The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha.

2024/06/3023:40:33 game 1488

Hello, fellow captains! The new arcade mode has been launched, and the event is divided into 3 phases, all open on weekends! The theme of this arcade mode is railgun: laser gun control, doubled engine horsepower and forced lighting at 445 meters. I believe this weekend’s arcade mode will definitely give you a super interesting gaming experience! So let’s quickly learn about this event first!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Event Details

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

You can choose "Arcade Mode" to fight in the garage, and you can also directly view the details of this mode.

The combat rules of the arcade mode are basically the same as those of the standard mode. Occupying the base or destroying all enemy tanks will result in battle victory. Only a few details are different. The special features are listed below:

● The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced.

Only level 8 and 10 tanks can participate in this battle mode , but you will only be matched with tanks of the same level to fight!

● In arcade mode battles you can get the same silver coins and experience gains as in standard mode, but you can't get bonds and pass points.

The income from arcade mode can still be increased by premium accounts and personal reserves!

● The arcade mode will also have combat missions dedicated to level 10 tanks. After completing the mission, you will get silver coins and a lot of bonds!

● All arcade mode battle data will not be counted into your account's record, but you must abide by the principles of fair play and game rules , and all violations will be punished!

Introduction to the rules of the arcade mode in this issue

Opening hours of the arcade mode in this issue

July 15th 09:00-July 17th 23:59

Attribute modification content

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Map Pool

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Karelia | Prokhorovka | Competition by the Lake | Muller Vanka | Siegfried Line of Defense | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha

Which tanks are fun?

The gun control value is greatly enhanced, the engine horsepower is directly doubled, and the forced lighting range is increased from 50 meters to 445 meters! This wave is slow train and tank ecstasy with bad gun control!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

The medium tank-level mobile T110E4

Just imagine some tanks with low unit power but fairly good top speed, such as E 75 TS and 112, which have the same maneuverability as medium tanks, and can maneuver to grab points at the beginning. Such a game Experience Don’t you want to experience it?

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Chacha’s gun control and maneuverability values ​​after BUFF in this event

The dump truck attacks!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

collision is also very useful!

Some of the tanks are very maneuverable. You must don’t forget to bring a turbine to increase the maximum speed .Coupled with the gun control BUFF, light-speed transition maneuvers, and crazy output, I am the God of War!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

The speed is fast, but you should also pay attention to driving safety!

If there are "dump trucks" such as Project 260, Project 277, and Project 268 IV, they will grab points at a faster speed, or directly output from the front! Then there are tanks like E-50M, E 75 TS, and KV-5 that can be used as bumper cars, which are designed to handle various small tanks (such as V-series heavy tanks). Let me hug you!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Caliban is ecstatic!

Of course, tanks with poor gun control are also blessed. After BUFF, the gun control of each tank can basically be said to be targeted wherever it goes! Tanks with poor gun control such as the 183 Big Pipe, Caliban, C45 Bison, etc. are ecstatic. The output capabilities of these tanks have greatly improved↑!

black gun does not exist!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Frontline stuck point shooting is the best way to play in this mode!

You should also note that the forced lighting range of has been increased from 50 meters to 445 meters , which also means that the enemy can easily light up the tank with the rear output! If you play a turn-based game, you can start with a quick "meat scout"! As long as the enemy is within your 445-meter field of view, regardless of whether there are obstacles blocking it, the enemy tank will be lit directly!

Therefore, does not recommend that you drive a black gun car or artillery and play the arcade mode . If you want to experience a black gun car or artillery, you must control the distance from the front line to more than 445 meters to ensure that you will not be approached and forced by the enemy. Bright! The author played for an afternoon and saw many artillery, 4005 and other tanks that were highlighted at the beginning and sent directly back to the garage. Playing with these vehicles is risky!

recommends some super fun tanks

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews12: In the standard mode, the 112 has top speed but cannot run, and the gun control is also very poor, but in this mode with the turbine, it can run to 50 yards! The armor protection itself is pretty good, it can withstand and attack, and it can also grab points. It is very efficient in making money!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Caliban: If you want to talk about the fun car, it has to be Caliban. At the beginning, HE attacks the side of the tank, and then switches to AP to draw out the heavy tank! This game is a great experience, you will definitely not regret it after playing it!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

C45 Bison : The Bison’s gun control has always been the most complained-about point among the commanders, but in this mode, the problem of the Bison’s poor gun control has been completely solved, and it runs extremely fast!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

T110E3: Are you afraid of being hit by the enemy on the front and weak points? Come and try T110E3, you will be almost invincible if you hide your crotch when facing the enemy head on! Pad the front of the car a little, and even White Rabbit's 420 will not wear HEAT easily!

Participate in battles and missions to obtain resources!

The arcade mode has a fast battle rhythm, which is very suitable for commanders to drive a level 8 gold coin tank to make money! With high accounts and bonuses, you can earn 100,000 silver coins in an average settlement of 5 minutes per round. The efficiency of earning silver coins is very high !

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Of course, don’t forget to drive a level 10 tank to complete missions exclusive to arcade mode. You will receive silver coins and bonds as rewards for completing the missions!

The special features are listed below: The size of each battle is still 15 VS 15. If there are fewer players in the queue, the size of the battle will be reduced. Karelia | Prokhorovka | Race on the Lake | Molvanka | Siegfried Line | El Alamein Airport | Katyusha. - DayDayNews

Captains who like to play fast cars must not miss this arcade mode! The gun control of all tanks has been enhanced. Experience laser gun control now! Commanders, which tanks do you think will also perform very well in this arcade mode and have an excellent gaming experience? Why not leave a message in the comment area below and share your experience with other captains!

Dear commanders, get ready to join the weekend battle in arcade mode. Experience the battle from a new perspective. Entertainment comes first. I wish you victory!

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