"World of Warcraft" has confirmed that the "Wrath of the Lich King" nostalgic server will be opened in 2022, and Blizzard has magically modified the classic gameplay of WLK nostalgic server during the B-test stage.

2024/07/0211:23:33 game 1380

Good weekend everyone, this is the Nostalgia Weekly.

[Nostalgic Weekly] is mainly composed of three parts: "Popular Nostalgic Game Updates", "New Nostalgic Games" and "Selected Nostalgic Articles".

Let’s take a look at what’s worth paying attention to this week!

[Popular nostalgic game updates]

World of Warcraft WLK nostalgic server preview, the classic gameplay has been seriously modified!

"World of Warcraft" has confirmed that it will open the "Wrath of the Lich King" classic server in 2022, and Blizzard has made magical changes to the classic gameplay of WLK classic server during the B beta stage.

Magic Modification 1: Can Zero Light Yogg-Saron be beaten with his hands? According to the actual player experience of the current B-test of WLK Classic Server, players only need to wear a set of P1 stage equipment to knock down Yogg-Saron Zero Light with their eyes closed. What is puzzling is that Blizzard designers have also secretly increased the "burst" damage of most professions to make players more enjoyable.

For example, in the TBC classic version, I have been a "sewer" professional punishment rider for several versions. Not only can I share the powerful DPS skill "Blood Seal" in the WLK classic version, but I also retain the "Seal Dance" in terms of skill rotation. "This BUG style of play allows the Punishment Cavalry player to activate Double Seal in a short period of time, causing tons of damage.

Magic Modification 2: WLK Classic Server with an overall reduction in difficulty. During the B-test of WLK Classic Server, dungeons such as NAXX, Obsidian Temple, and Alkavon's Treasure House are no longer as "brave" as they were in the past, and the difficulty of their dungeons has been lowered to varying degrees by designers.

Although these copies have not yet reached the point of being "given for free", compared with the MC and full-skill Hakkar of the classic nostalgic server, and the Kael'thas and Archimonde of the TBC nostalgic server, they are "given for free". It is much more "friendly" and is an "ultimate weakened version" that is more unrestrained than private servers.

The difficulty of various dungeons seems to have been modified. The hot fix patches for professional talents and a large number of server BUFFs that do not belong to the TBC era have not only broken the technical barriers for new players to enter the game and the return of old players, but also made Phoenix, Orange Bow, and Egg Knives, one-of-a-kind rare props, have gradually become "collectibles" that nostalgic old players can buy if they have money.

New career meritorious service! The number of new players in the Korean server "Lost Ark" has skyrocketed! A month-on-month increase of 424%

A few days ago, South Korea's SmileGate RPG stated that its Korean server "Lost Ark" has increased the number of new and returning players, the number of people online at the same time, etc. There has been a substantial increase in indicators.

The official said that from the day of the update to the first weekend, that is, July 10, the number of new players increased by 424% month-on-month, and the number of returning players increased by 392% month-on-month, showing explosive growth. At the same time, the number of people online at the same time increased by 122% month-on-month, and the number of monthly players increased by 118% month-on-month. Most indicators showed substantial growth.

In this regard, officials stated that the Korean server "Lost Ark" achieved this result mainly due to the large-scale summer update. In particular, the "Meteorologist", as the second profession in the "Expert" profession group, resonates with nature and uses various meteorological phenomena such as sunlight, wind, and rain as skills. At the same time, you can also use the "umbrella" as a weapon at close range to suppress the enemy with gorgeous movements.

The ultra-difficult battle "Plunderer's Castle" in "Rocky Heroes " will start on July 19th

The time-distortion battle "Plunderer's Castle" in "Rocky Heroes" will start on July 19th.More threatening than the "Suicide Squad Battle" and the most difficult challenge yet!

As time and space distort, the mysterious existence in the cracks is no longer hidden. The players of "Rocky Heroes" will face the enemy directly, and the battle is about to begin! What awaits you here is the soul predator "Talos" who has ravaged countless souls wantonly. Players who come to challenge will feel his shocking fighting posture.

Since this BOSS has unprecedented aggression and is very cruel, in order to ensure the player's gaming experience, certain conditions are required to enter the battle! The player's character needs to have an attack power/magic attack power of 52,000, a defense power of 29,000, a critical hit of 240, a damage balance of 110, a resistance value of 240, an additional damage of 6,900, and an attack power limit of 4,500.

