Tomorrow, remember to eat one thing, drink two soups, eat three treasures, adapt to the season, and survive the dog days steadily. The hottest "dog days" of the year are coming, July 16, 2022.

Tomorrow comes, remember to eat one thing, drink two soups, eat three treasures, adapt to the season, and spend the Dog Days steadily

The hottest " Dog Days " of the year is coming, July 16, 2022. This year's Dog Days is special. It is an extended version of the Dog Days, which lasts for forty days. The specific timetable is given below:

Dog Days: July 16th to July 25th, a total of 10 days;

中Voltage: July 26-August 14, a total of 20 days;

Mofu: August 15-August 24, a total of 10 days

In a year, there are 40 days of humid and hot heat, and the heat is The three volts are doubly difficult. Everyone should be mentally prepared for the long dog days of summer, and be fully prepared in terms of life and diet. As the saying goes, eat well and diseases will stay away from you. Today I would like to recommend some good foods to you, which are good for your health and will help you survive the dog days of summer.

Tomorrow comes, remember to eat one thing, drink two soups, and eat three treasures to maintain good health.

Eat one thing when entering Fu: Dumplings

As the old saying goes, "Dumplings are for the first time, noodles are for the second time, and eggs are for the pancakes and eggs for the third time." Therefore, eating dumplings has become a good custom when entering Fu.

Dumplings are delicious and tempting, with both meat and vegetables, and are very nutritious. Eating it during the dog days can help people spend this hot dog days with peace of mind and health.

recommends a delicious way to eat, dumplings stuffed with lotus root and meat. The lotus root in summer is particularly sweet, crispy and tender. When paired with pork belly as a stuffing, it will whet your appetite in one bite.

Method: 1. Wash the lotus root, peel it, chop it and set aside.

2 Rinse the pork belly, remove the skin, then chop it, marinate it, add soy sauce, starch, salt, and pepper

3 Chop the onion and ginger, pour it into the lotus root, add a little salt, it tastes very fresh, mix well

4 Pour the meat filling Add the chopped lotus root, mix evenly, drizzle with two tablespoons of sesame oil and mix well. Roll out or wrap the dumpling wrappers you bought, put them in the pot and cook them.

Enter Fu and drink 1 soup: mutton soup

"A bowl of soup for Fuyang, no prescription required." The mutton soup drank by Futian is also called Fuyang soup.

Eating mutton in the dog days of summer has great health benefits. The "heat" of mutton is used to force out the "cold" hiding in the body, discharge it, protect the yang energy in the body, and allow the body to achieve internal and external balance. Warm the body and dispel cold. "Eating Fuyang in summer will keep you healthy and less likely to get sick."

Recommended way to eat, radish and mutton soup, the most nourishing and delicious.

Method: 1. Wash the purchased mutton, cut it into pieces, blanch it in hot water, remove the blood foam, and set aside.

2 Wash, peel, and cut white radish and set aside.

3 Use a pressure cooker to save time. Add warm water to the pressure cooker, put in the mutton, and add the radish cubes. Turn to high heat.

4 After the steam comes out, continue to press on high heat for 8 minutes. Turn to low heat and press for 5 minutes.

5 After the pressure cooker stops steaming, open the lid and add salt and pepper. , chopped green onion is enough.

Drink 2 soups after entering the morning: mung bean soup

Mung beans are the most delicious beans in summer and are used to make soup. Mung bean soup is a "life-extending artifact" in summer and the best way to relieve summer heat.

Some common sense about mung bean soup, today I will explain it to you:

1 When mung beans are cooked in soup, whether the mung beans bloom or not, it actually tastes better. The difference is that mung beans are more detoxifying when they bloom, and they are better when they don't bloom.

2 Mung bean soup is boiled red. Due to oxidation, it does not affect consumption.

3 You can drink mung bean soup while taking medicine. Its antidote effect is actually very small.

recommends a delicious way to eat, Sanbao Soup. Cooking mung beans, adzuki beans , black beans together in soup can not only nourish the body, but also remove moisture. Complementary nutrition, delicious and healthy.

Method: 1. Soak three kinds of beans in warm water in advance, so that they can bloom during cooking and save time.

2 Use a pressure cooker to stew, saving time.

3 Add water to the pressure cooker and put in the soaked three beans. Press it over high heat.

4 After the steam comes out, press it over high heat for 8 minutes. Then turn to low heat and press for 5 minutes.

5After steaming, open it and add a little rock sugar to make it taste better.

Three treasures to eat:

The first treasure: ginger

If you eat ginger in summer, you don’t need to seek help from a doctor.Ginger is a "magic weapon" to combat the high temperature and heat in summer. Eating it in moderation is very good for the body.

Ginger is spicy. This ingredient can get rid of the cold caused by turning on the air conditioner and eating cold drinks in the hot summer. It can also stimulate appetite and promote digestion.

’s recommended way of eating is ginger-date soup, which can neutralize the spiciness of ginger, is sweet and delicious, and has high nutritional value.

Method: 1. Wash the ginger, retain the skin, cut into shreds, and set aside.

2 Wash the jujubes, core them, slice them and set aside.

3 Add water to the stew pot, add shredded ginger and jujube slices, bring to a boil

4 After boiling, turn to low heat, add brown sugar, simmer

5 until the color turns black and red, and the ingredients are cooked.

Second treasure: watermelon

Watermelon is people’s favorite during the dog days of summer and has the reputation of being the most delicious fruit. It contains a lot of water and is known as a hydrating fruit. It is also a good assistant for relieving the heat in summer.

Although watermelon is good, don’t eat too much every time. Eating too much is not good for the stomach.

Don’t eat too much cold watermelon, as it is very harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

After opening the watermelon, try to eat it as early as possible and do not leave it for too long to prevent bacteria from appearing on it.

Everyone likes to eat watermelon pulp, watermelon rind, and generally throw it away. In fact, watermelon rind is also a good food. It can be eaten cold or stir-fried. It is refreshing, not greasy, and delicious.

Let’s take a look at how to make cold watermelon rind :

1 Peel the watermelon rind, remove only the flesh, and then wash it.

2 Cut into strips and put them on a plate.

3 Prepare the seasonings. Chop the onion, ginger and garlic, and pop them in a pot. Fragrant

4 Pour into the watermelon sticks, add salt, vinegar, chili oil, a little sugar, mix evenly, and that's it.

The third treasure: winter melon

Winter melon is the first melon to replenish water in the dog days of summer. It is the treasure of summer heatstroke prevention and the champion of summer heat relief.

The best way to eat winter melon is to make soup. We recommend a delicious way to eat winter melon, kelp and shrimp soup. It's simple to make, nutritionally balanced, and not too high in calories. Not only can it replenish water, but it can also reduce fat and lose weight.

Method; 1. Boil dried kelp in hot water, wash and slice.

2 Peel the winter melon, wash, cut into thin slices and set aside.

3Put oil in the pot, sauté the onions and ginger, add the winter melon slices, stir-fry, add warm water

4Add kelp, cook over high heat, after boiling, turn to low heat

5Add dried shrimps, simmer until the ingredients are cooked. Before the pot, add salt and pepper.

After reading the above introduction, you can eat some of the above delicacies, keep your body healthy, resist the impact of the heat wave, spend the hot summer healthy, stay cool during the summer, and stay away from diseases.

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