"I accidentally saw my girlfriend's phone, should I break up?" I laughed crazy haha

2021/10/1223:14:08 funny 1418

Give it a name, just call it: crowded bus.

Interesting, I want to have a taste of it.

What if he is really a vagrant?

Or if you transfer me another 20,000 yuan every month, it will be regarded as a salary, and being the boss by myself, I still don't feel happy.

The boss came to the kitchen and asked: What about the two bastards? Chef: Those two bastard ran away.

Are you afraid of the lock being stolen? What a clever thing.

In the first year, I went to my mother-in-law’s house to cook. I added salt vigorously, but I haven’t even let me cook.

The car logo collided and even the exhaust pipe collided.

Bite it, anyway, it doesn't understand words. How about

? Are you surprised or surprised?

What do you want to wear more glamorous than Mr Tang? Don't want to mix up?

500 is fine, it is indeed between 5 and 10 million yuan.

If you put on a wire rope, you won’t be able to travel around the world.

Go home? I'm afraid I'll have my life to go back, but I'm not allowed to come out.

I often smile, and immediately there are parentheses.

9000-900=8900? Let's talk about it if you understand it.

Teacher: Say, did you do it on purpose.

Just say: all the food at home has been eaten by rats. It is a miracle that I can survive. Pigs are thinner and normal.

I haven't eaten this kind of melon for a long time.

I accidentally saw my girlfriend's phone, should I break up?

I don’t know what to tell, do you know which is the title of the song and which is the singer?

Extreme pulling.

The choice is the same, anyway, it is wrong. If you don't let you choose 10 minutes, can you get through?

What kind of designer is in order to have such a wonderful creativity.

Sorry, too.

There is always someone waiting for me anytime! Is it Hades?

You can buy a cow directly,Drink fresh every day.

At first I thought it was a king, but I didn't expect it to be bronze.

What exactly is being tested? I don't understand at all. It seems that I have no life as a civil servant.

One question every day. How many people are there in the car? Be smart, write down the answer quickly. See who is the fastest.


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