# Summer Film Appraisal Officer# Zhou She, Ouyang Xu, Shen Ruzhuo are the villains in Menghualu, and Chi Yanei is actually one of them, but because he brings his own laugh every time he appears, everyone ignores him "Evil", but I still like him a little bit. But if you look close

2024/05/0418:55:33 funny 1150

# Summer Film Appraisal Officer# Zhou She, Ouyang Xu, Shen Ruzhuo are the villains in Menghualu, and Chi Yanei is actually one of them, but because he brings his own laugh every time he appears, everyone ignores him

But if you look closely at some of his actions, they are also hateful.

1 Don't let Zhang Haohao tell Pan'er that Shen Ruzhuo is a human being

After entering the Jiaofang work with Zhang Yinzhang, she and Zhang Haohao got along very happily at first, and the two had a good relationship.

When Shen Ruzhuo was dating Yinzhang alone, Zhang Haohao and Chi Yanei saw it. At that time, Zhang Haohao planned to tell Paner that Shen Ruzhuo was not a good person and not to be fooled by Yinzhang.

was blocked by Chi Yanei.

At that time, he hated Pan'er deeply because Pan'er beat him in Cuju and embarrassed him in front of so many subordinates. Therefore, Chi Yanei held a grudge and would not let Zhang properly help Pan'er and the sisters.

# Summer Film Appraisal Officer# Zhou She, Ouyang Xu, Shen Ruzhuo are the villains in Menghualu, and Chi Yanei is actually one of them, but because he brings his own laugh every time he appears, everyone ignores him

You must know that Yin Zhang almost lost his virginity and was sold by Shen Ruzhuo.

Chi Yanei obviously knows Shen Ruzhuo's character as well as Hao Hao, but because of his hatred, he doesn't help Pan'er.

If Yin Zhang was really sold by Shen Ruzhuo, Chi Yanei could also be considered an accomplice.

knew that there was something illegal and his words could help a girl, but he chose to ignore it.

Just like in " Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of Homes ", when the heirloom is having trouble with luck, he touches and tears his clothes. Other companions not only do not stop him, but also prevent others from coming to save him. They are not good people and should be punished.

2 Let Pan'er kowtow and dance, and be her best friend

Because she didn't see the three thousand guan given by Gu Qianfan, Pan'er had to borrow money from Chi Yanei in order to buy a restaurant.

# Summer Film Appraisal Officer# Zhou She, Ouyang Xu, Shen Ruzhuo are the villains in Menghualu, and Chi Yanei is actually one of them, but because he brings his own laugh every time he appears, everyone ignores him

When Chi Yanei saw Pan'er coming to beg him, he looked a bit like a villain.

first kowtowed to him three times to borrow money, but Pan'er kowtowed, and he said no, and asked Pan'er to dance for her.

Pan'er danced, and he began to be sarcastic and sarcastic again, and even asked Pan'er to be his sweetheart.

These practices in Chiyamen are just like villains.

3 He Si was beaten and kicked

When Pan'er hired He Si and others to complain in front of Ouyang Xu's house, Chi Yanei came to find out and blamed He Si for ganging up on Pan'er. He Si said something he didn't like to hear. With just one kick, He Si was kicked to the ground. After that, Chi Yanei sat on He Si again and started beating and scolding him.

# Summer Film Appraisal Officer# Zhou She, Ouyang Xu, Shen Ruzhuo are the villains in Menghualu, and Chi Yanei is actually one of them, but because he brings his own laugh every time he appears, everyone ignores him

Although some of Chi Yanei's behaviors are childish, he is thirty years old and is by no means innocent.

If you put aside his funny elements, what he did is very abhorrent.

also hate each other. When Pan'er saw the official bullying Chi Yanei, he stood up and sought justice. Looking at Chi Yanei again, he didn't have this idea.

The only difference between him and others like Ouyang Xu is that he still has a bottom line.

From the moment Pan'er put aside his grudges to help him resist, he was saved by Pan'er.

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