speaking, the second type of play of rna is not Very good, but judging from the hard practice these days, it is actually better to practice this. It is always a good thing to have more tactical reserves. There are still more than three months until the World Championships, and the version will change greatly.

, you have to practice. How to adapt to the version quickly? Why did they win the pig-dog war last year? It’s because they can adapt to the version

more quickly. Finally, don’t be afraid. You still have to thank people for and Zhu Kai . It is indeed changing rna and asking for a lot. question. The recent status of

rng is really confusing. Some games were lost because of a disadvantage in BP, but in most games rng's performance is that it operates rigorously on the blue side, has clear ideas, and has full team battles. On the red side, rng Xiaohu and Wei are just like losing their minds. The scientific research lineup often fails to produce results. For example, fighting with the Czar in the early stage, today Rock Bird went shopping on the red side, and was greedy to death on the road.

This state feels like it’s not just a problem with BP. The key is the pre-match interview. I heard Xiaohu understand what their problem is. Why did they forget all about it when they played on the red side? So I think Zhu Kai should just scold them. !Xiaohu, scold him to wake him up. If this state continues, rng will most likely go to the bubble game. In the first game of

, I felt that the lineup of LNG was more solid, with enough output control, including Bloom, backhand, Aphelios, late output, and the early wave was better than in the upper and lower lanes, 0:4. Is the blue side going to lose? Unexpectedly, Pioneer Xiaolong began to make a comeback.

BP gives priority to taking care of the midfielder, and then takes care of the top lane. This is better than giving priority to the top and bottom lanes. Facts have proved that the bottom lane duo has a deeper hero pool and gala is more reliable. RNG has made many BP mistakes bef - DayDayNews

Xiaohu's first wave of rock birds in the summer game had a good rhythm. He used rhythm heroes well. Xiaoming's pressure to start a team was greatly reduced. Xiaowei's monkey also found the rhythm of entering and controlling the game, which was not available in MSI.

Brother Breath's pig girl is good in the front row, but Gala was caught in the early stage, and quietly Mimi scored five kills in the middle stage. people don't talk much , there is nothing to say, only Ruisibei! The intensity of Bobi has increased, and Xiaowei doesn't know when to take it out.

in the second game, Ashe assists, Scientific Research Bureau, Tazan Bobby is still killing everywhere, the rhythm is very good, Xiaolong Tuan Coin Brother handsomely pushed to win the head and the dragon, wonderful cooperation (in addition to not being able to kiss, Xiaohu also One is to push the air.)

Brother Breathing is too stable. Although he has cooperated with the brothers to educate him three times, he does not have the deterrence of a big brother to new top laners, let alone other people. He does not have the fear of three points like Abin. This kind of deterrence is very important for RNG. Otherwise, if you lose one leg, others will not be afraid of you. Press Xiaoming and Xiaowei as BP, catch Xiaowei in the jungle, and drag Xiaohu in the middle, and RNG may not be able to pick up the rhythm.

had too many pitfalls in the early stage. The big kill was taken by Aphelios. The opponent's lineup was more solid and he was unable to make a comeback. This LNG team battle Poppy, the Tsar played well, the next Poppy should either be grabbed or dealt with.

BP gives priority to taking care of the midfielder, and then takes care of the top lane. This is better than giving priority to the top and bottom lanes. Facts have proved that the bottom lane duo has a deeper hero pool and gala is more reliable. RNG has made many BP mistakes bef - DayDayNews

In the third game, I just said Brother Breathing. Isn’t it overheard (dog head). MSI trained Gwen for Abin, and the effect set was given to Brother Breathing. If you choose the hero in the top lane, half of them will have this kind of effect. The effect of joining a group is a deterrent.

familiar rhythm, congratulations to RNG! (But the old problems mentioned before have not been solved. I did not choose a comfortable starting lineup. I can't hold the line. I can't open the opponent's output. How to fight. I hope it will be solved soon. The summer competition is halfway through.)

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