Except for "Guild Dinner", all status effects will be initialized when entering the battle. Each character can only carry 20 bottles of the highest-level life potion and can only be resurrected once by teammates in the battle when dying (team resurrection feathers cannot be used) ), players who want to enter the "Predator's Castle" battle to face Talos directly should be prepared in advance!

After successfully challenging "Predator's Castle", you can also receive "Time and Space Gift Box: Predator's Castle". After opening it, you will have the opportunity to obtain the new props "Predator's Benchmark" and "Predator's Benchmark Exclusive Enchantment"! "Predator's Benchmark" is divided into four stages. The first three stages can be obtained from the time and space gift box, while the highest level "Predator's Perfect Benchmark" needs to be upgraded by injecting magic power.

The action RPG "Path of Exile" will launch a new expansion pack in August, which will far exceed the scale of "Sentinel"!

On July 15, the developer of the action RPG game "Path of Exile" revealed the release time of the next expansion pack. The new expansion will be launched on the server in the form of "Patch 3.19" on August 12, and the current Watch League will end on August 9. However, the release date could still change if the developers encounter any issues during development. Details of the new expansion pack

will be announced during a live broadcast one week before release. In terms of content, patch 3.19 will improve the later stages of the game, add new challenge leagues, change balance, and a lot of different content. In terms of scale, this new product will surpass the expansion pack "Sentinel" released on May 13.

"Gu Jian Qi Tan Online Edition" is causing trouble, blindfolded with a ribbon and poked the old driver XP, the most casual version in history is completed!

Every year in the middle of the year, "Gu Jian Qi Tan Online Version" will have a big event, and this year is no exception.

html On July 14th, the fourth anniversary of the ancient network, the game launched the summer expansion pack "Emperor's Head Shines", with massive updated content, anniversary celebrations, and super value benefits all piled up in front of players.

The summer expansion pack of "Gu Jian Qi Tan Online Edition" is about to be launched [Click to enter] Cultivation of immortality with girls

Since last year, "Gu Jian Qi Tan Online Edition" launched the most immortal version in history, "Moon Ring Ring", our leisure The journey is about to enter its final chapter. As the trial of the Emperor's Sword gradually deepens, players are about to break through the current Hedao realm and successfully enter the "anti-truth" stage.

The main battlefield of the version, Yulun Xianzang, has also opened the last area - Taitian Tier and Hidden Tier. The new outdoor scenes "Emperor Sword Platform" and "Zhaoji Peak" will also be gradually opened. After a year of many tests, players can finally get a glimpse of the Emperor's Sword.

This time "The Emperor's Head Shines" is the conclusion of the entire ancient network plot 1.0. All the previous power disputes will come to an end this time. In addition to some updated content, "The Emperor's Head Shines" will also include many game contents. Updates and optimizations: re-upgrading of sharing system functions, optimization of equipment configuration plans, updates of gameplay content such as Book of Three Worlds & Collection of Immortals & Qianqiu Play, opening of new immortal mansions and blessed lands, optimization of returning content for old players, etc., activities that are deeply loved by players. "Fat Duck Battle also welcomes its return."

"Super Battle Alliance" updates the third new character who uses wind, and also previews the new ability user to be launched in the second half of this year!

The Korean server "Super Battle Alliance" owned by the Korean game company Neople updated a new esper (game character) "Greta of Airflow" on the 14th of this month.

"Greta", as the third person with the ability to use wind, can use the wind to strengthen the spear, or turn the wind into a horse and use it in battle. Therefore, "Greta" is a model based on fast maneuverability and good at sneak attacks. Melee DPS from the rear. From the video released at the press conference, you can see the story of "Greta" who joined the Suicide Squad in order to save her missing sister.

"Greta" can use the resources collected after moving a certain distance to improve. Movement speed and attack range. Its ultimate skill is to mount the wind in the form of a horse and use the power of wind to sweep away enemies.

At the same time, the energy it possesses can be used up to the third stage. For a period of time, the energy will not decrease when it is fully charged, and more ferocious battles can be launched.

At the same time, at the press conference, the development team leader also said that there will be a new battle for each player in "Super Battle Alliance". The character adds a second ultimate skill. First of all, the new ultimate skills of the two characters will be updated in September this year, and new ultimate skills will be added to the selected characters every quarter. Secondly, new abilities that will be launched in the second half of this year are also previewed. Named "Bastian".

