It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment.

2024/07/0210:36:33 international 1620

Is it easy to assassinate the president? Is it easy to assassinate the president with just a gun? It's so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin's own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was even behind him at this moment.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

After taking over Yeltsin's position, Putin began to make drastic changes to Russia's almost rotten ship. However, such transformation would undoubtedly cause dissatisfaction among many people. At that time, the most dissatisfied with Putin was Chechnya When Yeltsin was in power, there was almost nothing they could do against Chechnya. However, when Putin took action, Chechnya suffered heavy losses.

It is precisely because of this that Putin has become a thorn in the flesh of the Chechens . They want to get rid of him quickly. Originally, the Chechen militants thought that this opportunity would be difficult to find, but what they did not expect was that this opportunity would come. Much faster than he thought.

At the beginning of 2000, a Russian politician passed away, but this news made all the killer organizations in the world excited, because the deceased politician was Sobchak, Putin’s mentor. , almost everyone concluded that Putin would definitely attend this funeral. Not long ago, Chechen militants issued a reward. In this reward, the Chechen militants announced in a high-profile manner that if anyone could succeed, If someone takes Putin's life, they will give this person a bonus of 2.5 million US dollars.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

At first, except for some desperadoes, no one cared about the reward. After all, Putin is the president of Russia. If he really took action, he would probably lose his life in spending the money. But then, the Chechen militants once again A supplementary condition was issued, that is, if someone achieves this, not only can they get the bounty, but they can also become their guest. As long as they are in Chechnya, their safety can be completely guaranteed.

Many people are tempted by this condition. Although the risk factor of this bounty is very high, if it is completed, it is almost equal to one can sit back and relax for the rest of his life, and everyone can see clearly that although Chechnya is currently at a disadvantage, But almost all of this is because of Putin. Without Putin, Russia might really be unable to do anything about Chechnya.

So all of a sudden, the world's top killers came to Russia, preparing to implement their own assassination plans. There is no doubt that Putin also knew the news. At that time, people around Putin thought that Putin could not attend his funeral. However, Putin refused to accept anyone's kindness and insisted on attending the funeral because Sobchak meant so much to him. To say, he is not just an ordinary mentor.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that after quitting KGB , Putin worked as a taxi driver for a period of time. It was at this time that Sobchak pulled Putin and re-entered the political arena. He became a politician, and in the following days, Sobchak continued to give Putin guidance. It can be said that if it were not for Sobchak's kindness, Putin would probably be just an unknown taxi driver.

For Putin, Sobchak's kindness is no longer just an ordinary kindness. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a feeling of renewal, and Putin is exactly a person who values ​​friendship. From his attitude towards Yeltsin We can clearly see this in , so for Putin, Sobchak’s funeral must be attended.

But it is not that Putin does not understand the danger of this time and the difficulty of security. This is a funeral, and people from almost all walks of life may participate. It is a mixed bag, and it is almost impossible to screen them one by one, so Putin He said that as long as he was allowed to attend the funeral, all other security plans could be arranged by the security department. Seeing such a determined Putin, the security personnel had to compromise and began to formulate this security plan.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

The day of the funeral soon arrived. People attending the funeral rushed to the venue one after another. However, they were surprised to find that the security of the funeral was quite high. Government security personnel checked every guest present one by one to confirm They could enter the venue without carrying any weapons, and all suspicious items were taken away. Even the photographer's camera had to be disassembled and inspected to make sure there was no problem before it was reinstalled.

In fact, what people don’t know is that just a few days ago, government security personnel had conducted a strict safety inspection of the entire venue to confirm that there was no danger here. If at this time people still don’t know why there is such a If there were strict security measures, everyone would be relieved the moment Putin came in, but there was one person in the crowd who quietly put his hand into his pocket.

The assassin was right behind Putin, but Putin had no idea. At Sobchak’s funeral, when people saw Putin coming here in person, they were not only shocked but also admired. Many people were shocked by the bounty announcement issued by Chechnya. Seeing this, they also knew that Putin was in a very dangerous situation, but he still chose to attend the funeral of his mentor, which was admired by many Russians.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

But in the crowd, there was a person who smiled and reached into his pocket. Yes, he was a killer. In order to sneak into the funeral, he spent a lot of effort and finally got around it. Putin's security team, just when he was about to take action, there was a cry of surprise from the crowd, and the killer couldn't help but look towards the door. With just one glance, he froze.

He couldn't help but rub his eyes. Yes, it was Putin, but the person who just came in was Putin, so who was the last person to come in? What the killer didn't expect was that when he looked at the person in front of him, he found that that person was also Putin. Are there two Putins? The killer hesitated. The two Putins were exactly the same in terms of height, appearance, and even demeanor.

What is going on? Who is Putin? The killer is confused. If he takes action now, there is only a 50% chance at most. However, if he cannot kill with one blow, then what will he face? The killer shudders when he thinks about it. Maybe he has discovered something. The surrounding security guards Personnel quickly surrounded the killer, and in this way, the assassination attempt on Putin was successfully resolved.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

But until the funeral was over and the two Putins left the scene, no one could see any difference between the two people. From this time on, the news that Putin had a stand-in began to spread among the crowd. Of course, perhaps it was thought that Putin would relax his vigilance after this experience, so just a few months later, the second assassination attempt against Putin began.

