Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti

2024/07/0209:38:32 food 1621

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make fillings that are delicious and not greasy, and also cool and relieve the heat.

Today is the day when the weather is extremely hot. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appetite. If you don’t eat well, it will be good for you. There will be effects on the body. In the north, there is a custom of eating dumplings when entering the ambush. My family makes dumplings every year at this time. As soon as I eat them, I feel energetic and go into the ambush smoothly.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

What fillings are good for making dumplings? Now that it is summer, it is naturally better to use seasonal vegetables. Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy, and it is also refreshing and refreshing. It is delicious! This dish refers to cucumbers. Have you ever eaten dumplings stuffed with cucumbers?

Cucumber is crispy, sweet, refreshing and fragrant. It has a unique taste when used as stuffing. Moreover, cucumber is cool and has the effect of relieving heat and relieving heat. It is suitable for eating in the hot weather. It is perfect to make dumplings with cucumber.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

When it comes to making dumplings, they are obviously made of the same ingredients, but some people make them delicious and some don't. If you often don't make them well, it's probably because you made a mistake in mixing the fillings.

When making dumplings and adjusting the fillings, one thing needs to be clarified: should you put salt or oil first? If the order is wrong, the difference will be huge. Remember the correct order and the dumplings will be tender and juicy.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

Come and see how to make it, learn how to make it and give it to your family to try, so that your family can eat happily and spend the summer smoothly.

How to make cucumber stuffed dumplings:

Knead the dough first. If you want the dumplings to be delicious, it is recommended that you mix the dough and roll the wrappers yourself instead of buying ready-made dumpling wrappers. There are also some tips for kneading noodles that you can follow.

Add a small spoonful of salt and an egg white to the flour. If you don’t mind the color of the dumpling skin, you can also add an egg directly, stir evenly and then add water in batches.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

Stir into a relatively moist dough and knead it into a dough. Don't use too much force at first, just clump the dough together, then cover it and let it sit for ten minutes.

After the time is up, knead repeatedly until it becomes a very smooth dough, then cover it and let it rest for at least half an hour.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

Next, you can adjust the filling. When adjusting the filling, adjust the meat filling first, then add the cucumber after the meat filling is ready. It is important not to put the meat filling and cucumber together at the same time to adjust the filling.

Scrub the cucumber clean, grate it into thin strips with a grater, add a little salt, stir, and marinate for ten minutes.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

Chop the pork into minced meat, preferably in small particles. Add ginger, salt, pepper, light soy sauce, and chicken essence and stir evenly. Add a little water and stir. When it becomes sticky, add chopped green onion and pour in a little hot oil. , stir evenly again.

After the cucumbers are pickled, put them into gauze, squeeze out the water, chop them into small pieces, pour them into the meat filling and mix evenly, so that the cucumber and pork filling is ready.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

The dough is almost awake. Take it out without kneading it and divide it directly into small portions. Take one portion and roll it into a long strip. Cut it into small pieces. Sprinkle with dry flour and mix evenly. Then flatten it into a dumpling wrapper. It must be thick in the middle. Thin edges.

After rolling out, wrap the dumplings, put boiling water into the pot and cook the dumplings. They can be eaten with dipping sauce. You can also add salt, light soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, coriander and other ingredients to the bowl to make sour soup dumplings. You can also steam the dumplings and eat them any way you want.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

If you like to eat vegetarian stuffing, you can replace the meat with eggs. The filling will be easier. Kill the cucumbers and put them together with the chopped eggs. Add salt, oyster sauce, chicken essence, and sesame oil and mix well. You can also add dried shrimps or Shrimp , adjust according to your own preferences.

In short, eating cucumber stuffing is refreshing and refreshing in summer, so don’t miss it.

Introduction: Make dumplings with leeks and celery aside. Use this vegetable to make stuffing that is delicious and not greasy. It also cools you down and relieves the heat. The weather is extremely hot today. You need to make more adjustments in your diet to avoid loss of appeti - DayDayNews

Have you learned everything about making dumplings and adjusting the fillings? You should add salt first and then add oil. Follow this order and the filling will be more delicious, tender and juicy. Try it now and make it for your family to try. That’s it for my sharing. If you like me, please follow me.

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