Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it.

2024/07/0214:48:33 game 1370

Players who are familiar with arcade games must have been tricked by a certain game before! Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

There have been many "coin masters" in the game hall. They don't seem to care about money. They buy a bunch of coins at one time and then use the pile of coins to complete the game. No matter how difficult the game is or how long the process is, you must insist on seeing the clearance screen before stopping. At this time, we on the side felt sorry for his game currency.

still remembers that there was a shooting game "Zombie Attack" in our game arcade back then. At that time, it was already considered one of the best first-person shooting games.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

The horror atmosphere of the game is very strong, even the onlookers can feel the spookiness. But at that time, no one had ever cleared the level, and it was relatively rare to get a score of ten minutes.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

At that time, there was a "coin master" who directly bought a box of game coins, then occupied the machine and started playing. Although I died many times during this period, it was always smooth to pass through the level by relying on currency renewal.

However, when he reached the last level, he was blocked by a door. No matter what method he used, he could not open it and fell directly into the trap and died. The most important thing is that it is a direct GAME OVER here, and there is no chance of continuous coins.

In other words, this can be regarded as one of the endings of the level, but it is definitely not what the players want.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

Although Master Bi doesn’t care about coins, he invested so much time in the early stage just to see what the final BOSS will look like, but now he is locked out. At this point, Mr. Bin probably wants to smash the machine!

If you want to pass the level perfectly, you must get three gems in the basement, corridor and the two-headed monster BOSS.

And even if you get the gems, if they are not placed in the correct order (red on the left, green on the bottom, blue on the right), you will still fall into the trap and directly game over.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

It was also many years later that I successfully cleared the level by saving and reading files on the emulator. The final BOSS is relatively difficult, and those who have never experienced it will probably have to invest at least twenty game coins!

In fact, there was a game called "Revenge Elf" that was the same back then. Players had to get three keys before they could rescue their girlfriend and get a perfect ending. Otherwise, you have to fight the BOSS hard, and the ending will be sad.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

SNK "Rage"

This should be one of the most player-unfriendly shooting games!

Because in all other shooting games, background explosions do not affect the game characters. Many BOSS are inaccessible initially, but after being killed, you can step on them as you like. Therefore, we often pick up some useful props after the BOSS explodes.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

But "Wrath" breaks this convention, and you are very likely to be taken away directly by explosives in the scene. Many players were taken away by this bunker back then.

Any explosion in "Rage", even a grenade thrown by a teammate, can kill the player. By the way, this design is a bit too much.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

The sequel to "Howling Circle" takes place in hell. Not many people dared to play this one back then.

I didn’t expect Clark and Ralph to have such a highlight moment! At the beginning, players can have a "flame thrower" (actually a rocket launcher) to sweep away enemies along the way.

But as long as you are killed on the way, sorry, you will lose the "flame thrower" after playing again and use the most powerful "soybean bomb".

To what extent is "Soybean Bomb" rubbish? It is of no use in the BOSS battle, it will just bounce off the BOSS.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

In other words, as long as you die in the game, it means that your coin is gone.

Several early shooting games were so shameless. Without good weapons you will be bullied. After all, the AI ​​of the game at that time was relatively low, and the player’s weapon garbage would not make it any less difficult.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

Why is the arcade version of "Contra" not as popular as the FC version? The reason to a large extent is that as long as you lose your best weapon in the arcade version, you lose the basis for survival. Many levels and scenes are simply impossible to pass without good weapons.

SNK also released a shooting game called "Vietnam War 1975" back then. No one could clear it that year. Although the difficulty of

game is high, it is not so difficult that even Coin Master cannot pass it! What's the reason?

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

is because the last level has a setting that makes it difficult for players to pass. As long as you are defeated, the game will be over immediately, and you will not be given the chance to get consecutive coins. This should be relatively rare in the history of arcade games!

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

The final scene is where the BOSS has completely conquered the world, looking at the player with a sly smile.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

So are there any other games that have specially designed some pitfalls for players to step on?

is not afraid of everyone's jokes. When I first played " Metal Slug 4" , I was stuck on the fourth level BOSS. At that time, I just attacked the robot's brain shell. It was only after a long time that I realized that hitting the head was useless and had to be defeated first. The "claws" on top will do.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

What’s even more outrageous is that in other levels, zombies have no natural enemies.

But when you come to this level, all the BOSS's attack methods are effective against zombies. Don't think about just vomiting a few mouthfuls of old blood and passing the level. The BOSS in this level has specially strengthened the zombies' resistance to blood spurting. It would be more convenient to just use the F-bomb.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

The most cheating way to play a shooting game is to die and start over.

No matter how well you played before, if you accidentally get killed and renew your coins, you have to play again from the beginning of the level.

It is said that this problem should not exist in flight shooting games, but you can encounter it in the Japanese versions of Caijing's "1945" and VIDEO SYSTEM's " Shikoku Fighter ".

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

Not all levels are so pitiful. Starting from the fifth level, once you fail halfway, you have to start over if you need to invest coins. This is not a good thing for currency owners and emulator players.

just played this level over and over again, with no possibility of passing it!

BOSS is about to be beaten to death. He can survive by putting two insurances on the field, but he needs to start over from the beginning. Who can accept this?

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

Of course, it is also acceptable for some players. Just think about it, reborn directly in the most dangerous place without firepower is not necessarily a good thing.

In the 2nd and 3rd generations of "Fighter of the Four Kingdoms", the last level is still the same. As long as you put in coins, you have to start over.

Arcade games in the early years were not so user-friendly. After all, the games were very popular at that time, and many wild ideas were dared to be added. In short, no matter how you design it, players will buy it. - DayDayNews

Players with poor skills will never be able to pass the level even if they buy this machine to play. Of course, if 1P and 2P are taken together, this problem will not exist.

arcade has become a piece of history in the development of games, but it has been sought after by nostalgic players for many years.

Today is the world of the post-00s generation, with all kinds of new games emerging one after another.

Players of our generation seem to have lost interest in new games no matter how interesting they are.

After working hard for many years, now that we are thirty years old, we look back and realize that the carefree time in the game arcade was really too luxurious.

Note: Some of the pictures in the article are from the Internet, such as the original author of

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