The first time I came into contact with the term "Heaven and Earth is useless" was when I saw a cartoon of the same name when I was in elementary school. At that time, I felt that this word was quite domineering, and that heaven and earth were useless in front of me.

2024/07/0214:53:32 game 1842

The first time I came into contact with the term "Heaven and Earth is useless" was when I saw a cartoon of the same name when I was in elementary school.

At that time, I felt that this word was quite domineering, and heaven and earth were useless in front of me. But after watching the animation, I still don’t know what “Heaven and Earth are useless” means. Does it mean that the male protagonist is relatively useless?

The first time I came into contact with the term

I remember when I was composing words in primary school, I made up "Heaven and Earth are useless", and I got a big fork.

years later, I played " Heroes of the Three Kingdoms " on my computer. At this time, "Heaven and Earth are useless" has become one of the most valuable special moves. It seems that only top intelligence generals can have it! Both Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang can use it.

The first time I came into contact with the term

The first time I came into contact with the term

When choosing whether to keep someone:

will not make the world useless, so behead him;

will not be dancing with ghosts and gods, so behead him;

will not be howling, so behead him;

will not be howling like ghosts, so behead him.

The first time I came into contact with the term

In the middle and late stages of the game, it is useless to seize the opportunity to release Heaven and Earth once. The opponent's troops will basically lose two-thirds, and then use a small skill at random to clear the troops. The most overbearing thing about Tiandi Wuwu is not only clearing troops, but also the damage it causes to enemy generals cannot be underestimated.

After playing the game, we will get excited whenever we hear "Heaven and Earth are useless". It feels like this is a very overbearing term and vocabulary.

It was also many years later that I suddenly looked up this term on a whim, and the answer I got almost shocked my jaw. Because "Heaven and Earth are useless" was originally used as a warning on express delivery!

この面を上に↑↑ (This side is up↑↑)

Reversed さま厳 forbidden ↑↑ (Inversion is strictly prohibited ↑↑)

This Side Up ↑↑ (This side is up ↑↑)

天地无用↑↑| (Please do not invert ↑↑ )

are the warnings we often see on cardboard boxes.

means in Japanese: Please don’t deliver the package upside down.

The first time I came into contact with the term

In addition, there is a relatively famous fighting game on Saturn called "Original Opinion Useless", which basically means ", don't be so nonsense. Come on! "


I guess many friends have come across: " Dynasty Warriors ", "Warring States Warriors Series", "Warriors Orochi Series", "One Piece Warriors Series", "Gundam Warriors", " Zelda Warriors ", "Warrior Warriors 3 Ultimate Edition"...

These more exciting lawn mowing game coins, with one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand scenes, make every player Have fun!

The first time I came into contact with the term

So, what did you think of when you first heard the word Wushuang? What exactly does it mean?

Wushuang literally means unparalleled in the world. In the game, one man is in charge of the barrier and ten thousand men are unable to break it. He kills enemies wantonly in a scene. All enemy soldiers are like ants. Therefore, this type of game is also called "mowing the grass". game". The unparalleled mode is the mowing mode.

The first time I came into contact with the term

In addition, there is also the familiar saying "one ride is worth a thousand", which means a very brave and good warrior. The editor vaguely remembers a cartoon called "One Rider Counts a Thousand", but I didn't watch it much back then, so I don't know what the content is. Anyone who has seen it can tell me if it’s good or not!

Tenka Bubu

When it comes to "Tenka Bubu", the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is naturally Oda Nobunaga. Because this political theory was proposed by him, in any game or film and television work in which he appeared, he mentioned the world's military deployment. After all, this is the concept of the era.

The first time I came into contact with the term

Tenkabubu, according to Oda Nobunaga’s explanation, is to conquer the enemy by force and ultimately achieve unification of the world. Just like: If the cuckoo doesn't crow, I will kill it.

finally achieved national unification through forceful suppression. The and Qin Shihuang of those days did this.

The use of force all over the world is not only a means of force, but also a political means. It is a slogan used to usher in a new era.

The first time I came into contact with the term

Oda Nobunaga changed the name of his base to "Gifu", which borrowed from King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty "Fengming Qishan". He regarded himself as orthodox. Only in this way can he win the hearts of the people and make full preparations for his future domination of the world.

According to research by scholars, the term "Tianxiabuwu" originally came from "The Chunqiu Zuo Shi Zhuan", which originally meant "Only those with seven virtues can rule the world." "The Martial Arts of the Seven Virtues" means "the deployment of martial arts in the world".

Nowadays, many games have added this term, such as "Shogun 2 Tenkabubu" and "Three Kingdoms Tenkabubu".


What is Geese’s ultimate kill?

Fighting Storm and Rashomon are definitely the most representative special moves and are used in almost all versions.

Regardless of the version, Rashomon will definitely take away more than half of the opponent's health, which is similar to the existence of command throws.

The first time I came into contact with the term

So, what does Rashomon mean?

In the game, "Rashomon" refers to the "Gate of Hell". This is used to bring out the power of Gith's moves. After the opponent hits, life wanders between the world and hell.

The first time I came into contact with the term

Now that Geese has lost his aura, players can no longer feel his terror! Even his status of existence is inferior to that of Lukar.

You must know that in the early days of "Hungry Wolf" his status was similar to that of Lukar in the later stages, and the moves and skills he used were relatively domineering. Gale Fist, Gale Fist, Fighting Storm, Rashomon, Tiger Killing Palm, Death Roar, Asura Gale Fist, Evil Shadow Fist... every move is a fatal move, whether as BOSS or optional The characters all have a relatively strong aura.

has even shadowed Terry, resulting in the Nightmare Geese.

The first time I came into contact with the term

So, what else is more interesting about "Chinese"?

"SPIKEOUT" "Sharp Attack"

The signboard says: Madam, please save it for you

The first time I came into contact with the term

Let's have fun

The first time I came into contact with the term

Three-day boss, " Ace Attorney 3" appeared in Toranosuke's office, which means three days of fishing Posted on the Internet for two days

Japan's first, Mai Shiranui's declaration after her victory. Although she may not be the strongest woman in the "King of Fighters " series, her popularity in the minds of players is definitely "Japan's No. 1"

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Seriousness, Teacher Saitama's series of special moves Seriousness in "One Punch Man" are generally only used against opponents who are elite monsters or above. The most ferocious move is called Seriousness Piston. Even if the opponent has superpowers, he can only surrender.

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