1. What should I do to make her notice me? 2. Is there any dish that you can eat for a month without getting tired of it? 3. I am a doctor and I have the final say. 4. It’s late at night, so my girlfriend can’t wait. What should I do if I leave? 5. Fishing with the leader is also

1. What should I do to make her notice me?

2. What dish can you recommend that you won’t get tired of eating for a month?

3. I am a doctor, and I have the final say.

4. It’s late at night, and my girlfriend can’t wait. What should I do if I leave?

5. Fishing with the leader is also a relaxing thing.

6. I thought that the beating was a physical pain, but I didn’t expect that what you experienced was a life and death disaster.

7. How many times can you break the arm stick in one breath? I went hiking this morning and suddenly saw this. What should I do?

9. I think it doesn’t matter whether my sister is beautiful or not. The important thing is to have a sister. Otherwise, how do I know if she is beautiful?

10. How should I get along with her if I meet her on the subway? Let’s start a conversation

11. Netizens don’t teach you to cover other people’s mouths and touch them.

12. It’s true that he has no money, but your beauty is fake.

13. I just bought a durian and it smelled bad when I opened it. How do people eat? Is it really a profiteer?

14. Is there any difference between mass-selling KTV and other KTVs?

15. My girlfriend is not good-looking but is very nice to me. What should I do?

16. Is it possible that you are overthinking?

17. Yes, the netizens are right.

18. Is this forgivable?

19. Did my brother forget to block me?

20. Times have changed. It’s not too much to wear some equipment.

21. The most disgusting thing you have ever done as a couple. What's the matter

22. Look at the seats of this car. This car is not simple.

23. Women must go to heaven and go to the kitchen.

I made a mistake. Repost

24. My child's grades are not good. The teacher asked me to talk to him. Educational issues, what should I pay attention to

Happy moments:

1, My girlfriend got lost while climbing a mountain and was teased by monkeys. She gave birth a few months later, and her boyfriend waited anxiously outside the delivery room. Finally the doctor came out. Husband: Are mother and son safe? Doctor: Everything is safe. Husband: Boy or girl? Doctor: I don’t know. He ran away before he could see clearly after he was born. Now he is still sitting on the chandelier and refuses to come down.

2, Keep a low profile. I live on an earth that is more than 4 billion years old, and I am basking in the sun that is more than 5 billion years old?! I ride the subway worth tens of millions every day, do you see me showing off? Tiantian maintains a cooperative relationship with China Unicom, the largest communications company, and has long-term business dealings with the world chain company Wal-Mart . Even the computer I use is a system designed for me by Bill Gates himself. Am I showing off? Low-key, low-key, low-key, you must be low-key, do you understand?

3, On weekends, Xiao Zhang went to his good friend Xiao Li’s house to play games together. After Xiao Zhang met Xiao Li, he saw that Xiao Li had a bad look on his face, so he jokingly said: "What's wrong? What's the expression on his face?" Seeing that Xiao Li didn't say anything, he joked again: "Brother, I'm going to You said, if someone bullies you, you will repay him, we are not..." Xiao Li interrupted him and said, "I can't bite you." Xiao Zhang asked in confusion, "What?" Xiao Li replied: "I was bitten by a dog."

4, A good friend is broken up in love and is in an extremely bad mood. I took the time to visit him today. He plays Landlords on his home computer.I sat next to him and tried to persuade him without saying a word! ! He didn't talk much. After a while, I watched him play a card. It was a pair of 3s, but he only played a 3! ! I asked "why"! He stared at the screen and said without looking back, "A pair is a pair if you break it up!"

5, Once a blind date girl asked you if you have a house: Yes , then do you have a car: Yes , you How much is the monthly salary: Fifteen thousand , that's not bad. Then the man asked: "Do you have a house? Do you have a car? How much is the monthly salary?" The girl said: "I have no house, no car and a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan." , hey: "Girl, you don't know what it means to be well-matched, right?" So the guy stood up and left, leaving the girl alone in a mess.