Recently, it has been revealed that there is always a strange smell in the air in Huludao. It smells like sweet almonds, and the smell will change with the wind direction of the day. Sometimes it smells like sweet almonds in the morning, but it smells like sweet almonds in the af

Recently, Huludao was exposed. There is always a strange smell in the air. It smells like sweet almonds , and the smell will change with the wind direction of the day. Sometimes it smells like sweet almonds in the morning. The taste actually turned into chocolate in the afternoon, and occasionally there was a feeling of various flavors mixed together. It sounds like it smells good, but it's actually not safe.

According to local residents, the strange smell floating in the air is actually problematic. If you don’t take some precautionary measures outdoors, you may even have numb lips after smelling these smells for a long time, which is a symptom of rhinitis . Therefore, local residents even have to wear gas masks before going out. If they go out without taking any protective measures, it will be as if they have been strangled by the neck and it will be difficult to breathe. And even if you wear a gas mask, you will still find black substances in your nostrils, which is very harmful to the body.

There is a strange smell outside, so is it safe to stay at home? No, according to local residents, even if they stay at home and close the windows, there will still be odor from outside drifting into the house through the gaps in the house. It is so severe that they cannot take off the mask when sleeping at night until it is almost necessary. Only when you are asleep can you take off the mask while half asleep and half awake. As for opening windows for ventilation? I don't dare to do this at all, because the smell outside is even stronger than inside the home, and it causes more discomfort to people.

According to local residents, it has just rained in Huludao in the past few days, but the smell in the air has not diminished, and even many small bugs on the ground lost their lives after twitching for a few times. This is nothing like being exposed to rain. This is simply spraying pesticides, which will cause serious damage to the local ecological chain.

According to the investigation, the source of the odor in Huludao was a fire in a warehouse storing hazardous waste in the local Beigang Industrial Zone. Since the fire, the air near in Beigang Industrial Zone, Huludao, has begun to be filled with a strange smell. The smell cannot be dissipated to this day, and even the rain cannot extinguish the smell. In early March this year, the factory started the disposal of dangerous goods in stock after the accident. However, because it was impossible to completely close the operation, these dangerous goods Volatile gases are always being released during the treatment process, which results in the odor in the surrounding area never being able to dissipate.

Although the transfer of the company's hazardous materials to other hazardous wastes for disposal was basically completed in April, the smell still affects surrounding residents. So some reporters launched an in-depth investigation. Later, we discovered that three local hazardous chemicals processing companies all had environmental protection problems of one kind or another. This was the root cause of the spread of harmful gases in Huludao.

Liaoning Province has now launched a special law enforcement action against environmental protection issues in Huludao, and conducted a major inspection of existing industrial projects in Huludao. A total of 21 companies have been inspected, and a total of 31 problems have been found and rectified. The companies are strictly supervised for rectification. Give me a clean sky, clean water and soil.