However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the "Small Overlord Game Console" from being unable to play. Yellow cassettes were universal at the time. Whether it was a Subbot, a Famicom, or other copycat game consoles, you could just plug in th

2024/07/0214:54:33 game 1834

’s understanding of memory sticks is estimated to be more than ten years ahead of the time for gamers who play the Famicom!

Why do you say that? Because the memory stick looks almost exactly the same as the red and white cassettes we played back then. However, at that time, we had already invented various solutions and measures to rescue the inability to play " Xiaobawang game console ".

Yellow cassettes were universal at the time. Whether it was a Subaru, a Famicom, or other copycat game consoles, you could just plug in the cassette and play.

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

However, as time goes by, some cassettes begin to become loose, resulting in many cases where the screen is blurred or the game cannot be played after we insert the cassette.

At this time, we will directly dissect the cassette, take out the semiconductor inner core (gold finger) and insert it directly, and we can play again. Put it back on after you're done playing. But after playing it several times, I no longer want to use the case.

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

This is also the case. Almost all the game cartridges we saw later did not have shells.

No matter how good the game cartridge is, it may malfunction. I wonder how everyone troubleshooted it back then?

Blowing, spitting, alcohol, shaking, and slapping

I believe this scene was often seen back then! It's just that the cassette is not inserted properly or is dusty.

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

When this problem occurs, the first reaction of players is to pick up , blow on , and then plug it in again, which is basically solved.

What is the principle of this?

Scientists have not studied it thoroughly until now, and it may involve metaphysics. Of course, it is also possible that it was not inserted properly the first time but was inserted properly the second time.

Otherwise, some dust just happened to be blown off the gold finger!

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

If blowing has no effect, then you must "get serious". Apply some saliva on and on the gold finger to sterilize it, then wipe it clean and it will basically be solved. This is the most commonly used rescue measure by players. Many cassettes were brought back to life in this way.

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

If the above two methods fail, then the ultimate rescue method must be used: Apply alcohol Disinfect

This is a trick that will be used as a last resort, if this trick fails to work. Then all you have to do is pat the cassette or shake it from side to side. If you are lucky, you will succeed.

I once encountered a situation where the cassette could not be played using any method. As a result, I accidentally dropped it. After plugging it in, I found that it worked again. Who can I ask to explain this?

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

Electrical appliances are all unreasonable.

This reminds me of the rescue measures for light bulbs, radios, and VCD discs back then.

After the light bulb stopped lighting, some adults shook it left and right in their hands and actually connected it, and then it could be used for a period of time;

If there is a problem with the radio or TV, the most direct way is to slap it. Problems above 90 are caused by "deprivation of beatings", so just take a few shots.

VCD discs are too stuck. I believe many people have encountered this. After gently wiping the dirt on it, you will find that it is much smoother, and the problem can even be solved directly.

I believe everyone here has their own experiences! That's how the electrical appliances of that era worked. I still remember that in order to watch TV, I would shake the antenna outside alone. It finally became bright, but it would become blurry as soon as I let go of my hand. So that my family could watch TV, I stood outside holding the antenna for more than an hour.

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

Speaking of antennas, I don’t know if you have ever encountered them before. When I was playing a game of Bully at the house next door, I could also receive signals and pictures at my house, and they were very clear. The

Xiaobawang game controller is actually of good quality, but the voltage regulator is rubbish. It's okay in winter, but in summer it gets horribly hot after just playing for a few hours. How many people burned their voltage regulators back then. In order to play longer, all kinds of methods are used. The most dangerous thing I have seen is to use a wet towel that does not drip.

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

Here, let’s talk about the game console cartridges

. In fact, the cards that were combined before 1996, 3in1 and 4in1 were mostly high-quality, while the quality of 9in1 and 10in1 was considered medium. 32in1, 52in1, and 64in1 are all of good quality. Generally speaking, as long as they exceed 80in1, don't touch them. They are all garbage. How to choose 4in1 card in
? If you don't know the game, first check the weight. If there are more chips with heavy weight, the game will be the best. Second, look at the card box. Yellow cards are generally low-quality cards, while flat square cards are high-end products. Of course, this is not absolute, after all, the situation in each region is different.

However, back then, we had already invented various plans and measures to rescue the

Netizen "Hao Binbin" shared his experience of buying cassettes:

I remember buying cassettes when I was 10 years old. I bought a 1000-in-1 cassette. I took it back and tried it happily, but found out that it was fake. There were only a dozen or so games, so I went directly to the boss to argue with me. The boss saw that I was a brat and refused to admit that I bought it from him.

There is nothing I can do. It just so happens that my neighbor also bought a 4-in-1 cassette from this boss. So I discussed it with him and swapped my 1000-in-1 core with his 4-in-1 core. My neighbor and I have a good relationship, so I agreed without thinking. Then I took a few people to the boss and said that I bought a 4-in-1 card, but the game inside was a 1000-in-1 fake card.

The boss also felt that he was wronged and wondered if the factory made a mistake. But he still refused to admit it even to death, as if he was a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. More and more people were watching. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the proprietress ran out from inside and slapped the boss directly. Then she apologized to my friend and changed to a more classic cassette.

In the later period, this boss also learned a lot. Every time before selling a card, he would try it to see if the gold finger and the shell are consistent. Laughing

After 1996, the domestic FC market was rotten, and many in1s were all junk. After the development in 2000, cassettes on the street cost more than ten yuan a piece, or even five yuan a piece in the later period.

Note: The pictures in the text come from the Internet, such as infringement and deletion of

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