The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to

2024/06/3006:14:33 game 1540

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

html On July 14th, King of Glory official server was updated, and adjustments were made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin , and Li Xin .

The data for each rank has been released today. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change.

PS: Welcome to follow my new official account: Jianfeng King’s Small Classroom (the original account has been deactivated)

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

1. Yao

data performance:

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

In the peak game, after adjustment, Yao’s winning rate dropped to 46.67%, which is already He Lan's winning rate is the same.

Note: Yao's winning rate fluctuates greatly in the peak game, usually jumping around 47%-49%. Until the 13th, the winning rate dropped to 46.91%, and the appearance rate on the same day increased significantly, reaching 18.8% , so Yao's winning rate has dropped, mostly because more and more new people are starting to try to play Yao. There is no significant change in Yao's data in the

low segment and the 1350 peak segment, and Yao's appearance rate in the three segments. Detailed interpretation of


first skill: skill damage: 160 (+64/Lv) (+1.0Ad) → 175 (+50Lv) (+1.0Ad)

first skill, the damage at level 1 is increased by 15 points, the growth value is reduced, and the full level Reduces base damage by 55 points.

slightly reduces Yao's output, especially in the mid-term. Most of Yao's output comes from 11A, so two stages and one skill will reduce the damage by 110 points. Is the strength of

exceeding the standard?

Recently, many friends have made targeted discussions on whether Yao exceeds the standard: first, they say that Yao is flexible and highly flat, and seriously exceed the standard; second, they say that Yao has no output in team battles in the later stages. In this regard, Jianfeng also made a statement Let’s take a look at my objective views as a 12,000-year-old warrior:

’s strengths:

Yao has a strong combat effectiveness in the mid-term. First of all, he is an assassin-oriented warrior. Because of the ultimate star-cutting mechanism, under certain operations, he can tank. The speed will be qualitatively improved. It can be said that it is the most meaty existence among the current mainstream junglers. Coupled with its own multi-stage displacement, it will be difficult to counterattack in the mid-term.


Once the game reaches the later stage, Yao must choose between bursting out and rushing forward, so it is difficult to pose a threat to the enemy's backline in team battles. Moreover, with the unique ultimate move return mechanism, conscious players in the peak game will avoid the landing point of the ultimate move, further limiting Yao's damage.

Overall, Yao is not difficult to counter, and its strength is not beyond the standard. It is a strong jungler at an above-average level. However, compared with heroes such as , Luna, , and Mirror, it is less difficult to get started and has a higher The fault tolerance rate and versatile lineup make it easier for many players to play, so Yao has a higher winning rate in the mid-to-low tiers. Many people will ask whether Yao can still be played now? It can only be said that it is not as popular as before. In the top game where the rhythm is tighter, the shortcomings of early weakness will be easier to catch and snowball, but if your skills are still there, it is still no problem to score at low levels. After all, it is economical. The ability is here.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

2. Mozi’s

data performance:

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

In the peak game, Mozi’s data performance did not fluctuate significantly, and the winning rate in low segments declined slightly, but it was still strong. Detailed interpretation of


Second skill: Skill damage: 550(+50/Lv)(+0.55Ap) → 525(+50/Lv)(+0.45Ap)

The second skill damage is reduced by 25+0.15AP. The second skill is Mozi's main output method. This adjustment reduces Mozi's output capability throughout the period.

Mozi's strength lies in risk-free remote group control. In a sense, Mozi is also a mechanical monster.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

Mozi's second skill has a long attack range and can be released without risk in team battles. Especially after the Holy Grail is synthesized, the second skill can be released every 5 seconds, and the second skill can be frequently released to interfere with the opponent. The second skill of

is a small-scale one-second stun, which can create a good output environment and entry opportunities for teammates. Coupled with its own ultimate move and passive close control, it can also protect teammates very well and avoid being attacked by enemy assassins. Cut in.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

In a team, there must be team starting, output, harvesting, injury bearing, and protection.Obviously, it is difficult for mages to take on the role of output when there is no economy. Regular mages are blindly supplementing output, resulting in too many output points for the team, too many breakthrough points, and a lack of heroes to complete the team start. and protected position.

