The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the "King of Fighters" series. As long as we can imagine it, it can basically be realized in "The King of Fighters".

2024/07/0214:24:33 game 1233
The most innovative super special moves in

fighting games seem to come from the " King of Fighters " series.

As long as we can imagine it, it can basically be realized in "The King of Fighters". Many years later, when we got used to seeing 3D fighting games, we discovered that the special effects of the 2D games back then were the most impressive!

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

The super special moves in the "King of Fighters" series can not only deal super high damage, but also have various strange attributes. And these effects are closely related to the character settings. Whenever players use it successfully, the friends around them will exclaim.

Today, the editor will review with you some moves with special effects in the "King of Fighters" series.

Zero Skill Basics

This should be the most domineering skill in the game. Zero Skill Basics + Three Lai's Formation are the "Three Divine Skills" that once sealed Orochi .

The foundation of zero skills once sealed Orochi's blue in that moment, creating an excellent sealing opportunity for Kusanagi Kyo and Iori.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

The special attribute of Zero Skill Foundation is to temporarily make the opponent lose the ability to release special kills and super special kills. In other words, except for ABCD which can be used, none of the other moves can be used. (Original article from Arcade Times has not been published on NetEase, Sina , Sohu and Tencent platforms. If you find it, please report it!)

After all, this is a move to become a god. It is not a piece of cake to deal with mortals! After being hit, the opponent's body will glow.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

As long as Kagura Chizuru appears, she will definitely be able to release the "three magical skills", and the same effect can be achieved in "The King of Fighters 15".

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist

This should be the most terrifying killing move of Ryo Sakazaki!

I estimate that when players see this move for the first time, they will think it is a useless move. The damage is low and it is easy to hit people.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Every character in the game has a halo point, and this trick can just fill up the halo point. These are all trivial matters, the key is that this thing can be connected to other attacks! light attack is confirmed to be fatal.

As long as the technology is good, you can even achieve the effect of unlimited continuous halo. One set of connections will kill you with one hit, and then one set of connections after another with the Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist, the opponent basically has no chance to wake up.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

There are many moves in fighting games that can achieve a stun effect, but the Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist is definitely the most direct.

Moreover, when two people are fighting against each other, the Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist lasts longer and has a higher winning rate.

The Heaven and Earth Overlord Fist has always been Ryo Sakazaki's ultimate must-kill in the late stage, and it became the pinnacle must-kill in "King of Fighters 15".

Every time I released it, a voice came faintly in my ear: "Can you block this punch with twenty years of skill?"

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Light and flashing

Back then, in order to develop the character Kula , SNK fee It took a lot of effort! Give her all the popular resources, and create three extremely popular aids for her as a backup force.

Kula has the most special moves and MAX special moves. The practicality is relatively strong. This "Light Flash" is a little strange, with very low damage and long duration. The most important thing is that the special effect only reduces the opponent's energy.

You must know that we spend two energy to release this skill!

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

This move can only be used for entertainment. It must be released in the air, and the flying distance is very short, so it can be defended. The value is not very high.

Fortunately, this trick was canceled in the later period and replaced with a relatively more practical skill.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the


In "The King of Fighters 2001" FOXY is so powerful that it almost makes the game lose balance. Even in the later version, I didn't dare to let her play. Fortunately, she only appeared as Kula's nanny, otherwise there would be no way for others to survive.

FOXY's flying props can shoot out a needle and temporarily freeze the opponent in place.Ordinary skills can produce this effect, which is very rare!

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

The most powerful move of FOXY is "Bee". The bee will die after nailing someone. Similarly, she will die after being released, but as long as she hits the opponent, she will have the effect of dying together.

If the opponent happened to use three assists, it would be an injustice to eat them.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the


Seth's MAX2 super kill, which can cause people to temporarily lose their sense of direction and become mentally confused.

This trick works on everyone, including Guliza, Ignis, and Lukar.

Even a master would probably panic after being hit!

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Seth's "chaos" is quite regular, up changes to down, left changes to right. If you lose your sense of direction randomly like Ichijo Akira, it will be troublesome.

Of course, there are professional players who can stay calm in the face of disorientation and even perform at normal levels.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Poison Hand Skill

Using poison, who is the first to use it in fighting games? It must be Lin!

After using the ultimate move to catch the opponent, the blood tank instantly changes color. If you fail to counterattack during this period, you will lose a lot of blood.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

This setting seems to be very similar to Fang in "Street Fighter V"!

China's poisonous skills have appeared in many film and television works. They all require that you want to be poisonous, and then all kinds of harm caused by it are also poisonous. This thing can be said to hurt both others and yourself.

In the "Tian Long Ba Bu" back then, Ah Zi stole the sacred tree Wang Ding just to practice poison skills. In addition, the same was true for the martial arts Zhu Er practiced in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword".

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Unbounded "Death World"

has always been curious. Unbounded's super special move is obviously borrowed from Orochi's, full-screen attack effect, and can even immobilize the opponent after being released. This is an ability even better than that of a big snake!

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

But he was completely a clown in the plot. After being defeated by the protagonist group, he never had a chance to appear again. He finally managed to get ahead but was instantly killed by Zhaisi .

It seems that SNK was just looking for a BOSS to replace Orochi and give people a signal that the distant member was stronger.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Arcade has become a piece of history in the development of games, but it has been sought after by nostalgic players for many years.

Today is the world of the post-00 generation, with all kinds of new games emerging one after another.

The most innovative super special moves in fighting games seem to come from the

Players of our generation seem to have already lost interest in new games, no matter how interesting they are.

After working hard for many years, now that we are thirty years old, we look back and realize that the carefree time in the game arcade was really too luxurious.

Note: Some of the pictures in the article are from the Internet, such as intrusion and deletion

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