As long as you master the ratio, the cold lotus root slices can be successful at one time

Lotus root is a very good ingredient, affordable, crispy taste, and rich in nutrients. It is very suitable whether it is fried or stewed. I share with you a piece of cold lotus root slices , which tastes good too.

By Muyi Cuiyan


  • lotus root 350g
  • broccoli 80g
  • black fungus 60g
  • a large spoonful of garlic
  • li12li
  • two green onions
  • light soy sauce 25 grams
  • rice vinegar 20 grams
  • oil one spoon
  • sugar a little bit



1. Prepare ingredients,

Cut the broccoli into small pieces and set aside.

2. Mince garlic, salt, a little sugar, diced chili and chopped green onion, all put in a bowl, and then add chili powder for later use.

3. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, boil, add a little salt, pour in broccoli and black fungus, cook, remove and drain the water for later use.

4. Put the picked broccoli and black fungus on a plate for later use.

5. Pour in the lotus root slices, add a little white vinegar, cook and remove, soak in cold water for a while.

6. Take out the soaked lotus root slices and set aside.

7. Pour the prepared seasonings, pour the light soy sauce and vinegar and stir evenly for later use

8. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot and cook until 80% hot, pour into the seasoning and stir

9. Pour immediately Into the bowl

10. A refreshing and delicious home-cooked dish is completed happily ✅


Pour a little white vinegar when you cook the lotus root slices,The cooked lotus root slices are not easy to turn black, and they are urged to eat. I like to eat spicy pepper oil and chili oil.

The nutritional effect of lotus root

lotus root, sweet in taste, cold in nature; Guixin, spleen, stomach, liver, lung meridian. To clear away heat and produce fluid; cool blood; disperse blood stasis; stop bleeding. Main fever and polydipsia; vomiting; bleeding.

1. Strengthen the gastric mucosa

Vitamin C and protein work together, can combine with various cells, promote the production of collagen, and play a role in strengthening the gastric mucosa.

2. Prevent anemia

Prevent anemia and assist the movement of the liver.

3. Improve gastrointestinal

Tannin has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects, and improves gastrointestinal fatigue. Lotus root also has a carbohydrate protein containing mucin , which can promote the digestion of protein and fat, so it can reduce the burden on the stomach.

4. Hemostasis

Lotus root has a certain effect on thrombocytopenia and purpura. It is also effective for bleeding caused by blood heat . In addition, lotus root powder regulates and nourishes the spleen and kidney, nourishes the kidney and liver, and nourishes the marrow and blood.

The dietary contraindications of lotus root

Do not use ironware when cooking lotus root, so as not to cause food to turn black.

Due to the cool lotus root, mothers should not eat it too early. Generally, eating lotus root after 1-2 weeks after childbirth can eliminate silt, about 200 grams per meal.

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