[New nostalgic game]

" Zhuxian World " Qingyun Sect broke the news: controlling the flying sword is far better than attacking

"Zhuxian World" has brought the latest news. The profession introduced this time is Qingyun. . Qingyun uses a flying sword as a weapon to attack single/group targets at a distance.

Qingyun uses a flying sword to attack single targets from a distance. The target launches an attack and can draw thunder with the sword, using the spread of thunder and lightning to cause large-scale damage.

Qingyun uses some skills to obtain Dao Yuan. When the Dao Yuan value reaches a certain amount, he can choose to enter the Thunder Yuan burst state. This state will The Dao Yuan value will be continuously consumed, and some skills will be strengthened. The enhanced skills will be released and a lightning strike mark will be added to the damaged target.

Qingyun Sect has a long history, and it has been established for more than two thousand years. Before, Qingyunzi found the Zhuxian Sword and an unknown ancient scroll in Huanyue Cave, created the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and based on this formation, founded the Qingyun Sect.

Since then, Qingyun Sect has gradually declined, until Qingye, the eleventh generation descendant, practiced in seclusion in Huanyue Cave. After comprehending the ancient scrolls, his Taoism greatly increased, and for a time, Qingyun Sect became famous all over the world. Qingyun Sect became very popular and gradually became a world-wide cultivation sect. head.

"DNF Mobile Game" has released the update notice for the second half of the year, and the original profession has been revealed!

A few days ago, NEXON announced the update plan for the second half of its "Dungeon and Fighter Mobile" (hereinafter referred to as DNF mobile game). The content disclosed this time is a preview of updates that will be carried out on a one-month cycle starting in July after the release of the Ghost Sword at the end of June.

"DNF Mobile Game" will carry out various updates to help the characters grow from July to September. Through these updates, players can naturally become stronger by playing dungeons.

First of all, the difficulty mode of "Apostle Lotus", the representative copy of "DNF Mobile Game", will be updated in July. Although "Arrival: Lotus" requires very high magic resistance and proficiency, players can gain a higher sense of accomplishment through this copy. At the same time, although it requires higher abilities than the existing "Rotus" copy, it uses new attack types and interpretations.

Secondly, the new dungeon "Black Earth Battlefield" is available as the dungeon before "Advent: Lotus", with three difficulties.Players can choose the difficulty according to the character's magic resistance, and can choose between ordinary BOSS and cracked BOSS to defeat each one.

At the same time, a new system called "Corruption Value" will be added to "Black Earth Battlefield". Monsters will be strengthened through the "corruption value".

Thirdly, "World BOSS Feito" is different from the existing World BOSS that can only be fought in a team. It can be attacked alone.

Fourth, the new profession " Priest (Male)" will be launched in August, following "Priest (Female)". It is a profession that can attack and support at the same time. Through powerful BUFF skills, in the group Help teammates in team battles and dungeons. The career change of "Priest (Male)" is " Blue Fist Holy Envoy ", which has a fast attack speed and can carry out continuous attacks.

On the other hand, you can also see the level cap increase that will be launched from September, the new profession "Warrior" unique to "DNF Mobile Game", as well as linkage activities and other content. At the same time, the remaining "Priest (Female)" will be launched in December and will be transferred to heresy inquisitors, seducers, witches, etc.

" Ragnarok " celebrates its 20th anniversary and will launch 3 new IP works

Not long ago, the Korean game company Gravity released a behind-the-scenes video of the 20th anniversary promotional video for "Ragnarok". Korean comedian Lee Eun-ji participated in the filming of the 20th anniversary promotional video. Through the behind-the-scenes video, you can see the scenes where Lee Eun-ji participated in the filming, as well as the introduction to the 20th anniversary of "Ragnarok".

It is reported that the 20th anniversary promotional video will be a remake of the 2003 advertising video for the first anniversary of "Ragnarok" landing in South Korea (at the time, Lee Hyori starred). At the same time, in order to improve the similarity with previous advertising videos, the production team not only found a bus, but also prepared details such as clothing, hairstyle, and makeup that are reminiscent of the early 2000s.

On the other hand, in order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the launch of the PC game "Ragnarok", Gravity will hold a "Twenty Years Old Ragnarok" commemorative event on July 31.

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