The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga

2024/07/0222:39:33 food 1386

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed dishes, which are also rich in ingredients, but can be farther away from the kitchen fire ~

Recipe directory for this issue:

Steamed eggplant with minced meat , King oyster mushrooms Steamed chicken nuggets, steamed pork ribs with garlic, and steamed eggs with clams , steamed eggs with minced meat, steamed sea bass ; steamed bacon with edamame, steamed duck, steamed vermicelli and garlic shrimp.

Steamed eggplant with minced meat

Picture and text author | Xiao Xiaoduohe Baozi

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews


2 red tomatoes, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 shallots, 2 salt /3 teaspoon, 1 tbsp of Vida Premium Oyster Sauce, 2 tbsp of June Fresh Premium Original Soy Sauce, 1 tbsp of peanut oil, 1 tbsp of chopped pepper.


The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Main materials.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Wash and chop the lean meat.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Put the minced meat into a small bowl and add minced ginger and garlic.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add half a teaspoon of salt.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Squeeze about 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add 1-2 tablespoons of peanut oil. Then mix well.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Wash the eggplant, cut both ends into strips or slices or cubes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

. Pour the sauce prepared above on the eggplant.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews0. Boil a pot of water and steam the eggplant for 10-15 minutes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews1. After the eggplant is steamed, sprinkle with chopped green onion and simmer for one minute.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews2. After tasting it, I felt that the taste was a bit bland, so I added a little more chopped pepper to make it look nice and flavorful.


The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Because eggplants tend to oxidize and turn black after being cut, so prepare the ingredients first before cutting the eggplants. Slice, strip, and dice as you like.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. The steaming time varies with the amount of ingredients. When the amount is small, 10 minutes is enough. For such a large plate, I steamed it for 15 minutes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. The seasoning can be adjusted according to your own preferences.

Steamed Chicken Nuggets with Pleurotus eryngii

Author of picture and text | RLing

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews


One free-range chicken, two Pleurotus eryngii mushrooms, salt amount, appropriate amount of pepper, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, and a little cooking oil.


The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Wash the chicken, chop it into pieces and put it into a large bowl.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add appropriate amount of salt, pepper, light soy sauce and a little cooking oil and marinate for about four hours (refrigerate).

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Wash the king oyster mushroom and cut into pieces.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Put it in a plate and add a little salt and stir evenly.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Put the king oyster mushrooms in the bottom of the bowl, put the chicken pieces on top, electric pressure cooker add water and steam.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Turn on the power and press the meat button to operate.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. When the time is up, the chicken has been stewed and the aroma is fragrant.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Finished product picture.


Marinate the chicken nuggets with seasonings for a delicious taste! No need to add water, the electric pressure cooker steams with steam water (a small amount of soup tastes better)! Extremely delicious and nutritious, perfect for hot summer!

Garlic steamed pork ribs

author of pictures | , appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, appropriate amount of corn starch, appropriate amount of peanut oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of light soy sauce .


The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Chop the ribs into pieces, wash them with flour and set aside.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Wash the garlic and appropriate amount of ginger, flatten and chop into small pieces.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Place the ribs on the plate.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add minced garlic and ginger.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add appropriate amount of corn starch, oyster sauce, light soy sauce and salt and mix well.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add appropriate amount of peanut oil, mix well and let it sit for about 30 minutes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Place the ribs on a plate.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Bring water to a boil and steam over high heat for about 20 minutes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

. Sprinkle with chopped green onion before serving.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews0. Finished product.

clam steamed egg

picture and text author | どう

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

raw material:

clam appropriate amount, three eggs, appropriate amount of purified water, one chopped green onion, a little salt, 3 ml of light soy sauce.


The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Boil the clams and set aside.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Beat three eggs, add a little salt and mix well.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Filter and set aside, then mix the eggs evenly according to a ratio of 1:2.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Arrange clams on a plate and add egg paste.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Steam in a pot over high heat for 12 minutes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Dry soy sauce on the surface.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Finished product, sprinkle with chopped green onion.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Finished product.

steamed egg with minced meat

author of pictures and text | The right amount, the right amount of eggs, the right amount of chopped green onion, the right amount of peanut oil, the right amount of salt, the right amount of light soy sauce.


The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Wash, peel and chop the front leg meat and set aside.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Spread minced meat evenly on the plate.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Use a spoon to press lightly in the middle and break in the eggs.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Bring water to a boil and steam over high heat for about 8 to 10 minutes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. After steaming, pour a small amount of peanut oil.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Pour in a small amount of light soy sauce and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Finished product.

Steamed sea bass

Author of pictures and text | Chen·Yu

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews


One piece of seabass , appropriate amount of ginger, Appropriate amount of green onion, millet The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews pepper, appropriate amount of oil, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of soy sauce.


The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. One piece of seabass, the store has already processed it, you just need to clean it.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. cut some fish maw .

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. The back of the fish is also cut into small pieces to make it easier to steam.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Spread some salt on the surface, put it belly down and back up into a plate, then put a few pieces of ginger slices, boil water in the pot and steam for 10 minutes.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. When the time is up, although the shape is a little deformed, the steamed fish is fully cooked and very tender.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Pour away the steamed fish juice.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Add onion, ginger and chili shreds.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews. Pour into hot oil.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

. Pour in soy sauce.

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews

The weather is too hot and I am too lazy to go to the kitchen. You can try making some steamed vegetables, which are also rich in ingredients, but farther away from the cooking fire. Ingredients: 2 red eggplants, 1 small piece of lean meat, 1 small piece of ginger, 3 cloves of ga - DayDayNews0. Finished product. Fresh and tender.

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