So it can be said that Mozi has perfected the last piece of the teamwork of the five kings, making the overall team more unbreakable.

personally believes that even if Mozi needs to be adjusted, he should also adjust the cooling and control of his second skill. The damage will not exceed the standard at all, but fortunately, Mozi is still a top scorer.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

3. Ming Shiyin

data performance:

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

In the peak game, Ming Shiyin's winning rate dropped, but it was still very high, reaching 55%. But in the low segments, the data does not change much. Detailed interpretation of


Passive skills: Self-reply: 150 (+15*Hero level) (+0.15Ap) → 150 (+20*Hero level) (+0.15Ap)
Passive skills: Friendly response: 225 (+22* Hero Level) (+0.225Ap) → 225 (+30*Hero Level) (+0.225Ap)
Basic Attack: Attack Range: 750→650
First Skill: Chain Slowing Effect on the Enemy: 15%→10%

Passive Basic Attack Recovery increases, growth value increases, own recovery increases by 70 HP points at full level, and allies recover by 98 HP points.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

slightly improves the guarantor ability in the late Ming Dynasty.

The range of the general attack has been reduced by 100 yards:

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

The range of the general attack has been reduced, which makes Ming Shiyin need to get closer to the target when dealing with the general attack, thereby increasing the output cost. Once Ming Shiyin positions himself forward, he can easily be killed by counterattacks. When

's first skill connects to an enemy hero, the deceleration effect is reduced by 5%:

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

reduces Ming Shiyin's control over the enemy and ourselves, giving the enemy more opportunities to escape.

Ming Shiyin's strength in the new season is very high. Once he is chained by him at level 1, he will either die or be injured. In the mid-term team battle, the red chain can increase the output of teammates, and the yellow chain can protect teammates with high double resistance.

Moreover, when connected to the enemy, the yellow chain can also greatly reduce its double resistance and reduce the enemy's tankiness. Entering with the ultimate move can lower the enemy's health by half, and retreating can protect teammates from death.

So even in the current version, when you meet Ming Shiyin, don't look at him with colored glasses. He is really not the same person as before.

The most suitable heroes for Ming Shiyin right now are: Meng Ya, Jialuo , Aileen , Zhuge Liang , etc.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

4. Li Xin

data performance:

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

Li Xin's winning rate plummeted in the peak game, and his winning rate has dropped to 45%. In all segments, the winning rate has also dropped horribly, but there is still a 54% winning rate. Detailed interpretation of


Normal attack (violent form): Additional normal attack ball effect: 100% → 50%
first skill (domination form): Injury-free effect: 20% → 25%
third skill (domination form) : Injury-free effect: 20% → 25%
first skill (violent form): Cooling time: 8 → 10

Secret message’s additional basic attack ball damage is reduced by 50%.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

One basic attack of Secret Faith can cause two damage, and this adjustment only reduces the damage of the additional basic attack orb. Therefore, after the adjustment, one basic attack of Secret Faith can also enjoy a 150% bonus to the magic ball damage.

increases the CD of one skill by two seconds, which slightly limits the ability of Dark Letter to escape and roam. However, Li Xin's basic attack can reduce the CD of one skill by one second, so this has relatively little impact on Dark Letter during a fight.

The damage-free effect of Guangxin's skills one and three is increased by 5%:

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

Guangxin's survivability is slightly improved. In the game, when the enemy bursts into damage, skills one and three can be used to absorb his damage. This wave of adjustments of

has a greater impact on Dark Letter. However, in low tiers, due to poor team coordination and awareness, it is usually difficult to counteract Li Xin’s line control. Currently, only the only ones who can play against Dark Letter miyue.

Therefore, in the new version, it is recommended that friends can still choose Li Xin to get higher points when playing on the blue square.If you are on the red side and you are not playing at the top of the game, my personal suggestion is still to leave a ban seat for Li Xin!

In general, even though Li Xin and Mozi have been weakened in this adjustment, their winning rate in all segments is still 52% to 54%. The kings below 26 stars are still strong, and there is no problem in getting higher points. At present, Ming Shiyin is a "miraculous effect" hero, that is, he has a high minimum limit and can also become a top-level black technology. As long as he is not selected blindly, he will often have miraculous effects. The above is the entire content of this guide, because the new official account cannot notify readers who have followed before. If you think the content is good, I hope you can share it with your friends who have been following Jianfeng. Thank you!

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

"New WeChat official account: Jianfeng Wangzhe Small Classroom "

The original official account has been deactivated. This is my new official account, where I will share my personal understanding and game opinions.

Enter keywords to get all heroes attack speed threshold , attack speed growth , equipment inscriptions , equipment tips , strategy information , etc. The

menu bar also includes the function of changing duplicate blank names, checking the low zone and changing the zone , and the top round data query function . Welcome to pay attention.

The official server of Honor of Kings will be updated on July 14th, and adjustments will be made to Yao, Mozi, Ming Shiyin, and Li Xin. Today the data for each rank has been released. Now Jianfeng will use the data to talk about the specific impact of this change. PS: Welcome to  - DayDayNews

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