At that time, Putin had just attended the Yalta Conference , and when he was returning to his residence in his car, a bodyguard discovered something was wrong. In their rearview mirror, there was always a car following them. At first , these bodyguards did not pay attention, after all, no one knew that the passenger in this car was Putin.

But as time passed, they gradually discovered the problem. When they slowed down, the car behind them also slowed down. When their car accelerated, the car behind them also accelerated. This car seemed to be following them. , but the bodyguard is not sure about this situation. After all, the vehicle behind may indeed be a civilian traveling with him.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

To be on the safe side, the bodyguard at that time took out his loudspeaker and shouted to the vehicles behind him, asking them to drive away as soon as possible and leave their convoy. However, after hearing the bodyguard's shouting, the cars behind him not only did not drive away. , instead began to slowly accelerate towards their convoy.

According to later speculation, it is very likely that after the killer saw that he was discovered, he did not think about defeating the enemy. Instead, he wanted to covertly accelerate close to Putin's car and then attack. But how could Putin's bodyguard not have two A brush? He was keenly aware of the car's acceleration. In order to avoid misunderstanding, he shouted to the car behind him a second time, but this time he was just halfway through speaking when the car behind him suddenly accelerated and rushed forward.

and began to shake from side to side. It seemed that he might hit him at any time. There is no doubt that if he did hit him, it would be absolutely fatal. According to the speed of the car at that time, if they succeeded, they would cause huge harm to Putin, but There was almost no good solution at this time. In desperation, a vehicle nearby responsible for protecting Putin suddenly accelerated and then rammed diagonally into the car. At such a high speed, the two vehicles were almost completely broken. The bodyguard was seriously injured, and when the killer was found, he was not breathing. According to speculation, the killer in the car at that time was probably sent by Chechen militants.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

As for the third assassination that Putin suffered, it is likely to be the most thrilling assassination that Putin has ever encountered.

Forty kilograms of explosives were buried on Putin's only route. Once it exploded, the consequences would be disastrous. This was the fourth assassination attempt on Putin. In 2002, a sewer maintenance worker discovered a package of suspicious things in the middle of a sewer during a routine inspection. However, because the package was far away The outlet of the sewer was a bit far away, so the maintenance man couldn't get it out for a while.

Coincidentally, a team of Putin's security personnel came here to check at this time, because Putin's motorcade will pass through here tomorrow. When they heard the maintenance workers' difficulties, they were keenly aware of the danger. Sure enough, after they were careful, When I took out the package, I found that it turned out to be a package of high explosives. If it really exploded here, not to mention Putin's motorcade, this block might be overturned.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

So the road was urgently blocked. The security personnel checked the place inch by inch and found no other problems. However, Putin's motorcade still changed its route the next day. According to the traces on the bomb, The security personnel quickly found the person who planted the bomb. According to their confession, they had been observing Putin here for two years. According to their intelligence, the sewer pipe should not be inspected until a few days later, but they did not expect it. , because of the worker's personal reasons, the inspection time was advanced a few days, which led to the failure of their action. This scares the security personnel just thinking about it.

As for the fourth assassination, it is quite ridiculous to talk about it. At that time, outside the Kremlin Palace, a tall man suddenly rushed past the sentry and forced his way into the Kremlin Palace. Not surprisingly, the man soon He was controlled by the surrounding guards, but until he was pushed to the ground, the man did not beg for mercy. Instead, he said that he was the president of Russia and the master of the Kremlin, and claimed that he wanted to overthrow Putin.

This surprised the surrounding guards. They quickly took the man away from the Kremlin palace because they were worried that it was a suicide bomb. However, after some inspection, the man did not carry any murder weapons, and the man's His true identity is just a mental patient, and this is not the first time he has done this. He was arrested and imprisoned before for driving into an official's mansion and trying to murder the official. This time he just came out, It's really dumbfounding that something like this happened.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

According to Putin’s own account, the most recent assassination was in 2004, when he was going to attend an event. After an experience in 2002, security personnel were extremely careful about possible dangers on Putin’s driving route. Inspections started days in advance, but during each day's inspection, they always found a car.

What makes this car different from other cars is that the windows of this car are opaque and you can’t see anything inside at all. And according to the condition of this car, there should be It was full of things, and such a car had not been moved for several days. They found the owner's information from the license plate number and found that the owner was not in this area. Just when they were about to contact the owner, a new message came out. The information attracted their attention, and the owner of the car reported to the police that his car was lost.

This made the security personnel's hair stand on end, so they began to carefully inspect the car. Although they could not see any abnormalities on the seats and trunk of the car, during their inspection they found that the vehicle The chassis and equipment have been modified and filled with detonators and explosives.

It’s so difficult. Putin survived five assassinations. According to Putin’s own account, he had been assassinated five times, and the most dangerous one was already behind him at this moment. - DayDayNews

Through clues, he quickly locked on the suspect, but after investigation, they did not get any useful clues. This man was a drug addict. At that time, someone found him and asked him to drive the car here as a reward. , he would get a thousand dollars, and he did it for the money. Just when the KGB agent wanted to ask more questions, the addict suddenly died suddenly. The forensic doctor concluded that it was drugs. Overdose.

And this investigation can only be dismissed. Some people say that it is difficult to be the president, and it is even more difficult to be the president of Russia. If it is Putin, it will be even more difficult. Perhaps the five assassinations that Putin himself told are just What we can see is the tip of the iceberg. After all, with such an excellent president, how could Western countries miss such a small trick?

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