[Humorous Joke] My husband accidentally sprained his foot on the way to buy me fried chicken. I feel very guilty. I have been serving him delicious food for the past half month. My husband was finally able to go out today. As soon as he walked to the park, an old man came over an

[Humorous Joke] My husband accidentally sprained his foot on the way to buy me fried chicken. I feel very guilty. I have been serving him delicious food for the past half month. My husband was finally able to go out today. As soon as he walked to the park, an old man came over and asked him: Young man, can you still play shuttlecock? I endured my dissatisfaction and told him: What did you say? He just recovered from his ankle sprain, how could he kick the shuttlecock ! Uncle: I know, that day we were playing shuttlecock, and he came over and insisted on getting involved, so he sprained himself!

[Humorous Joke] When I was studying at Northeast Normal University , I fell in love with the school sweetheart. One day, we were wandering around in RT-Mart , , and we were bumped into by my dad. When I got home in the evening, my dad said to me: Daughter, you were wearing the 1,500-yuan skirt that dad bought you, and you were eating fried stinky tofu for 3 yuan with that kid on the street. I stewed it in a pot. The good meat was stolen by the dog! I was speechless immediately. Dad, am I your biological child?

[Humorous Joke] Tonight’s class reunion, I am a face-saving person, so I rented a Porsche 911 for 500 yuan. After dinner, the school beauty I once had a crush on asked me to drive her home. After entering the community, the school beauty said to me: You can't get out without the access card, not to mention it started to rain, otherwise you shouldn't go back. I said, "What if I don't go back? I've been waiting at the door. I'm afraid no one has left or left the community yet?" Don't worry about me, just go inside. Now that I'm sober, I always feel like I'm missing something!

[Humorous Joke] My brother-in-law was so confused by the widow in the village that he couldn't help himself. Later, he married the widow but ignored his daughter-in-law. When my wife saw my brother like this, she worried that I would be like this in the future. Last night, my wife snuggled into my arms and said, "Why do most men always hold their girlfriends in their hands and mouths when they are talking about a partner, but after they get married, they often step on their wives?" Me: "Golden List" After the inscription, how many people have you seen who don’t use books as wipes?”

[Humorous joke] I worked overtime very late yesterday and didn’t make it to the meeting the next day. The boss called and said that several customers were coming to the company and asked me to come over immediately. I hurriedly washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed my shoes. I felt a little cold, so I found a pair of thick insoles. As soon as I put one down, the phone rang again, so I put the other one in my pocket while answering the phone. I went to the company to exchange business cards with customers, and I took out an insole... Boss, I didn't mean to embarrass you...

[Humorous Joke] After working for three years, I bought a ten-year-old car with my hard-earned money. Unexpectedly, the Bashou Wuling Hongguang was rear-ended on the first day it was driven out, so it had to be taken to the 4S shop for repairs. The next day I took the subway to work. There were too many people and I was stepped on by a girl’s high heels. The girl who stepped on me apologized to me repeatedly and said: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, otherwise you can step on me again! Tsk tsk, a grown man like me is wearing personal flip-flops, how can I step on your feet in front of everyone? So, I took out my soccer spike shoes from the bag I brought with me.

[Humorous Joke] My father-in-law is very addicted to cigarettes and smokes at least five packs of cigarettes a day. His mother-in-law was worried about his health and asked him to quit smoking. In order to convince the mother-in-law, the father-in-law wrote a special guarantee letter, which probably stated that he would never smoke. If he dared to do so, he would give the mother-in-law 3,000 yuan if he smoked one. After being fined 30,000 yuan, my father-in-law couldn't help but smoke another cigarette. Looking at the mother-in-law holding the guarantee letter, the father-in-law could no longer bear it. He was so disgusted that he snatched it away. When he took a closer look, it turned out to be a blank piece of paper. It turned out that the guarantee letter had been lost a long time ago...

[Humorous Joke] The female boss looked at it during his internship at Jiaduobao I was promoted to private secretary. In order to facilitate my work, I moved into the female boss's villa. Some time ago, the female boss planned to lose weight and asked me to supervise her. It was 12 o'clock last night, and I suddenly heard something moving in the kitchen, so I got up to look. I happened to see the female boss opening the refrigerator and eating cake secretly. Me: Boss, didn’t you say you planned to lose weight? Female boss: I’m just having tomorrow’s breakfast. Do you want to join me?