Some people say that men are like strong wine and must be drunk, while women are like red wine and must be tasted. Lao Li's son, Xiao Li, has the same temperament as his father, stubborn. Lao Li had no friends in his life and kept to himself. The main reason was his straightforwa

2024/07/0114:02:32 funny 1439

Some people say that men are like strong wine, they need to be drunk, and women are like red wine, they need to be tasted.

Lao Li's son, Xiao Li, has the same temperament as his father, stubborn.

Lao Li has no friends in his life and keeps to himself. The main reason is his straight character and bad temper.

Some people say that men are like strong wine and must be drunk, while women are like red wine and must be tasted. Lao Li's son, Xiao Li, has the same temperament as his father, stubborn. Lao Li had no friends in his life and kept to himself. The main reason was his straightforwa - DayDayNews

Xiao Li is in his 30s and has no partner. Which girl is willing to marry a man who makes an argument every time he talks? Even the matchmaker is not willing to step through the door of his house. Although Xiao Li is essentially a kind and honest person, his workplace is not bad.

The summer before last year, Lao Li's house was suddenly decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and Xiao Li finally got a wife.

Neighbors whispered and all agreed that the girl was kept in the dark and had no idea about the situation in Lao Li's family. Or maybe the lard blinded the heart and fell into the mud puddle for a while. We firmly believe that it will never come to an end.

After some time, I don’t know whether it was out of curiosity or because I wanted to verify the previous conclusion. Aunts who always like to make trouble when they have nothing to do. Staring at Lao Li's house every day. It is predicted that within a few days there will be quarrels and quarrels, and people will turn their backs on the ground.

Some people say that men are like strong wine and must be drunk, while women are like red wine and must be tasted. Lao Li's son, Xiao Li, has the same temperament as his father, stubborn. Lao Li had no friends in his life and kept to himself. The main reason was his straightforwa - DayDayNews

A month has passed, and Lao Li's family is quiet and nothing happened.

The curious aunts couldn’t bear their temper and tried their best to find out the inside story. The strange thing is that Lao Li is nowhere to be seen in the courtyard.

Half a year has passed, and Xiao Li is in and out, and he is inseparable from his wife. What's even more strange is that Xiao Li, who doesn't like to talk and is used to keeping a straight face, started to say hello to the aunts in the courtyard with a smile. The aunts were confused. After tea and dinner, there were all kinds of speculations.

Everyone agreed that Xiao Li's wife was a capable person, the kind of capable person who could subjugate demons and monsters.

Some people say that men are like strong wine and must be drunk, while women are like red wine and must be tasted. Lao Li's son, Xiao Li, has the same temperament as his father, stubborn. Lao Li had no friends in his life and kept to himself. The main reason was his straightforwa - DayDayNews

As the Chinese New Year was approaching, Lao Li appeared in the small courtyard. It feels like a different person, with a smile on his face, taking the initiative to chat with people, listening more and talking less. Amiable. The aunts went straight to the point and asked why this temperament suddenly changed?

Lao Li smiled and slowly revealed the reason: to marry a fairy wife.

The most amazing thing about Xiao Li’s wife is that she never has a bad temper and has a charming smile. Like a clear water, no matter how stormy it is, you can still accept it calmly. What's more valuable is that he is not only good to Xiao Li, but also to Lao Li. Lao Li's legs and feet were not good, so Xiao Li's wife contacted a nursing home in Hainan. During the past six months, Lao Li maintained his health and cultivated his mind and tempered his nature. He saw a lot and realized a lot.

Some people say that men are like strong wine and must be drunk, while women are like red wine and must be tasted. Lao Li's son, Xiao Li, has the same temperament as his father, stubborn. Lao Li had no friends in his life and kept to himself. The main reason was his straightforwa - DayDayNews

"It would be great for an old man like me to live for a few more days. It would be great to live happily every day. My daughter-in-law is so sensible, so what else can I be angry about!" Lao Li sighed.

"Being nice to your parents is more heart-warming than being nice to me." A year later, Xiao Li, who talked a lot, said while chatting in the courtyard.

Women who are considerate and sincere to their parents-in-law are the heart-warming treasures of men.

A warm-hearted woman is like red wine. The better the product, the more inseparable it becomes.

Some people say that men are like strong wine and must be drunk, while women are like red wine and must be tasted. Lao Li's son, Xiao Li, has the same temperament as his father, stubborn. Lao Li had no friends in his life and kept to himself. The main reason was his straightforwa - DayDayNews

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